语言多样性,linguistic diversity
1)linguistic diversity语言多样性
1.The worldwide use of English has destroyed the linguistic diversity of the world.英语的全球化给世界语言多样性的生态样式带来了极大的破坏。
2.To establish the legal status of the spirit of languages,and to recognize languages as an important cultural heritage of mankind,which stresses the significance of linguistic diversity for sustainable development.在法律上确立语言的精神地位,将语言确认为重要的人类文化遗产,强调语言多样性对于持续发展的意义,这些价值取向是语言立法价值观体系中的重要内容。

1.English Hegemonism and Preservation of Linguistic Diversity;英语霸权时代民族语言多样性的保护
2.Review on studies of language extinction and protection of language diversity;语言消亡与保护语言多样性问题的研究评述
3.On the Diversity of Contemporary Meticulous Portraits in an Artistic Language论当代工笔人物画艺术语言的多样性
4.On the lnternal mechanism of language environment that result in the diversity of the style of literary language;论形成文学语言风格多样性的内语境机制
5.The Protection of the Endangered Languages and Cultural Diversity in Thailand and Its Revelation;泰国濒危语言和文化多样性保护的启示
6.There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language外国人欣赏英语语言的丰富性和多样性的最好方法
7.A Cultural History of the Language:Variety and Uniformity--A Probe into the Unique Originality of American English;语言文化史学:多样性和一致性——探析创意独特的美国英语
8.The Explicit Various Manifestation and the Implicit Essential Existence of the Language of Mobile Short Massage as the Variety of Internet Language作为网络语言变体的手机短信语言的显性多样表现和隐性本质存在
9.English is a language rich of absorbance and compatibility,and the regularity of the form of words in english is therefore very flexible and diversified.英语是一门善于吸收和兼容的的语言,所以英语的词汇的规则性是灵活和多样化的。
10.An equal number of people learn English as a second language.还有同样多的人把英语作为第二语言来学习。
11.A study of the multi- layer formation of Chinese dialect;从汉语方言形成的多元性看汉语方言研究
12.Axiomatic Semantics of Class and Polymorphism for Java;Java语言的类和多态性的公理语义
13.Diversity of Language and Written Language and Bilingual Education for Ethnic Minorities in the Process of Modernization--Survival and Development of New-created Writing System in Conflict Theory;现代化进程中的语言文字多样性与双语教育——冲突视角下的新创文字的生存与发展
14.how the languages change until they not only become unintelligible to other tribes, but also lose almost every trace of their original identity;语言怎样改变,以致不仅成了互相不懂的东西,而且差不多失去了原来统一性的任何痕迹;
15.On the other hand, language includes a large number of learned words.另一方面,语言拥有许多学术性的东西。
16.On the other hand, our language includes a large number of learned words.另一方面,语言拥有许多学术性词汇.
17.Function of multi-branch structure in C language;深入探析C语言中多分支结构的性能
18.Multi-attribute decision making based on fuzzy linguistic assessments;基于模糊语言评估的多属性决策方法

language diversity语言多样性
1.In this thesis, the author is trying to study one of the focal questions in ecolinguistics, the language diversity, so as to explore language for identity and communication in Chongqing.本文以生态语言学中所讨论的焦点问题之一,语言多样性理论为基础,调查了重庆的语言生态系统现状,旨在探讨语言的认同和交际问题。
2.The Internet has rendered people to reconsider many issues of language,one of which is the language diversity on the Internet.因特网带来了人们对语言问题的诸多思考,因特网上的语言多样性就是其中之一。
3)lingual diversity.语言的多样性
4)complicated diversification语言的复杂多样性
5)Variation of languages and Cultures语言文化多样化
6)diversification of literary language文学语言多样化
