1.Research on Marketing Strategy of PICC Dalian Branch;人保财险大连分公司市场营销策略研究
2.The key of increasing the core competitive advantage of PICC is R&D by the Value Chain Theory.本论文运用价值链理论对中国人保财险业务经营环节进行了具体分析,以期探求人保财险竞争优势的源泉,以及持续竞争优势的获取。

1.Research on Marketing Strategy of PICC Dalian Branch;人保财险大连分公司市场营销策略研究
2.The Research on Competitive Strategy of PICC Property and Casualty Limited Shandong Branch;中国人保财险山东省分公司竞争战略研究
3.The Study of Development Strategy of PICC Liaoning Branch;中国人保财险辽宁省分公司发展战略研究
4.Market Analyzing and Marketing Strategy of PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited Lvliang Branch人保财险吕梁分公司市场营销策略分析
5.A Brief Analysis of Distinction between Property Insurance and Life Insurance in China;浅析我国财产保险与人身保险的区别
6.policy holder, the insured, or the beneficiary intentionally create an insurance incident with property loss to deceive insurance money;投保人、被保险人故意造成财产损失的保险事故,骗取保险金的;
7.Generali China Insurance Company Limited provides a broad array of property and casualty products to businesses and individuals.中意财险将向企业和个人提供一系列财产保险,责任保险,意外伤害保险和短期健康保险产品。
8.An insurer shall not concurrently engage in business of both property insurance and insurance of persons.同一保险人不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务。
9.Answer relatively and the right of the underwriter with safe belongings and insurant and obligation coexist.财产保险的保险人与被保险人的权利和义务是相对应而共存的。
10.Instruct your insurance agent to transfer property, fire, and auto insurance.通知保险代理人以转移财产、火灾和汽车保险。
12.Research on the Function of Investment-linked Life Insurance in Personal Financing;投资型保险在个人理财中的作用研究
13.Superficial Analyses on Moral Risks of Business Insurance in Individual Financing Design;浅析商业保险个人理财规划中的道德风险
14.Goose seedlings have handles the insurance, the insurer is the China some property insurance limited liability company subsidiary company.鹅苗已办理保险,承保人是中国某财产保险股份有限公司分公司。
15.Insurant, be with its belongings, life or the body serves as insurance mark, the person that is ensured by insurance contract.被保险人,是以其财产、生命或者身体作为保险标的,受到保险合同保障的人。
16.Article250 Where the insurer has accepted the abandonment, all rights and obligations relating to the property abandoned are transferred to the insurer.第二百五十条保险人接受委付的,被保险人对委付财产的全部权利和义务转移给保险人。
17.The Design and Research of PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited E-commerce Platform;中国人民财产保险(PICC)电子商务平台设计与研究
18.The Research about Interior Finance Control of China Life Insurance Company Limited Zibo Branch;中国人寿保险淄博分公司内部财务控制研究

Applicability of Beneficiary in Property Insurance Contract财产保险受益人
3)personal property insurance个人财产保险
4)property insurance财产保险
1.Application of meteorological information on property insurance management;气象信息在财产保险经营中的应用
2.Identification and assessment of fire hazards in property insurance;财产保险中火灾危险源的辨识与评价
3.Definition of Insurable Interest in Property Insurance——Deficiency and Improvement of Article 12 in Insure Law;财产保险中保险利益的认定——兼论《保险法》第12条的缺陷及其完善
5)property and casualty insurance财产保险
1.The claim payment capacity of Chinese property and casualty insurance industry for catastrophe risks中国财产保险业巨灾损失赔付能力实证研究
2.The inner relationship between property and casualty insurance and national economy is always an important theoretic problem.财产保险与国民经济之间存在何种内在联系一直是理论界探索的重要问题。
3.According to the experience of major insurance markets worldWide,property and casualty insurance development in bancassurance channel is diffierent from that of life insurance to a large extent.国内外主要保险市场的发展经验显示,财产保险和人寿保险在银行保险领域的发展有较大的差异,财产保险公司无法完全复制人寿保险公司在银行保险领域所取得的成功。
6)insurance finance保险财务
