店名,shop names
1)shop names店名
1.In our opinion,modern shop names involve two characteristics.本文对北京等五座城市1783个店名调查分析后发现,当代商业店名具有两个特点:命名要素出现了明显的倚变和大量的缺失,命名手段在店名用字、用语和内容三个方面既趋同又创新。
2.According to different standards,the classification of shop names varies.店名是专有名词的一个重要组成部分,它属于汉语言的实际运用领域,是应用语言学的范畴。
3.Introduction starts with history and naming principles of shop names.本文从社会语言学的角度,对收集到的扬州店名进行系统的梳理和分析。

1.A Linguistic Analysis of Shop Names in Mianyang City:A Case Study of Furong Hancheng Community绵阳市店铺名称的语言学分析——以芙蓉汉城店名为例
2.Its irresponsible service has given the hotel a bad name.不负责任的服务使这家旅店名誉扫地。
3.He caught a shoplifter.他抓了一名商店扒手
4.The century-old shop has enjoyed a long-standing reputation.百年老店,久享盛名。
5.a highly reputable firm, shop, accountant有名气的公司、 商店、 会计.
6.situated on an avenue with a galaxy of well-known shops.位于名店荟萃的大道。
7.Invite buyers of famous department stores or markets to visit, exhibitors could realize famous brands into good shops by means of one stop.□ 特邀著名百货店、卖场到会参访,名品名店强力互动,参展企业一站式实现名品进名店。
8.The shop went by its Japanese name of Aburaya.这家店曾用它的日本名字---油屋命名。
9.or, in other words, for shoplifting.或者说作为一名“商店扒手”而被捕了。
10.This cook-shop was kept by some people named Thenardier, husband and wife.这客店是名叫德纳第的夫妇俩开的。
11.The work cards and the name cards free of charge.④ 免费提供专卖店员工工作证、长名片。
12.I am looking for the robber of the convenience store.我在找那名便利商店的劫匪。
13.The business of the firm will be conducted under the style of the Fujiya Shokai .该店将以富士屋商会的名义营业。
14.The business of the firm will be conduct under the style of the fujiya shokai.该店(商号)将以富士屋商会的名义营业。
15.Our house special is cheesecake.我们店里最有名的是奶酪蛋糕。
16.The Jade Hotel is very famous in this city翡翠饭店在这座城市非常有名,
17.She designs for a famous shop.她在一家著名的商店当设计师。
18.He designs for a famous fashion house.他在一间著名的时装商店当设计师。

drugstore name药店名称
1.Collecting all names of drugstore in wuhan city,the article will reveal the characteristics trend of the drugstore names and consequently reflect the status of the whole social development and human s social psychology and spiritual views,and analyze the linguistic phenomenon from syntactics and psychology to make us have a rational cognition about it.本文通过对武汉地区药店名称的分析来揭示药店名称的特点以及发展趋势,从而反映整个社会发展状况和人的社会心理、精神风貌,并从语法学和心理学角度来分析这种语言现象。
3)the shop name culture店名文化
1.Surveying the history of the shop name culture,people can summarize the developmental trend of the shop name culture and preview a macrostructure.店名文化是一个地域、一个民族乃至一个国家所特有的人文精神,它体现在社会生活的方方面面。
4)the structure of shop names店名架构
5)Shop's name in China中国店名
6)shop names店铺名称
1.In this article,an analysis is given to translation of shop names from Chinese into Uygur language by giving a lot of examples and to several problems open to question.本文通过大量实例 ,分析了汉文店铺名称的维译方法以及值得商榷的几个问
2.Based on the investigation and interview,and 155 collected shop names,the author analyzes and classifies to explain the cultural information.在实地调查、访谈的基础上,对搜集的155家店铺名称进行了统计和归类,阐释了蕴涵其中的文化信息。

三名──阿难三名【三名──阿难三名】  ﹝出翻译名义﹞  阿难是斛饭王之子。佛成道日生,以其能持法藏,有三种不同,随德受称,故有三名也。  [一、名阿难],梵语阿难,华言庆喜。生时合国欣庆欢喜故也。以其亲承佛旨,传以化人,即传持声闻藏也。  [二、名阿难跋陀],梵语阿难跋陀,华言喜贤。以其住于有学之地,得空、无相、无愿三解脱门,即传持缘觉藏也。(空者,谓了达自性本空,无我、我所也。无相者,谓一切法空无男女相也。无愿者,谓了达诸法无相,无所愿求也。以能空此三者,即得自在无碍,故云解脱门也。)  [三、名阿难迦罗],梵语阿难迦罗,华言喜海。以其解了如来说法,无说而说,说即无说;所谓佛法大海水,流入阿难心。即传持菩萨藏也。