1.He depends both on divine authority and people s remarks,and regards his father s death and his mother re-marriage as scandals.实际上,哈姆莱特的忧郁、延宕,主要是以指责他人和自我谴责作为鲜明的表现形态,并以应该如此的强迫症特征,对神圣权威、人言舆论的双重依赖,将父王之死、母后再嫁视为一种丑闻,并因宫廷具有放大丑闻效应导致的羞耻感,构成了其忧郁、延宕的神经症人格心理根源。
2.Facing the most serious crisis in the Olympic history onginating trom a series of bribery scandals in the course of the application for hosting Olympic Winter Games by Salt Lake City, USA, the Intrmational Olympic Committee was confronted with strong appeals for a effective reform inside the Committee .美国盐湖城申办冬奥会过程中的一系列受贿丑闻,引发了当代奥林匹克运动史上最严重的一场危机,国际奥委会面临着内部改革的强大呼声。
3.Because of the competition,however,problems and scandals frequently occur in this industry.激烈的竞争,导致美国学生贷款业中的问题行为与丑闻频出。

1.Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.丑闻玷污了官员的声望
2.The newspapers love to dig up scandals报纸喜欢揭露丑闻
3.The scandal broke him, ie ruined his reputation and destroyed his self-confidence.这一丑闻把他毁了.
4.They have moused out a scandal.他们已打探出一件丑闻
5.The scandal obliged the minister to resign.这一丑闻迫使部长辞职。
6.He is involved in the scandal.他卷进了那个丑闻
7.The mayor insisted that he had nothing to do with the scandal.市长坚持他与丑闻无关。
8.a newsworthy story, scandal, etc值得报道的事、 丑闻等.
9.The scandal was blazed abroad.这桩丑闻被张扬出去了。
10.The scandal tarnished his reputation.丑闻败坏了他的名誉。
11.evidence that involved the governor in the scandal.州长牵连进丑闻的证据
12.He got entangled in the scandal.他被卷入了这件丑闻中。
13.Activity of a muck-raker搜集并张扬丑闻的活动
14.The scandal forced the company to clean house.丑闻迫使公司清理门户
15.sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal.对丑闻的耸人听闻的报刊报道
16.That hatchet man release rumor of a sex scandal to the press那个撰文者把桃色丑闻泄露给新闻界
17.Fleet Street loves a good scandal.新闻界热衷于轰动性的丑闻.
18.That hatchet man released rumors of a sex scandal to the press.那个撰文者把桃色丑闻泄露给新闻界。

Sex Scandals性丑闻
3)Corporate Scandal公司丑闻
4)accounting scandal会计丑闻
1.In recent years a series of accounting scandals have arisen both at home and abroad.近年来,国内外证券市场中出现的一系列会计丑闻,使注册会计师违规应承担的法律责任问题再次成为大家关注的话题,对此,许多学者进行了有益的探讨,但都仅仅限于相关法律法规对注册会计师法律责任如何规定上,对如何有效遏制注册会计师违规仍极少研究。
5)economic scandal经济丑闻
1.An analysis is given to the problem of credit and credit mechanism laying bare in American corporate governance during economic scandals.剖析了经济丑闻中美国公司治理暴露的信用与信用机制问题,揭示了经济丑闻后美国公司治理中信用机制重建的理念基础及相应的制度安排。
6)financial scandals财务丑闻
1.The continuous exposing of the financial scandals of the companies in the stock market have showed the major problems of the American companies in management.上市公司接连出现财务丑闻 ,暴露了美国公司治理结构中存在着重大缺陷。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-