纠正性反馈,corrective feedback
1)corrective feedback纠正性反馈
1.Based on the analysis of a questionnaire on teachers and learners perception of the corrective feedback at classroom language teaching,this article aims to find out their differences and similarities in viewing corrective feedback and different feedback types.采用问卷形式调查了教师与学生对课堂语言教学中纠正性反馈的看法,旨在发现两者对反馈以及不同反馈方式的态度有何差异;了解学生对纠正性反馈的接受程度以及对不同反馈方式的偏好,为教师进行有效的反馈提供参考和依据,在反馈过程中做到有的放矢。
2.The study of corrective feedback in classrooms has been a hot point in the field of SLA in the recent decades.近二十年来,课堂纠正性反馈是二语习得研究领域的一个热门话题。
3.This paper presents a study of corrective feedback and learner uptake in ten TCSL classrooms at the beginners and intermediate levels.纠正性反馈(corrective feedback)也称为偏误纠正(error correction),它不仅在二语习得的研究中占据着重要的地位,也是教师们在课堂上经常遇到的问题。

1.An Investigation into Teachers and Learners Perceptions of the Corrective Feedback;关于师生对纠正性反馈的态度的调查
2.Corrective Feedback and Focus-on-Form in Synchronous CMC实时CMC中的纠正性反馈与形式聚焦
3.Effect of Corrective Feedback on EFL Learners' Oral Errors in CLT Classrooms交际法英语教学中口语纠正反馈的实效性
4.On the Role of Corrective Feedback on EFL Learners Oral Errors in CLT Classrooms;对学生英语口语错误的纠正反馈在CLT课堂的重要性再现
5.The Study on the Effects of Oral Corrective Feedbacks in the Interaction of Analytic FLT Classroom;分析性外语课堂互动中口头纠正反馈作用的研究
6.An Investigation on the Attitude and Preference to Corrective Feedback on EFL Learners'Oral Errors in CLT ClassroomsCLT课堂口语纠正反馈的态度和偏好调查
7.Implicit and Explicit Corrective Feedback and Past Tense Acquisition;隐性和显性纠错反馈与过去时态的习得研究
8.A Review of Written Corrective Feedback Research on L2 Learners Writing Errors Abroad;国外二语学习者作文书面纠错性反馈研究
9.Teacher Corrective Feedback and Student Uptake in EFL Classroom Interaction英语课堂教师纠错性反馈与学生回应研究
10.A Corpus-Based Study of Teachers Corrective Feedback in English Classroom Interaction;不同水平英语教学中的教师纠正反馈语——一项基于语料库的研究
11.A Study on Teachers' Corrective Feedback and Learners' Uptake in English Classroom Interaction英语课堂互动中教师纠正反馈语和学生回应的研究
12.Research of Residual Frequency Offset Correction Based on the Mean Square Error Short-Term Feedback Algorithm and Decision of the Threshold均方误差短时反馈算法的残余频偏纠正及阈值选取的研究
13.Study on Performance of Feedback Jet-oscillator and Application;正反馈式射流振荡器性能研究及应用
14.Linguistic errors in classroom conversations of primary school,corrective feedback and modified comprehensive output;小学英语课堂会话中的语言错误、纠正反馈语和修正后的可理解输出
15.Corrective Feedback in College English Writing Class大学英语写作教学中的纠错反馈研究
16.Effect of Corrective Feedback on the Writing Level of the University Students修正性反馈对中国大学生写作的有效性研究
17.An Experimental Study on the Teacher s Corrective Feedback Against Grammatical Fossilization in Written Productions of College Students;教师纠正反馈对大学生英语书面语作文中基本语法项目石化的化解:一项实验研究
18.A Contrastive Study of Native English Teachers and Chinese English Majors Perceptions of Corrective Feedback in Oral English Class;外籍教师与中国英语专业学生对口语课堂中纠正式反馈的对比研究

corrective feedback纠正反馈
1.This article investigates the role of corrective feedback from teachers on EFL learners oral errors in CLT classrooms.本研究先通过访谈、问卷调查了教师和学生对纠正反馈的态度和偏好,再运用听课记录分析了教师对学生错误纠正的频率,以及纠正反馈所产生的作用。
2.The effect of corrective feedback has been a focus on the research of FLT,but it is mostly confined to oral class.纠正反馈的作用一直是外语课堂研究的一个热点,但大多局限在口语课上,而对分析性外语课堂的研究较少。
3.Against this background of "interesting times" for explanations of interlanguage fossilization phenomenon, this thesis reports an experimental study, which, taking teacher s corrective feedback as an intervention tool, to examine its effects on defo.统计结果表明教师纠正反馈有助于学生克服那些常见的语法项目的石化现象,并提高了学生正确使用语法项目的自觉性。
3)corrective feedback纠正反馈语
1.Linguistic errors in classroom conversations of primary school,corrective feedback and modified comprehensive output;小学英语课堂会话中的语言错误、纠正反馈语和修正后的可理解输出
2.Teachers corrective feedback is an integral part in second language teaching.教师纠正反馈语是第二语言教学中的一个重要部分。
3.The influence of corrective feedback on language acquisition has always been an interesting topic among SLA classroom researchers, language teachers and language students.过去二十多年的实证研究证明,纠正反馈语在第二语言习得中起着积极的、正面的作用。
4)implicit corrective feedback隐性纠错反馈
5)explicit corrective feedback显性纠错反馈
6)corrective feedback纠错反馈
1.A brief comment on the patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom;简说成人第二语言课堂上几种纠错反馈和领会模式
2.This thesis only studies one aspect of feedback— teacher s corrective feedback and learner s uptake during the process of correction in language classrooms.在课堂纠错的过程中,教师的纠错反馈和其后的学生回应也可视为一种意义协商,它是帮助学生发展语言能力的有效。
3.Cognitive and psychological perspectives on language learning have boosted corrective feedback (CF) up to a vital link related to noticing and uptake.近年来,从认知和心理角度对语言学习进行的研究推动了学界对纠错反馈的研究进一步向纵深发展。

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。