有意学习,intentional learning
1)intentional learning有意学习
1.By analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the two ways respectively and the problems confronting Chinese non-English majors , this article points out that vocabulary intentional learning should be given first consideration in terms of deepening students’ vocabulary knowled.在外语环境下,词汇有意学习应成为主要的词汇获取方式。
2.Since the 1990s, there have been numerous studies on the development of Interlanguage system involving such notions as explicitness, implicitness, consciousness, subconsciousness, intentional learning, unintentional/incidental learning, and interface.近十余年来,二语习得研究领域对中介语系统知识的获得方式进行了大量研究,由此引出了“显性”与“隐性”及“意识”、“潜意识”、“有意学习”、“无意学习/伴随性学习”、“接口”等相关概念。
3.Based on the Depth of Processing Theory, this thesis investigated, by means of experiments, the different effects of English vocabulary teaching and learning by adopting three different presentation modes under intentional learning condition.本文以加工深度理论为基础,通过实验,测试了在有意学习条件下三种不同的词汇呈现方式下对中国中级英语水平学习者所产生的不同的词汇学习与记忆效果。

1.Effects of the Incidental and Intentional Learning on Vocabulary Retention;词汇伴随学习与有意学习对词汇记忆的影响
2.The Effectiveness of Intentional Vocabulary Learning in the Foreign-Language Environment;试析外语环境下词汇有意学习的效用
3.A Comparative Study of Intentional and Incidental Vocabulary Learning for Chinese Non-English Majors;中国非英语专业学生词汇有意学习和附带习得的比较研究
4.This is the basis for the motivation to learn and for learning to be meaningful.这样,学习动机才能成立,学习才会有意义。
5.A practicable learning strategy sequence of intentional English vocabulary acquisition;英语词汇有意习得可操作的学习策略序列
6.Expecting to learn something that is both new and valuable,愿意学习新的、有价值的东西,
7.They have no intention of studying English.他们没有学习英语的意图。
8.But to his studies he paid scant attention.但是,他没有把多大注意力放在学习上。
9.Reflections on Zhejiang s "Opinions for Implementation on Non-public Sector of Economy";学习浙江“非公经济《实施意见》”有感
10.Implications of the Verbal Meaningful Learning on Language Input;论有意义学习理论对语言输入的启示
12.Vocational and Technical Teaching under Meaningful Learning Theory;有意义学习理论支持下的高职高专英语教学
13.A Study of Using Concept Mapping Tool to Improve Distance Learner’s Meaningful Learning;利用概念图工具促进远程学生有意义学习初探
14.How to Use the Meaningful Learning Theory in English Class Teaching有意义学习理论在英语课堂教学中的运用
15.A Research on Approaches to Become an Expert Learner: A Perspective of Meaningful Learning成为专家型学习者的路径研究:有意义的学习视角
16.Even some bosses think it is unrealistic to learn technology, but only to do current business is real, so they reject learning knowledge.有些老板干脆认为学习是虚的,只有眼下的生意才是最实的,从而轻视学习、斥学习。
17.Vocabulary learning is one of the most important aspects of the language learning and a word has associative meaning besides conceptual meaning.词汇学习历来是语言学习的重点,词汇不仅有概念意义而且有联想意义。
18.Study on Perception Theory of Action Learning-Make Complements and Crrections of Ausubels Theory on Meaning for Learning and Quality of Action Learning动作学习认知理论探讨——对奥苏伯尔有意义学习论及动作学习定性之补正

meaningful learning有意义学习
1.A Study of Using Concept Mapping Tool to Improve Distance Learner’s Meaningful Learning;利用概念图工具促进远程学生有意义学习初探
2.Teachers Monitoring of Meaningful Learning in High School Mathematics;高中数学有意义学习的教师监控
3.Ausubel s theory systematically expatiates on discovery learning,acceptance learning,meaningful learning and mechanic learning as well as how an individual person learns great deal of meaningful material from textual presentations.奥苏伯尔有意义学习理论系统阐述了发现学习与接受学习、有意义学习与机械学习区别与联系。
3)meaningful study有意义学习
4)conscious learning有意识学习
1.English vocabulary learning involves conscious learning and unconscious learning.词汇是语言的基础,英语词汇学习包括有意识学习和无意识学习两种。
5)Meaningful Learning有意义的学习
1.Chapter-3 Theoretical Hypothesis: Expert Learners and Meaningful Learning On the concluding the characteristics of为促进大学生提高学习能力以成为专家型学习者,本文在分析国内外关于有意义的学习和专家型学习者研究现状的基础上,归纳了专家型学习、专家型学习者的特征,构建了专家型学习者的特征框架,提出了“专家型学习者与有意义的学习”的理论假设,并以江西师范大学为个案,对大学生的学习方式与有意义的学习之间的差距进行了调查。
2.In vocational education,a meaningful learning environment is constructed to train workers of problem-solving ability,judgment,migration and creativity.有意义的学习强调学习者的自我学习、自我建构,强调团队合作、沟通交往和学习情境的重要性,旨在让学习者获得解决问题的能力以适应未来工作、生活的需要。
6)Verbal Meaningful Learning有意义学习理论
1.Implications of the Verbal Meaningful Learning on Language Input;论有意义学习理论对语言输入的启示

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)