现代外语教学,modern foreign language teaching
1)modern foreign language teaching现代外语教学
1.Constructivism and its implication in modern foreign language teaching;建构主义理论与现代外语教学
2.In this article,by using the theory of Contrastive Analysis, the language of English and Chinese are taken as examples to illustrate the possibility of these two languages contrast and the direction of their contrastive analysis in order to test the instructive role of this theory in the process of modern foreign language teaching.文章以英汉两种语言为例,运用对比分析理论,从英汉两种语言的可比性、英汉两种语言的比较研究方向等方面加以阐述,从而论证了对比分析理论在现代外语教学中所起到的指导性作用。
3.Facing the situation of the new century s teaching and learning,the article approaches the new idea and practicable model of English,initiates the use of multidimensional participatory style in modern foreign language teaching which can make college foreign language teaching adapt to the development of society and upgrade the capability of the students.倡导应用“多维参与”现代外语教学,使大学外语教学和学生的外语能力更有效适应社会发展的要求。

1.General Trends of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Multi media Computer Assisted Foreign Language Teaching;现代外语教学的发展趋势和机辅外语教学
2.Second Language Acquisition Theory and Its Influence on the Modern Foreign Language Teaching;现代第二语言习得理论及对现代外语教学的影响——双语教学新尝试
3."Context application and simulation" in modern foreign language teaching;现代外语教学中的语境运用与语境模拟
4.The evaluation for《Modern Poreign Language Teaching-theory,practice and method》;《现代外语教学——理论、实践和方法》评介
5.The Development of Methodologies and Understanding of Grammar-Translation Method in Modern Foreign Languages Teaching;现代外语教学法思想的演变及外语教学中对翻译法的认识
6.Development of Main Sects of Foreign-language Teaching Methods in Germany and the Influence on the Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages;外语教学法主要流派在德国的发展和对现代外语教学的影响
7.The Study of Modern Chinese Idioms and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language现代汉语惯用语研究及对外汉语教学
8.On Modern Linguistics and Multimedia Assisted Foreign Language Teaching;现代语言学与多媒体辅助外语教学(五)
9.On the Ties Between Linguistics and Media in Foreign Language Teaching;现代语言学与现代外语电化教学的情结
10.Research on Normalization of Modern Chinese and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;现代汉语规范化与对外汉语教学研究
11.Setting up the Modern Teaching Notion and Carrying out the Quality Education in Foreign Language Teaching;树立现代教学理念 实施外语素质教育
12.Language teaching in virtual reality --TESL in internet time;“虚拟现实”里的语言教学——谈网络时代的外语教学
13.Non-linearity Editor System and Modern Foreign Language Television Teaching;非线性编辑系统与现代外语电视教学
14.Humanism in Language Teaching;国外现代语言教学中的人文主义思想
15.How to Improve the Quality of Foreign Language Teaching by Optimizing the Combination of Modern Media?;优化组合现代媒体 提高外语教学质量
16.Learning Modern Teaching Theories to Promote Foreign Language Teaching Reformation;加强现代教学理论学习 深化外语教学改革
17.On Modern Linguistics and the Design of CAI for Foreign Language Teaching;现代语言学与外语教学CAI软件的设计(六)
18.On the Combination of the Traditional Teacher-centered Method with the Up-to-date Students-centered Method in College English Teaching;谈传统与现代教学手段在外语教学中的结合

methodologies in modern foreign languages teaching现代外语教学法
3)Modern Theory of Foreign Language Teaching (MTFLT)现代外语教学理论
4)Western theory in modern English西方现代外语教学理论
5)modern ELT materials现代外语教材
1.The major features of modern ELT materials and the rationale underneath;现代外语教材的特征及其意义
2.Whats the difference between modern ELT materials and the traditional ones? How are teachers expected to design, utilize and evaluate modern ELT materials? These questions are suggested to be a part of ELT teacher training in the modern times.现代外语教材与传统外语教材有哪些根本的区别 ?怎样编写和创作、使用和利用、选择和评价现代外语教材 ?这些问题应当成为新世纪外语教师培养和发展的重要组成部分。
6)modern English teaching现代英语教学
1.The goal of modern English teaching is to develop students comprehensive abilities of using language,especially listening and speaking skills.现代英语教学的目的是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流。

现代外语教学法现代外语教学法 作者: timothy light所属类别: 德语教学类书籍出版社: 北京语言学院出版社出版日期: 1987加入日期: 2003-11-12 10:13:13价格:点击: 662图书简介:timothy light(黎天睦)(美)