话语方式,mode of discourse
1)mode of discourse话语方式
1.The stylistic features are analyzed from the three situational variables of register-field of discourse,tenor of discourse and mode of discourse in an attempt to explore the application of stylistic analysis in the teaching practices of integrated course of college English.主要基于功能文体学的研究模式,按决定语域的三个情景变项-话语范围、话语方式和话语基调,从语音、词汇语法和篇章三层次,主要从词汇语法层分析《大学英语》(全新版)综合教程中语言变体的文体特征,阐明文体分析在大学英语综合课教学中的应用。
2.Such a mode of discourse resulted from both his individual identity and national cultural identity.斌椿诗文中的"中国化"审美记述和自我英雄主义的展示,构成了斌椿记述西方的话语方式

1.Zero Emotion: A New Discourse Type-Not for Discourse Goal but for Realistic Literature;零度情感:新写实的话语方式而非话语目的
2.Displacement and Speechlessness: A Contextual Study of Confucian Classics and the Discursive Style of Versed-Prose of Han Dynasty;错位与“失语”——经学语境与汉大赋的话语方式
3.On the Discourse and Thought of Qian Zhong-shu on the Classical Style and the Vernacular;从文言、白话看钱学的话语方式和思维特征
4.Recounting about Life and Death--On the Expressive Way of Words in Xiao Hong’s Works;生死的述说——论萧红作品的话语方式
5.The paper concludes by arguing that conversation strategy mirrors the difference in conversation style which can be explained in terms of culture, gender and context.话语策略体现出话语风格和话语方式的差异,并可从文化、别和语境等方面作多种解释。
6.In the aspect of language philosophy, image is a kind of metaphorical discourse.在语言哲学层面,意象是一种隐喻的话语方式
7.On the Representative Spoken Language Style of the New Female Novels--Individualized and Private Writing;谈新女性小说代表性的话语方式——私语化写作
8.Anti-grand and Ridicule Speech--Deconstruction of Discourse in Wang Xiao bo′s Literary Essays;“反堂皇”的调侃语言——王小波杂文话语方式解构
9.Problems and Countermeasures: Thin king on the Transforming of Pedagogy Language;问题与对策:试论教育学话语方式的改造
10.a conversational tone, manner, etc会话语调、 方式等.
11.Mixed Discourse:An Important Pattern of Modern Chinese Poetics Discourse;“杂语”:现代汉语诗学话语的重要方式
12.The Conspiratorial Discourse:An Important Pattern of Modern Chinese Poetics Discourse;合谋话语:现代汉语诗学话语的重要方式
13.Debate as an Important Means of Discourse of Literary Theory in Modern Chinese;论辩:现代汉语文论话语的重要方式
14.(of a remark or sb's manner of speaking)expressed in few words;curt(指言语或说话方式)简短的,唐突无礼的
15.The Expressing Methods about the Approximate Number (Quantity)in Yifeng Dialect;赣语宜丰话"约数(量)"的表示方式
16.Speech Presentation in Fiction and its Translation;小说中人物话语的表达方式及其翻译
17.A Study of Speech and Thought Presentation in Vanity Fair《名利场》话语和思想表达方式之研究
18.Compare on Language Thought Pattern and Chinese-Western Context & Conversation Style;语言思维差异与中西语境会话方式之比较

1.It is a comprehensive combination of the three parameters: field of discourse, mode of discourse and tenor of discourse.语域是语言在实际使用过程中人们为达到某一特定交际目的而产生的一种语言功能变体,它是三种参数——话语范围、话语方式和话语体式——的综合体现。
2.In the register of cosmetic advertising texts, variations of field, tenor and mode represent the choice 14of ideational meaning, interpersonal meaning and textual meaning, and therefore, are realized through the transitivity, mood, theme structure, cohesion, and discourse pattern, etc.在化妆品广告语域中,话语范围、话语基调和话语方式的变化主要表现在对概念意义、人际意义和成篇意义的不同选择上,主要通过及物关系、语气、主位结构、衔接手段及语篇模式来实现。
3.The Discourse in Modern Chinese Poetics(1917-1937);本论文从话语主体、话语方式、话语文本、话语理路等四个方面展开论述,并相应地形成四个主要部分。
1.This text studies the form and content,literary style and ideology comprehensively,trying to explain discourse of Wang Xiao-bo′s literary essays,makes a detailed interpretation for his ridicule.通过形式与内容、文体与思想相结合的整合性的研究,对王小波杂文的话语方式进行了尝试性的探索,对其善用的"调侃"语言进行了详尽的解析。
4)speech style话语方式
1.Its unique speech style has affected the whole modern and contemporary pr.五四散文特有话语方式已经影响了整个现当代散文创作。
2.But these two speech styles were not in an opposite relationship absolutely.反映话语主体复杂心态和两难选择的个性话语与族性话语方式,并非处于纯粹二元对立的关系之中,族性话语仍然体现出鲜明的个性特征,个性话语则嵌入了大量族性话语的因素。
5)tulking ways for "Leisure words"闲话"话语方式
6)speech methods话语言说方式

油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas field  a垃d gas月e卫d) 、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl