忠实法则,fidelity rule
1)fidelity rule忠实法则
1.It also analyzes these problems by using the three rules of the skopostheorie: skopos rule,coherence rule and fidelity rule.本文从翻译目的论的角度出发,探讨了公示语的翻译,指出现存公示语汉英翻译中存在的问题,并运用目的论的三个主要法则,即目的法则、连贯法则和忠实法则对其进行了分析,提出了公示语翻译应该注意的问题。
2.Skopos theory includes skopos rule,coherence rule,and fidelity rule.目的论包含目的法则、连贯法则和忠实法则
2)the principle of fidelity忠实原则
1.A translator should firmly believe in and persist in the principle of fidelity if he is responsible for the original work,the originator and the source culture.翻译作品归属问题和译者主体性提法的实质是源于对翻译忠实原则的否定。

1.On the Translation of "Nongjiale"以语境化实现翻译的忠实原则——“农家乐”翻译论
2.Limited Faithfulness in Translation of Social Deixical Items;从对社交指示语的翻译看忠实原则的限度
3.On Translation Principle of Fidelity from the Perspective of the Ownership of a Version and the Subjectivity of Translators从译作的归属和译者主体性谈翻译忠实原则
4.Realization of Faithfulness in Translation: Feasibilities and Limitations;忠实性原则的实现:可行性与局限性
5.Loyal party members stick to their party's political principles.忠实的党员遵守党的原则。
6.The Principle of "Faithfulness" Observed in Rendering Hongloumeng;“忠实”原则在《红楼梦》翻译过程中的体现
7.FaithM Equivalence: An Important Principle in Translating Chinese Poetry into English;忠实对等:汉诗英译的一条重要原则
8.Recognition Analysis to the Implication of the Faithfulness Principle in Translation;忠实性原则在翻译实践中的涵义认知分析
9.and she told me that curiosity, perseverance, and a commitment to truth,她告诉我是好奇心、毅力和忠于事实的原则
10.On Translation Criterion Based on "Faithfulness" with "Rank Shift" Approach;重构忠实—“级转移”原则下的翻译标准新探
11.Faithfulness, Conciseness and Consistency--Principles of Chinese-English Translation of Abstracts of Medical Papers;忠实·简明·统一——医学论文摘要汉英翻译的原则
12.Enterprise Operational Process and Implement Principle for Loyal-customer Oriented;以忠诚客户为导向的企业运作过程及实施原则
13.Reinterpreting the Translation Criterion of Faithfulness--On Literary Translation from the Perspective of Aesthetics of Reception重释翻译的忠实性原则——从接受美学看文学翻译
14.Fidelity to an original or a standard.忠实,忠诚对原型或标准的忠实
15.At one point, this friend decided to follow the principle of being loyal to those not present.然而这个朋友决定采取忠实于不在说话现场的家庭成员的原则。
16.The Chinese Communist Party faithfully adheres to this Marxist-Leninist principle.中国共产党忠实地遵守马克思列宁主义的这个原则。
17.Faithful responsibility" is the core of spouse right and the principle applicable to the marriage laws of all countries.忠实义务"是配偶权的核心内容,也是各国婚姻法普遍规定的原则。
18.FRB Translation Criterion & COSB Model for Translation Quality Analysis & Evaluation: Illustrated with Poems Translated from Chinese;“忠、优、美”翻译原则和“体”“神”“表”平衡模式暨汉诗英译实例分析与评估

the principle of fidelity忠实原则
1.A translator should firmly believe in and persist in the principle of fidelity if he is responsible for the original work,the originator and the source culture.翻译作品归属问题和译者主体性提法的实质是源于对翻译忠实原则的否定。
3)principle of faithfulness忠实性原则
1.In the practice of mutual translation between Chinese and English,a principle of some kind,the principle of faithfulness has been playing an important role.广义的翻译和狭义的翻译是翻译实践中的两个基本特质,因此,在汉英互译的实践中,总应有某一个指导原则即忠实性原则在起作用。
2.In the practice of mutual translation between Chinese and English, a principle of some kind, the principle of faithfulness has been playing an important role.在汉英互译的实践中,总有某一个指导原则即忠实性原则在起作用。
4)the minimum fidelity principle最低忠实原则
1.On Faithfulness to Culture of Target Language;论翻译对译入国文化的忠实
2.On the impact and enrichment of "faithfulness" contributed by modern theories ——Relationships between faithfulness and creation;论翻译中“忠实”的动摇和丰富——兼论忠实与创造的关系
3.Full Translation Means Faithfulness——A Comparative View of the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng;“足译”与“忠实”——《红楼梦》英译本比较研究
1.ON the Influencing Factors to a Faithful and Fluent Translation;试析影响译文的忠实与通顺的几个因素
2.(c) Let V≠0 be a faithful and completely reducibleF[G]-module over an arbitrary field F.(c)若V≠0是任意域F上的一忠实且完全可约F[G]模。
3.From Tytler s three principles of translation in the west and Yan Fu s three-word standard, namely “faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance” in China,translation theorists all over the world never stop arguing about this problem.当代翻译理论家们就翻译标准似乎已达成共识:翻译标准是一个以忠实和对等为核心的动态多元体系,忠实的程度和对等的层次随文本类型和翻译目的的不同而各异。

陈忠实精选集作者:陈忠实 著出版社:北京燕山出版社出版日期:2006-2-1isbn:7540217197字数:388000印次:1版次:1纸张:胶版纸定价:20 元内容提要20世纪是一个不寻常的世纪。20世纪的社会生活风云激荡,沧桑巨变, 20世纪的华文文学也波澜壮阔,气象万千。以其大起大伏、大开大阖的自身演进,书写了中华民族五千年华彩乐章中光辉灿烂的一页。以名家联袂名作的方式,检阅和展示20世纪中国文学所取得的丰硕成果与长足进步。本书是 “世纪文学60家”系列之一,“世纪文学60家”丛书入选作家均以“精选集 ”的方式收入其代表性的作品。在作品之外,还请有关专家撰写了研究性序言,编制了作家的创作要目,其意在于为读者了解作家作品及其创作上的特点和文学史上的地位,提供必要的导读和更多的资讯。他——这个脸上已是沟沟壑壑、满脸沧桑,却有一双炯炯有神大眼睛的五十六岁的汉子,就是现当代作家陈忠实,一个厚积薄发的作者,1993年以长篇小说《白鹿原》一举成名,该作品集家庭史民族史于一体,以厚重的历史感和复杂的人物形象而在同类作品中脱颖而出,成为当代文学中不可多得的杰作之一。这个一九四二年诞生于南倚白鹿原北临灞河的那个叫作西蒋村的孩子,几十年前曾经穿着鞋底磨穿的旧布鞋,脚后跟淌着血从这不足百户的小村子里走向灞桥,走向西安,如今却堂堂正正地走向北京,走向世界,攀登上中国当代文学殿堂的高峰。作者简介陈忠实,(1945—),陕西西安人。1965年初开始发表作品。已出版长篇小说《白鹿原》,中篇小说集《初夏》、《四妹子》、《夭折》,短篇小说集《乡村》、《到老白杨树背后去》,论文集《创作感受谈》等。1979年加入中国作家协会,1982年开始专业创作,现为陕西省作家协会主席、中国作家协会副主席。目录由“真”到“深”厚积薄发 白烨短篇小说信任土地诗篇毛茸茸的酸杏儿到老白杨树背后去轱辘子客两个朋友日子关于沙娜猫与鼠,也缠绵腊月的故事作家和他的弟弟地窖中篇小说康家小院梆子老太蓝袍先生创作要目