《新编大学英语》,New College English
1)New College English《新编大学英语》
1.On the Transfer of Cohesion Devices in the Translation of New College English;《新编大学英语》译文衔接手段的转换
2.Analyzing the new requirements for English teachers through the characteristics of New College English,a textbook with a new teaching mode and teaching ideas,the author points out the ways to cope with these new challenges.以浙江大学应惠兰教授主编的《新编大学英语》为例,通过对其编写特点及提出的"以学生为中心"主题教学模式的思考,详细分析外语新教材对教师提出的一些新要求,以及现代外语教师对这些新要求需采取的应对方法。
3.The series textbook, New College English, compiled by some experts and teachers of Zhejiang University, embodies a reader-oriented notion, which gives its prominence to the student-centered & topic-based approach.浙江大学课题组编著的《新编大学英语》系列教材体现了以人为本的理念,它突出了以学生为中心,通过主题教学来串联各项课堂活动。

1.The Textbook NEW COLLEGE ENGLISH and College English Teaching;《新编大学英语》教材与大学英语教学
2.An Analyse of New College English , Trends of College English Teaching;赏析《新编大学英语》,论探大学英语教学趋势
3.Student-centered: A New Attempt in College English Teaching--Evaluating New College English Compiled by Zhejiang University;以学生为中心:英语教学的新尝试──兼评浙江大学编《新编大学英语》
4.Flexibility of the “New College English”;《新编大学英语》的可塑性——对《新编大学英语》在教学中的认识
5.English Discourse analysis and Imitative Writing;英语语篇分析与仿写——《新编大学英语》特色初探
6.Appliance of Discussion Teaching Method in 《New College English》;试析《新编大学英语》的讨论式教学
7.Discussion on Application of the Book New college English;《新编大学英语》教材的教学应用探析
8.Discussion and Analysis on the Teaching Ideas and Models of "Newly-Compiled College English;《新编大学英语》教学思想与模式的探析
9.An Experiental Study of CL on New College English;《新编大学英语》合作教学法实验研究
10.New Requirements from New Teaching Materials;从《新编大学英语》看新教材对外语教师的新要求
11.Further consideration about Chinese translations of some texts in New College English;《新编大学英语》中的部分译文值得商榷
12.On the Transfer of Cohesion Devices in the Translation of New College English;《新编大学英语》译文衔接手段的转换
13.The Investigation and Reflection of the Use of New College English;关于使用《新编大学英语》的调查与思考
14.On the Feasibility of New College English and Its Teaching Methods;试用《新编大学英语》教材及教法的体会
15.Cultivating Non - English Majors Oral English Via New College English;通过《新编大学英语》培养非英语专业学生的口语表达能力
16.Student-centered Teaching Concept--on"New College English;以学生为中心的教学思想——评《新编大学英语》
17.Exploring the English teaching pattern by foucuing on the student;以学生为中心的英语教学模式探析——兼评《新编大学英语》
18.Effects of New College English on Classroom Teaching Model;论《新编大学英语》对课堂教学模式的影响

New College English新编大学英语
1.A New Teaching Concept A New Teaching Practice ——The Thought on Adoption 《New College English》;全新的教学理念,崭新的教学实践——采用《新编大学英语》教学实践体会
2.On the Feasibility of New College English and Its Teaching Methods;试用《新编大学英语》教材及教法的体会
3.Student-centered Teaching Concept--on"New College English;以学生为中心的教学思想——评《新编大学英语》
3)textbook of A New English Course《新编大学英语》教材
4)New College English (second edition) (Book Two)《新编大学英语》(第二版)第二册
5)New Horizon College English新视野大学英语
1.New Cultural Lines of New Horizon College English;《新视野大学英语》的“新”文化脉络
2.On How to Teach New Horizon College English from the Perspective of the Reform of CET-4 & CET-6;从大学英语四、六级改革看《新视野大学英语》教材的教法
3.On the Importance of Text Structure Analysis in New Horizon College English Teaching;试论《新视野大学英语》(读写教程)中篇章结构分析的重要性
6)College English Top Notch《新通用大学英语》
1.On Cognitive Approach and Communicative Approach——A teaching study based on College English Top Notch Integrated Course;认知法和交际法的教学理论及其实践——基于《新通用大学英语》综合教程的教学实践研究

新编1.新编撰。 2.新整编。