跨学科教育,interdisciplinary education
1)interdisciplinary education跨学科教育
1.The establishment and operation of interdisciplinary educational organizations in colleges and universities;高校跨学科教育组织的建立及其运行
2.Therefore,valuing,developing and studying interdisciplinary education play a striking role in helping postgraduates carry out the program of academic creativeness.跨学科教育是高等学校重要的学科教育形式,是当代教育改革的重要力量。

1.The establishment and operation of interdisciplinary educational organizations in colleges and universities;高校跨学科教育组织的建立及其运行
2.Interdisciplinary Education and Academic Creativeness of Foreign Language Major Postgraduates;跨学科教育模式与外语专业研究生学术创新
3.Exploration on Interdisciplinary Education and Talent Cultivation in the Higher Education Institutions of US, UK, France and Japan;美英法日高校跨学科教育与人才培养探究
4.On advantages of specialized subject-to-undergraduate education by cross-disciplinary跨学科专科接本科教育形式优势探析
5.On Graduate Education by Interdisciplinary in the Universities in China;论我国高等学校的跨学科研究生教育
6.Exploration of the Disciplinary Construction of the Pedagogy of Higher Education;高等教育学学科建设探析—跨学科的视角
7.The Definition of the Professional Education and its Cross-disciplinary Theoretical Foundations;专业教育的界定及其跨学科理论基础
8.Taking science development view as guidance,advance education surmounting;以科学发展观为指导推进教育的跨越
9.Thoughts on the Research of Academic Profession Crossing Pedagogy and Sociology跨越教育学和社会学学科边界的学术职业研究
10.Interdisciplinary Research:the Inevitable Paradigm Choice of Higher Education Research;跨学科研究:高等教育学研究范式的必然选择
11.The Applicative Analysis of Multisubjects in the Reformation of P.E.;跨学科研究在体育教学改革中的可行性分析
12.The theme of this year's scientific programme is“ Crossing the Borders of Dental Education”.今年的学术活动主题是“跨越牙科教育的边界”。
13.Research on the Cultivation of Juris Masters and Development of Cross-subject Education of Postgraduate Students;法律硕士培养与跨学科研究生教育发展研究
14.Moving Toward the Systematic Design - The Transdisciplinary Cooperation of Design Education;走向系统设计——艺术设计教育中的跨学科合作
15.Study of the Multi-Discipline and Cross-Discipline Pedagogies Applied to the Education of Industrial Design Postgraduates;谈工业设计专业多学科跨专业的研究生教育
16.All-round-quality Education Calling for a New Mode of Crosscourse Education;素质教育呼唤构建跨学科交叉培养模式
17.On the cross-curricular values and construction features of sicence as optional论高校科学教育选修课程的跨学科价值和建构特征
18.On Intending Paradigms of the Research of Vocational Pedagogy--The Question-centered Interdisciplinary Research;职业教育学研究的未来范式——以问题为中心的跨学科研究

interdisciplinary teaching跨学科教学
3)Educational science教育科学
1.Constructing educational science with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese Manner;建设中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的教育科学
2.The effect of educator to discharge of functions of educational science;论教育工作者在教育科学功能施放过程中的作用——兼谈教育理论指导教育实践的过程
3.Probe into the disciplinary structure of the educational science and the growing point of new disciplines;教育科学学科结构和新学科生长点探析
4)scientific education科学教育
1.Ren Hongjun: a contemporary Chinese scientific educationalist;中国近代科学教育家任鸿隽
2.On the Value Orientation of Scientific Education Based on the Viewpoint of Science;从科学观看科学教育的价值取向
3.The roles and functions of the university in scientific education;高等院校在科学教育中的功能与作用
5)subject education学科教育
1.The paper proposes the viewpoint of studying the artistic education system of the institution of higher learning on the basis of the subject education of art science,aiming to enhance the.因而,我们急需以艺术学学科教育为基础来构建高校艺术教育新模式,加强该学科体系的认识论方法论建设,借此提升大中小学生及国民终身艺术素质教育的质量,以形成一个有中国特色的综合多元的人文艺术教育体系。
2.Vocational education and subject education are two different educational modes of modern education,and there exist obvious differences between the development background,basic meaning expression and direct cultivation objectives of the two,and the evaluation mode of education and teaching process and outcomes of the two are also different.职业教育和学科教育是现代教育中两类不同的教育形式,其发展背景、基本意思表达和直接培养目标有着明显的区别,其教育教学过程和结果的最终评价方式也各不相同。
6)science education科学教育
1.On integration between science education and humanities education;论科学教育与人文教育的融合
2.The theory of heavens into China:the beginning of Chinese modern science and science education;东渐的天学:中国近代科学与科学教育之嚆矢
