1.Analysis on the Form Preparation for the Stupa in Song Mountain Temple from the View of Royalty Religion Activities in Northern Wei Dynasty;从北魏皇室佛教活动看嵩岳寺塔的形制准备

1.the Lord S - of the Household[英]皇室内务大臣
2.He is directly descended from royalty.他是皇室的直系后裔。
3.she is related lineally to the Royal Family.她是皇室的直系亲属。
4.the news value of a royal romance皇室春情的新闻价值.
5.(Great Britain) land that belongs to the Crown.(英)属于英皇室的土地。
6.The court will go into mourning for the late king.皇室将为故王服丧。
7.the British royal family since 1917.从1917开始的英国的皇室
8.The Royal Court just literally walked away from Angkor completely.皇室完全地离开了吴哥。
9.His family were descended from kings.他的家族乃皇室的后裔。
10.She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室後裔.
11.privy purse[英](王室的)私财, 内库;(=keeper英国皇室司库
12.Imperial Center·Negation of War·Shinto:On the Yoshida Shigeru s Conception of Imperial History;皇室·反战·神道:吉田茂的皇国史观研究(下)
13.Imperial Center·Negation of War·Shinto:On the Study of Yoshida Shigeru s Conception of Imperial History;皇室·反战·神道:吉田茂的皇国史观研究(上)
14.Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family.“说出俄帝国皇室成员的名字。”
15.The royal court wants Balhae's royal family to cooperate.朝廷想要高丽皇室成员臣服于我们
16.Servants in the Royal Household are held to a strict code of protocol.皇室的仆人要遵守严格的礼仪规则。
17.Khvarenah, in the Persian Empire, came to mean a specifically royal glory.在波斯帝国里,意思是特定的皇室荣耀。
18.the county courts of England (replaced in 1971 by crown courts).英格兰的郡庭(在1971年被皇室法庭代替)。

imperial family皇室
1.Luoyang Buddhism s revival is closely related to the Northern Wei Dynasty imperial family in the Northern Wei Dynasty.北魏洛阳佛教的复兴与北魏皇室的扶持密切相关,皇室在经济、政治、人员参与等方面的积极扶持是其得以复兴的根本所在。
2.This text is an investigation on Mongolian imperial family s marriage from history, ethnology within the limit of the empire period.本文以蒙古帝国时期为限,从历史学、民族学的角度对帝国时期之蒙古皇室通婚进行了探究,主要分四章来论述:第一章是概述部分,主要是将见于史籍的帝国时期皇室成员的婚姻状况进行总结,并对史籍记载的分歧之处进行综合考证,以明晰这一时期蒙古皇室的通婚情况。
3)royal family皇室
1.Collection by the royal family was a major component in the official collection of books.皇室藏书是宋代官方藏书的重要组成部分。
4)an imperial household皇室;王室
5)Royal Sports皇室体育
6)Qing royalty清代皇室

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