语境因素,contextual factors
1)contextual factors语境因素
1.This paper presents the functions of linguistic,situational,cultural contexts and other contextual factors in the legal discourse translation.语言语境、情景语境、文化语境等语境因素都以各自不同的功能影响着法律文本话语翻译的择义。
2.These two views of language environment offer a similar description of the contextual factors,yet interpret differently the processes .认知语境和传统语境在对语境因素构成的描述上相似,但对语境运作方式的解释大相径庭。
3.linguistic,situational,cultural contexts and other contextual factors all can effect the business texts translation in their own functional way.语言语境、情景语境、文化语景等语境因素都以各自不同的功能影响着商务文本的翻译。

1.Contexts of the advertising discourse and mistranslation resulting from ignorance of them;广告语篇的语境及忽略语境因素所导致的误译
2.On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation;浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用
3.The Essential Properties Of Euphemisms and Contextual Factors Affecting Their Application;委婉语的本质特征与运用的语境因素
4.Anaphoric style and fossilization of relevant contextual factors;语言回指风格及有关语境因素的固化
5.On the Reliance of English Listening Comprehension on Intra-linguistic Context;试论英语听力理解对语言内语境因素的依赖
6.The role of the non-language text factors for the choice of the reasonable type of writing;非语言语境因素对合适语体选择的作用
8.Reflection on the Provision of Contextual Factors in English Vocabulary Tests;关于英语词汇测试中提供语境因素的思考
9.Non-linguistic Context in the Construction of DMM;意义动态模式建构中的非语言语境因素
10.The Application of Context in the Understanding of 《The Sampler》;语境因素在The Sampler一文的语篇理解中的应用
11.The Role of Contextual Factors in the Construction of the Theory of Cognitive Grammar语境因素在认知语法理论构建中的作用
12.Contextual Factors and Language Appropriaty;语境因素与语言得体——社会语言学视域下的语体观
13.A Study of the Impact Contextual Factors Exert on Grammarization--From the Perspective of the Grammatical Process of "Jiu" in Ancient version of The Water Margins;浅析语境因素对语法化的影响——试从《古本水浒传》看“就”的语法化历程
14.Analysis on Influencing Factors of Context to the Understanding of English Sentences;语境对英语语句理解的影响因素分析
15.Non-linguistic Effects on the Development of Pragmatic Competence in the EFL Setting影响外语环境下语用能力发展的非语言因素
16.The Function of Language Factors and Context in English Humor Understanding语言因素和语境对英语幽默理解的作用
17.A Fow Unfaorable Factors in College English Teaching;大学英语教学环境中的几个不利因素
18.The Relation between the Learners Individual Factors and the Different Results in Learning Chinese in Non-Chinese Environment;非汉语环境中个体因素与汉语学习差异

Context Factors语境因素
1.Present paper analyzes the three main context factors that influence language communication, i.从语境与意义理解的关系看,影响语言交际有三大语境因素
3)contextual factor语境因素
1.The paper also discusses some methods to solve the problem of lacking contextual factors in listening test,aiming at helping testees to some extent.在听力测试中,发现、创设和利用语境因素去理解收听内容是一个重要的环节。
2.In order to correctly interpret some certain language information, a full grasp of the related contextual factor(s) is necessary.语境在语言理解的过程中起着重要的作用 ,要准确地理解某一特定语言信息就必须全面掌握与之相关的语境因
4)contextual choices语境因素
1.This paper offers a brief account of the theory of linguistic adaptation and airs some views about how to adapt contextual choices and dynamic processes in intercultural communication.本文以"顺应论"理论为切入点,探讨言语交际中的文化语境顺应问题并运用文化语境顺应理论解释言语交际中交际双方如何顺应语境因素和顺应跨文化交际的动态过程。
2.This paper employs linguistic adaptability to analyze how to gain target language which adapts contextual choices, linguistic choices and dynamic processes of interpretation, interpreting original language smoothly and appropriately.运用语言顺应理论解释口译过程中的译语如何顺应语境因素 ,顺应原语的语言结构成份 ,顺应口译的动态过程 ,使译语连贯、得体地再现原语的真实意图。
5)constitutive factors of context语境构成因素
6)contextual factors analysis语境因素分析

非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)非密度制约因素(见密度制约因素)  l焦非密度制约因素见生态因素、密度制约后