词汇记忆策略,Vocabulary Memory Strategies
1)Vocabulary Memory Strategies词汇记忆策略
1.With the development of cognitive psychology and the research on second language vocabulary acquisition, the research into the effectiveness of vocabulary memory strategies has received increasing attention since the 1970 s.英语词汇记忆策略有效性的研究自20世纪70年代以来,随着认知心理学和第二语言词汇习得研究的不 断深入,日益受到关注,研究者对其理论与实证的研究逐渐增多。
2.The study selected two classes in a high school, one class were taught in traditional ways and the other were instructed with a lot of vocabulary memory strategies.本论文以高中英语课堂的实践为基础,尝试使用多种词汇记忆策略来帮助学习者更好地学习词汇。
3.For years, vocabulary memory strategies used by advanced learners have been widely studied in China, whereas research on how primary school students use memory strategies is rare.长期以来,我国对第二语言较高水平学生运用词汇记忆策略情况的研究较普遍。

1.The College Students Memorizing Strategy of English Vocabulary and the Teaching Counter-strategy;大学生英语词汇记忆策略及教学对策
2.Correlations Between Vocabulary Memory Strategies and Vocabulary Knowledge;英语词汇记忆策略与词汇知识之间的相关性
3.A Study of the Efficacy of Repetitive Memory Strategy for the Development of Vocabulary Competence Proficiency词汇记忆策略与词汇拓展的相关性研究
4.An Empirical Study on English Vocabulary Memory Strategy of Senior One Students;高一学生英语词汇记忆策略的实证研究
5.A Study of the Relationship of Vocabulary Memory Strategies to Verbal-Imagery Cognitive Style;言语表象认知风格与词汇记忆策略的关系研究
6.Empirical Study on the Training of Vocational College Students Memory Strategies of English Vocabulary;高职生英语词汇记忆策略训练实验研究
7.A Study of the Mnemonic Strategies Training of Non-English Major Undergraduates;非英语专业学生词汇记忆策略训练研究
8.On Scientific Construction of the Strategies of Words Memorizing in English Study;谈英语学习中词汇记忆策略的科学构建
9.Experimental Research of Effect of Self-regulated Learning on Vocabulary Acquisition;英语词汇记忆策略的自我监控实验研究
10.Middle School Students' Personality and Their English Vocabulary Memory Strategies中学生性格与英语词汇记忆策略的相关性研究
11.Report on Memory Strategies of English Vocabulary among Students in Vocational College高职高专院校学生英语词汇记忆策略调查分析
12.Effects of Topic-based Vocabulary Learning Strategy on Word Memory;话题为主的词汇学习策略对词汇记忆的影响
13.Cognitive Theories and Vocabulary Memory Strategies;认知心理学理论与词汇记忆教学策略
14.Effective learning strategy:memorizing vocabulary through reading;有效的学习策略:通过阅读记忆词汇
15.A Study on College English Vocabulary Learning and Association Memory Strategies;大学英语词汇学习与联想记忆策略研究
16.The Key Stage and Expanding Strategies for English Vocabulary Teaching vs.Remembering;英语词汇教学与记忆的着力点和拓展策略
17.Effects of Presentation Modes of Processing Vocabulary Strategies on Vocabulary Retention-An Empirical Study;词汇的首次处理策略呈现方式对词汇记忆影响的实验
18.Effects of Vocabulary Learning Strategies on Seven-year Program Medical Students Vocabulary Memorization;词汇学习策略对医学七年制学生词汇记忆的影响

Word memory strategy单词记忆策略
3)vocabulary retention词汇记忆
1.In this paper, one aspect of vocabulary, that is word association knowledge has been proved to facilitate vocabulary retention, to enlarge one’s vocabulary size.本文讨论的是词汇的一个方面,即词汇联想义知识在词汇记忆、扩大词汇量方面的作用。
2.The enhancement of metaphor awareness plays an important role in helping the students vocabulary retention.隐喻意识的提升对帮助学生加强词汇记忆有着重要作用。
3.Based on the Depth of Processing Theory, this thesis investigated the different effects of vocabulary retention by adopting three different presentation modes under intentional learning condition.探索有效的词汇呈现方式,以及研究如何通过有效的呈现方式提高学生词汇记忆效果,具有重要的现实意义。
4)Vocabulary Memorizing词汇记忆
1.The author analyses this phenomenon and concludes that it is mainly a series of problems existed in students vocabulary memorizing which leads to their less proficiency in using vocabulary.经过分析与研究,笔者认为主要是学生在词汇记忆中存在着一系列问题,导致对词汇的熟练程度掌握不够,并就此提出了一些建议。
5)vocabulary memorization词汇记忆
1.This paper illustrates a teaching experiment on vocabulary memorization.本论文介绍了一项关于词汇记忆效果的教学实验。
6)vocabulary memory词汇记忆
1.Effective strategies for vocabulary memory requires learners active emotion, correct belief, reasonable plan, and workable cognitive strategies.本文对学英语的学生的词汇记忆效果受多种因素的影响做了探讨。

《汉英词典》机械类常用词汇,按笔画一画一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver一点透视 one-point perspective二画二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue二维的;平面的 two-dimensional二进制 binary二极管;整流子 diode二号螺丝攻 second tap二路开关 two-way switch十进制的;公制的 metric人工制品 artefact人造板 man-made board人体工程学 ergonomics; human engineering人体尺寸 human dimension人体测量学 anthropometry; anthropometrics刀片 blade刀身 blade刀具 tool刀具溜座 carriage刀柱 tool post刀架 tool rest刀架底座 tool rest bracket刀座帷;床鞍 apron刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle力 force力三角形 triangle of force力平行四边形 parallelogram of force力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force力的分解 force resolution力架;亮漆 lacquer力矩 moment力偶 couple力矩定律 law of moment力-距离图表 force-distance graph力图 force diagram力线 line of force力点 effort十字榫 cross halving joint十字螺丝 Philip's head screw十字螺丝批 Philip's type screwdriver丁字尺;T 尺 tee square三画三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck三角尺 set square三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie三角锉 triangular file三维的;立体的 three-dimensional三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform三聚氰胺;蜜胺 melamine三点透视 three-point perspective上油漆 painting上釉 enamelling凡立水 varnish叉形顶尖 fork centre 口罩 mask士力;虫漆 shellac士巴拿;扳手 spanner大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard; solid corestock-laminated board大量制造 mass production子口刨;槽口刨;边刨 rebate plane小型平槽刨 miniature router plane小型线料弯曲器 small wire bender小型弯折机 mini bender小型电路断路器;跳菲 miniature circuit breaker (MCB)小齿轮 pinion山樟 San Cheong工件 workpiece工字梁 I beam工作面 working surface工作图;制作图 working drawing工作台 bench; working table工具 tool工具贮存室 tool storage工具槽 well工具钢 tool steel工场 workshop工场安全 workshop safety工程字书写技巧 lettering工程系统 engineering system工程绘图 engineering drawing工业酒精;火酒 methylated spirit弓形手钻;手摇曲柄钻 brace弓形手钻嘴 brace bit弓锯 bow saw; hacksaw