2)manhole pipe forging人孔锻件
3)human error events人因事件
1.Analysis for human error initiating event (category B human error events), as an important part of HRA, were not ever formally reported. 描述了B类人因事件的定义和分类,建立了B类人因事件分析基本程序和方法,该方法已在国内某核电厂最近的HRA分析中得到应用。

1.QINSHAN PHASE Ⅲ Human Factor Event Analysis and Countermeasure Research;秦山三期核电站人因事件分析和对策研究
2.Research on Human Factor Analysis Model of Accident/Incident;航空人为因素事故/事件分析模型研究
3.a strike caused by the dismissal of two workers因解雇两名工人而引起的罢工事件
4.The work was overwhelming, all the more so because the processes that it involved could not be called by their true names.工作吓人,尤其是因为这件事不能明说。
5.Don't be afraid of doing it because so-and-so may laugh at you.不要因怕某人笑话你而害怕做那件事。
6.The whole of his unpopularity had its foundation in that one thing--the thing that made so much noise."他人缘不好,都是因为那一件事--就是闹得沸沸扬扬的那一件事。"
7.Some people are rather proud of being ignorant of such an important matter有些人因不知道如此重要的一件事而颇感自豪
9.He did it partly because he was edged on by those people.他干这件事部分原因是由于受到那些人的唆使。
10.I can' t see the visitors right now. I have an urgent matter to attend to.现在我不能接见客人,因为我有一件急事要办。
11.Diversity in Determining "Causing Death due to Escaping" Cases in Crimes of Causing Traffic Casualties论交通肇事“因逃逸致人死亡”案件定性的多样性
12.Some people are rather proud of being ignorant of such an important matter.有些人因不知道如此重要的一件事而颇感自豪。
13.The Study of the Mechanism and Control Methods of ATC Unsafe Events Concerning Humen Factors;空管人因不安全事件发生机理与控制方法研究
14.A Preliminary Study on Model of Factors influencing Travellers Attendance in Large Sport Events;游客参与人型体育事件影响因素关系模型初探
15.Absolute Freedom and Its Fate": Causes of Zhou Zuoren s Surrender;“自由至上主义”及其命运:周作人附敌事件之成因
16.This is also why education is highly desirable, since it usually expands your career options.接受教育训练是件好事,原因是这样做能扩增个人事业生涯选项。
17.Study of Performance Shaping Factors on Human Factor s Quality Accident in Automotive Electronic Components Assembly Process;汽车电子零部件组装过程人因质量事故中的行为形成因子的研究
18.a preceding occurrence or cause or event.在一个事件之前发生的事件或原因。

manhole pipe forging人孔锻件
3)human error events人因事件
1.Analysis for human error initiating event (category B human error events), as an important part of HRA, were not ever formally reported. 描述了B类人因事件的定义和分类,建立了B类人因事件分析基本程序和方法,该方法已在国内某核电厂最近的HRA分析中得到应用。
4)software talents软件人才
1.Along with the fast development in the software industry,the software talents have become the important strategy resource.随着软件行业的快速发展,软件人才已经成为该行业重要的战略资源。
2.To train software talents,we must establish a kind of training system that pays great attention not only to their educational background,but also to their capability.在软件人才培养过程中,必须建立一个既注重学历更注重能力的培养体制。
3.Software industry rapid development in Dalian makes Dalian become national software industrial and import and export base,and with it fast growing,demand for software talents becomes bigger.随着大连软件产业的飞速发展,软件人才的需求也日益增长。
1.Architecture of SoftMan and SoftMan Network Platform;软件人的体系结构及其网络平台
2.Formal Model for SoftMan Group Using the π-Calculus;基于π演算的软件人群体形式化建模
3.Cooperation Model of Intelligent Intrusion Prevention Based on Multi-SoftMan;基于群体“软件人”的智能入侵防御协作模型
6)artificial specimen人工试件
