修辞教学,rhetoric teaching
1)rhetoric teaching修辞教学
1.In order to cultivate students’ appreciative ability of the English language, this paper focuses its attention on three aspects, they are: discourse teaching, rhetoric teaching and culture teaching.笔者从语篇教学、修辞教学以及文化教学三个方面探讨学生英语鉴赏能力的培养问题。
2.English teacher should place great emphasis on the rhetoric teaching to improve students′ ability of appreciating literature.英语教师应重视修辞教学,以提高学生欣赏文学作品的能力。
3.In order to meet the requirements of the teaching syllabus, rhetoric teaching in universities should breakthrough the "figure-of-speech-centerted Theory" and the limitation of sentence analysis, and let the students shake offthe old rhetoric concept, and improve their communication competence through varied teaching methods.大学修辞教学要达到教学大纲的要求,必须打破“辞格中心论”,突破句子的分析界限,使大学生摆脱旧的修辞观念的束缚。

1.The Rhetorical Teaching in the Use of the Advanced English Learning;试论修辞教学在“高级英语”教学中的应用
2.Charm of Rhetorical Technics --Analysis and Appreciation of Rhetorical Technics in College English lntensive Reading;修辞的魅力——《大学英语》精读教材中的修辞赏析
3.On the Application of Literature Rhetoric Method in Teaching of College English Writing大学英语写作教学中的文学修辞手段
4.Rhetoric in English Language Teaching: How to Integrate Western Rhetoric with English Language Class;英语教学中的修辞学:论西方修辞学在英语课堂上的导入
5.Literary Education in the New Standards of High School Courses in a Rhetoric View;修辞学视野中高中新课标的“文学教育”
6.Developing English Majors Rhritoric Awareness in English Teaching;英语专业教学中学生修辞意识的培养
7.A New Contribution to the Chinese Rhetoric - A Review of Professor Cao Shizhu s Rhetoric of the Chinese Characters;汉语修辞学的新贡献——评曹石珠教授的《汉字修辞学》
8.And thus some colour of truth has been given to the rhetorical dogma因此,修辞学的教条也还有其可信之处。
9.Rhetoric in Advanced English and its Multi-Dimensional Teaching Model;《高级英语》修辞及其多维度教学模式
10.Introducing Rhetoric Teaching into the Initial Stage of a TCSOL Program;浅谈初级对外汉语教学中的修辞导入
11.The Development of Chinese Rhetoric Ability Should be Highlighted at Medium and Advanced Levels;中高级汉语教学应突出修辞能力培养
12.On the concept of regarding rhetoric as the key link in teaching Chinese as a second language;简论以修辞为纲的对外汉语教学理念
13.A Review of English Rhetoric;《英语修辞学》——胡曙中教授的新作评介
14.Figures of Speech in College English (Intensive Reading);《大学英语(精读教程)》中的修辞现象
15.Talking about the application of contrast and Inspiration of English-Chinese rhetoric关于英汉修辞对比及教学应用的启示
16.An Analysis on the Rhetorical Devices in Integrated English Teaching综合英语教学中常见修辞的用法分析
17.Rhetoric Study,Rhetoric History,Rhetoric Review修辞研究、修辞学史和修辞学评论——修辞学研究的几个问题
18.Appreciation of Figures of Speech in “College English” and its Significance;《大学英语》教材中的修辞格赏析及其教学意义

teaching rhetoric教学修辞
3)the rhetoric beauty of teaching教学修辞美
4)rhetorical teaching in universities大学修辞教学
5)Rhetoric teaching in high school中学修辞教学
6)rhetoric education修辞教育
1.Two great schools in Western educational philosophy,one school represented by Plato with cognitive-logos value education and the other represented by Isocrates with rhetoric education have been separated,which brought about many problems,especially exerting many negative effects on education in China since the contemporary times.西方教育哲学中的两大传统——以柏拉图为代表的认知理性价值教育传统和以伊索克拉底为代表的修辞教育传统——的分离,造成了许多问题,特别是对于我国近代以来的教育有着不少负面影响。

《修辞格》  中国第一部系统研究汉语修辞格的著作。1923年商务印书馆出版。唐钺著。唐钺(1891~ ),字擘黄,福建人。早年参加孙中山领导的同盟会,1914年入美国康奈尔大学和哈佛大学研究心理学,1920年获博士学位。1921年回国,曾任上海商务印书馆编辑所教育组组长,中央研究院心理研究所研究员及所长,北京大学、清华大学心理学教授,现为北京大学心理系教授。    《修辞格》参考英国学者J.C.讷斯菲尔德的《高中英语作文》(1910),对汉语修辞格共分5大类27格。第1 类:产生于比较的修辞格,包括显比、隐比、寓言、相形、反言、阶升、趋下6格。第2类:产生于联想的修辞格,包括伴名、类名、迁德3格。第3类:产生于想象的修辞格,包括拟人、呼告、想见、扬厉4格。第4类:产生于婉曲的修辞格,包括微辞、舛辞、冷语、负辞、诘问、感叹、同辞、婉辞、纡辞9格。第5类:产生于有意重复的修辞格,包括反复、俪辞、排句、复字 4格。《修辞格》的用例,均取自古代诗词文赋,是一部文言修辞格。    《修辞格》所列诸格的名称继承了汉代董仲舒《春秋繁露》、宋代陈骙《文则》、元代陈绎曾《文说》等的传统。如婉辞、微辞见《春秋繁露》,显比、隐比即《文则》的直喻、隐喻,婉辞、隐比即《文说》的婉语、隐语。《修辞格》至今仍为研究汉语修辞学的重要参考读物,影响深远。(见彩图)