1.The Empirical Analysis of Inter-industry Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment in Manufacturing Sector of China;我国制造业FDI行业间技术溢出效应研究
2.As the empirical studies have failed to find robust empirical results about the possibility of positive FDI intra-industry spillover effects, the researchers put their eyes on the forward and backward industry in the host country, they found that with the inflow of the foreign investment, the inter-industry firms improved their production efficiency or management level, i.在学术界,在FDI行业内溢出效应的经验研究无法得到显著统一的结论后,学者们把目标放在了东道国的上下游行业,他们发现由于跨国公司的进入,这些行业企业提高了自身的生产效率或者管理水平,即出现了行业间技术溢出效应。
3.Based on the background of globalization,this paper examines the inter-industry spillover effects from FDI in the second industry in Shandong province,employing panel data and a modified model allowing for lagged effects.FDI行业间溢出效应的实证研究刚刚起步,国内研究更是屈指可数。
2)different lines行业之间
1.In recent years,inhabitant income distribution distance have been increased in China,mainly exist between rural and urban areas,different regions,different lines.现阶段我国居民的收入分配差距呈现出不断扩大的总体趋势,具体表现在城乡之间、地区之间、行业之间。

1.the equilibrium of heavy industry, light industry and agriculture;重工业、轻工业和农业的平衡以及工业内部各行业之间的平衡;
2.The difference among different cultural trades is virtually the centralized reflexion of their characteristics.文化行业之间的差异正是不同文化行业特征的集中反映。
3.Things will go much Better if people of the same trade make up the other's deficiency from their own surplus.同行业之间互通有无,调剂余缺,事情就好办得多了。
4.by which I mean the trend towards the adjustment or removal of barriers between different types of financial services.也就是说不同金融服务行业之间壁垒的调整和消除。
5.account payable interline同行业单位之间应付帐款
6.Analysis on Credit Risk Game between Banks and Enterprises;银行与企业之间信用风险的博弈分析
7.In the last century there was a great social difference between business and profession.在上个世纪,行业和职业之间有很大的社会差异。
8.A match fought between professional boxers for money.职业拳击赛职业拳击手之间为金钱进行的比赛
9.Construction of Enterprise Executing Ability: Study on Game Equilibrium between Managers and Executors;构建企业执行力-企业管理者与执行者之间的博弈均衡研究
10.Society face a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.在短期内社会总会在通涨与失业之间进行权衡。
11.Coordinate and liaison among the members of Mazda Division.在马自达事业部的成员之间进行协调和联络。
12.the perennial dilemma between getting on at work and fulfilling family commitments事业成功与履行家庭义务之间长期存在的矛盾
13.The Transmission of Shocks between Industry Indices in Chinese Stock Market;我国股市行业指数之间的冲击传导研究
14.Effect of interactive relationship of action bodies in intrafirm on firms innovative practices;企业内部行为主体之间的互动关系与创新
15.Agriculture is linked to industry through rural expenditure on manufactures.农业与工业之间的联系是通过农村对制成品的消费来进行的。
16.Empirical Research on the Relation among the Meta-competence Industry Competences and Performance of Manufacturing Managers;制造业管理者元胜任力与行业胜任力和绩效之间关系的实证研究
17."in determining what is a reasonable time, regard shall be had to the nature of the instrument, the usage of trade and of bankers, and the facts of the particular case;"至于何谓合理时间,应视乎票据之性质、该行业及银行之交易惯例及个别实情而决定;
18.A custom popular among the Greeks.希腊人之间盛行的风俗

different lines行业之间
1.In recent years,inhabitant income distribution distance have been increased in China,mainly exist between rural and urban areas,different regions,different lines.现阶段我国居民的收入分配差距呈现出不断扩大的总体趋势,具体表现在城乡之间、地区之间、行业之间。
3)sector indexes returns行业间回报
4)inter-industry spillovers行业间溢出
1.One reason for such results is that inter-industry spillovers are neglected.对此,以往的研究常常忽略行业间溢出。
5)pedestrian business space步行商业空间
1.The implementation of the pedestrian business space for Nanping Street is an active exploration and practice in the design of urban public space in terms of the biological needs and spiritual needs of people.遵循以人为本的原则,南屏街步行商业空间设计从人的物质需求和精神需求两个方面,对城市公共空间的设计进行了积极的探索和实践。
6)Bank Intermediate Business银行中间业务
1.A Realization Strategy for Integration of Bank Intermediate Business System;一种银行中间业务系统集成的实现策略

间苯二甲酰氯与间苯二甲酰胺的聚合物CAS:25765-47-3分子式:(C8H4Cl2O2·C6H8N2)x中文名称:间苯二甲酰氯与间苯二甲酰胺的聚合物 聚(N,N'-(1,3-亚苯基)间苯二酰胺)英文名称:1,3-Benzenedicarbonyl dichloride, polymer with 1,3-benzenediamine;poly(n,n'-(1,3-phenylene)isophthalamide);1,3-Benzenedicarbonyl dichloride,polymer with 1,3-benzenediamine