侦探小说,detective story
1)detective story侦探小说
1.However,this paper will show that he makes his another attempt at the world of popular literature in some of his works,expecially in Tom Sawyer Detective and The Tragedy of Pudd nhead Wilson,such as using some detective methods,or even writing a com- plete detective story.以《汤姆·索耶探案集》和《傻瓜威尔逊》为例展示他在一些作品中表现出来的鲜为人知的通俗面,尤其是他对侦探小说手法的部分运用和对完整侦探小说创作的尝试。
2.Dickens is one of the few classic writers who were also good at detective story writing.侦探小说这一特殊文体始于1841年美国作家爱伦。
3.The research of detective story in China could not by pass Cheng Xiaoqing and his contribution.研究中国的侦探小说,无法绕开程小青及其对侦探小说理论的探讨。

1.A story dealing with a crime and its solution;a detective story.侦探小说以犯罪及破案为题材的小说;侦探小说
2.I want a detective story please.请借我一本侦探小说
3.She read detective stories as an escape.她看侦探小说解闷。
4.He has a weakness for detective stories.他特别爱看侦探小说
5.I like to read the mystery novel.我喜欢读侦探小说
6.a run-of-the-mill detective story平淡无奇的侦探小说.
7.a detective story, please.请找一本侦探小说
8.a juicy mystery novel.一本很刺激的侦探小说
9.She is a great reader of detective stories.她读了很多侦探小说
10.a copious writer of detective stories写侦探小说的多产作家.
11.Poe also wrote detective stores.爱伦?坡还写作侦探小说
12.She soaked herself in detective stories.她沉湎于侦探小说之中。
13.She amused herself by reading detective stories.她读侦探小说消遣。
14.He amused himself by reading mysteries.他阅读侦探小说消遣。
15.A Comparison of "Case Story"in China and "Detective Story"in West;中国“公案小说”与西方“侦探小说”之比较
16."I don't mind detective stories," Wilson said uneasily.“侦探小说,我也看。”威尔逊局促不安地说。
17.The gulf between hard boiled and golden age crime fiction could not be greater.硬汉侦探小说和黄金时期的侦探小说之间的鸿沟再大不过了。
18.The Translation of Detective Stories (1896-1919) and Its Influence on Chinese Detective Story Creation;清末民初的侦探小说翻译及其对中国原创侦探小说的影响

detective fiction侦探小说
1.After that, he decided to try writing his own stories in the same style, drawing plots from the full body of Chinese detective fiction, and holding Judge Dee to a stricter, more rational approach to detection.中国的公案小说和西方侦探小说虽然都受到读者的喜爱,但在各自成长的文学环境中都处于边缘地位,很少进入主流文学研究者的视野。
2.Inaugurated in England by Arthur Conan Doyle s introduction of Sherlock Holmes in 1887, detective fiction especially flourished during a period known as the genre s Golden Age , from 1918 until about 1930.传统的看法认为侦探小说是一种供大众休闲消遣的娱乐读物,爱伦·坡,柯南·道尔,阿迦莎·克里斯蒂就是众多的侦探小说家中熠熠生辉的明星。
3.In the Late Qing,China experienced detective fiction translation upsurge.晚清时期,中国出现了侦探小说翻译热潮。
3)detective stories侦探小说
1.In Possession,by parodying classic myths and fairy tales,romance,detective stories and bildungsroman,Byatt vividly narrates the romantic journeys experienced by the two literary couples of different times during their respective literary studies.在《占有》中,拜厄特不仅对经典神话和童话等进行了戏仿,而且还戏仿了罗曼司、侦探小说和教育成长小说等小说体裁,生动形象地讲述了不同时期的两对文学恋人在各自的文学研究过程中所亲历的浪漫之旅,并借此表达了作者对社会、历史、艺术与人生的理性思考。
2.An overall review and assessment have been made from the perspective of comparative literature of contemporarily rendered Holmes detective stories,including those from the first translated version by Chang Kunde in 1896,the version published on Xiu Xiang Stories,and the full collection of translated works were interfered published by Zhong Hua Book Company.通过对《福尔摩斯探案小说》在近代出现的译作——1896年《时务报》初译本、1903年“绣像小说本”、1916年“中华书局全译本”的分析,说明近代侦探小说翻译在叙述视角、故事情节和人物形象几方面均受到本土文化的干预和影响。
4)detective novel侦探小说
1.All of these transcend the moral irony that contributes to the success of Allan Poe s detective novels.美国作家爱伦·坡开创了小说史上一个新的类型——侦探小说,这种"类型小说"在行文上有着作家独特的奇崛怪诞的风格,但最大的特征却在于在"效果统一论"思想的指导下,巧妙地运用了悬念手法,达到了扣人心弦的悬疑效果,又彰显了智性推理的魅力和人的理性力量的强大。
2.The introduction of sherlock Holmes stories affected Chinese tradition novels\' narrative mode greatly, changing the modern readers\' reading habits and tastes in narrative-view、structure and time, and directly lead to the birth of the Chinese detective novels.阿瑟·柯南道尔是西方侦探小说创作的集大成者。
5)detective novels侦探小说
1.The source of detective novels in our country can date back to the prison stories that emerged in Chunqiu and Warring States Period.我国侦探小说的源头可追溯至春秋战国时期出现的案狱故事。
2.In his exposition on the gender theme of the Chinese detective novels originating from the orthodox Confucian culture and connected with the later theme craze of the problem novel,Cheng Xiaoqing reveals the connection between the Chinese detective novels and the orthodox literature.程小青有关中国侦探小说“性别题材”的论述,上承儒家正统文化的性别观,下接“问题小说”的“题材热”,揭示了中国侦探小说与正统文学之间存在着的相互贯通关系。
3.This article scientifically analyzes by narratolagy on Chinese detective novels in the new times, tries to generalize the internal structural rules in this kind novels and search for a " small scale" system to cover the mode for current Chinese detective novels in the new times.本文旨在以我国新时期侦探小说文本为主要的研究对象,用叙事学的方法进行科学分析,力图概括出此类小说的内部的结构规律,寻找到一个能够涵盖目前我国新时期侦探小说叙事模式的“小规模”的系统。
1.Our country s whodunits have gone through the western and former Soviet Union models.我国侦探小说在经历了西方模式、前苏联模式之后,新时期的侦探小说无论在题材的选取上还是艺术的技巧乃至叙事的策略上都突破了过去那种创作主体意识狭窄、模式单一的状态,各自以独特的表现形式共同形成侦探小说文本的多元共存局面而真正进入反模式时期。
