1.Sdudy on Resources Condition and Exploitation of Bentonite Deposit in Chaoyang;朝阳某膨润土矿资源状况及开发利用研究
2.Study on the Collective-owned Forestry Property Reform in Chaoyang;朝阳集体林产权制度改革的研究
3.Study on Eco-economic Benefits of Tree Species of Road Greening in Chaoyang;朝阳地区公路绿化树种生态经济效益研究

1.More worship the rising than the setting sun.顶礼朝阳多,膜拜夕阳少。
2.The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.朝阳烧红了东方的天空。
3.The morning sun gilds the sky.朝阳把天空染成金色。
4.The morning sun fired the tops of the trees.朝阳照亮了树林的顶端
5.The rising sun flames the eastern sky.朝阳映红了东方的天空。
6.The Niuheliang Site辽宁朝阳市:牛河梁遗址
7."Her hair-clasps, in the form of five phoenixes facing the sun, had pendants of pearls."绾着朝阳五凤挂珠钗
8.Research on well patterns thickening of Block Chao 55 in Chaoyanggou Oilfield朝阳沟油田朝55区块井网加密研究
9.Develop Domestic Sun-rising Industry,Construct International Sunset Project--Research on the Cultivation and Development of Hainan Foreign Senior Service Industry;发展海南朝阳产业 构建国际夕阳工程
10."ICBC Chaoyang Sub-Branch, Chaowai Office"中国工商银行朝阳区支行朝外大街分理处
11.As soon as you get up in the morning, go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes.12.把阳光当作你的生物钟 早晨起床后,到户外面朝朝阳15分钟。
12.Developing the Sun-rising Tourism amd Saluting the Tourism Sunrise --A general survey of student travel in China and its politics;发展朝阳旅游,迎接旅游朝阳——我国学生旅游概况及对策
13.She is like the sun rising up at dawn,@ he whispered to himself.“她就像黎明时升起的朝阳,”他喃喃自语。
14.The morning sunlight, reflected by the snow, bathed the whole city in light.朝阳的一点光,借着雪,已照明了全城。
15.Then came liberation, Shortly after they moved to chaoyang.然后就解放了,不久,他们就搬进了朝阳
16.As yet the early rising sun Has not attained his noon.譬如朝阳才升起,未中午,势已收。
17.The rising sun lit up the earth, the forest, and the plains.徐徐上升的朝阳照亮了大地、林和草原。
18."Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day"能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天

solar orientation朝阳;朝阳方位
3)Chaoyang District朝阳区
1.Principles and Method of Ecological Planning at District Scale——A Case Study of Chaoyang District,Beijing;生态城区规划的原则与方法——以北京市朝阳区为例
2.Plant disposition patterns of three dimensional greening of multi-level crossing bridge in Chaoyang District,Beijing;北京市朝阳区立交桥立体绿化植物配置模式
3.An Analysis of the Status of the Students Constitution in the Primary and Secondary Schools in Chaoyang District in Beijing;北京市朝阳区中小学学生体质状况分析
4)chaoyang area朝阳地区
1.The distribution of mineral elements in soil profiles and iron oxide were analyzed based on five representative samples of the Quaternary Red Palaeosols in Chaoyang area Liaoning Province .以辽宁省朝阳地区5个具有代表性的第四纪古红土剖面为研究对象,经大量室内分析,研究其土壤中矿质元素的剖面分布状况及其氧化铁的分布特征。
5)Chaoyang City朝阳市
1.Present Situation and dynamic changes of Land Desertification in Chaoyang City;朝阳市土地荒漠化现状及动态变化分析
6)chaoyang county朝阳县
1.Analysis of Precipitation Profit and Loss in Chaoyang County of Liaoning Province and Its Drought Situations;辽宁省朝阳县降水量盈亏与干旱情况分析
2.Stem-analysis data of such major afforestation tress species as Pinus tabulaeformis,Robinia pseucdoacacia and Larix principis-rupprechtii in Chaoyang county were collected and classified in terms of site types,growth of height was simulated and studied by using 6 growth models of height.收集朝阳县主要造林树种油松、刺槐和华北落叶松的解析木数据,按照不同立地类型对数据进行分类整理,运用6种高生长模型对树高生长进行拟合和研究。

朝阳朝阳Chaoyang  均气温一10℃,7月平均气温24℃左右。年平均降水量450~580毫米,由东南向西北递减。矿藏资源丰富,有煤、油母页岩、石灰石、石棉、大理石、紫砂、玛瑙、金、锰、铝、锌、钼、铁等。工业有煤炭、电力、冶金、化工、电子、建材、纺织、食品加工、造纸、印刷等部门。农业以产粮为主,并出产棉花、油料、山枣、苹果、白梨以及畜禽产品等。境内交通方便,锦州—承德、锦州—赤峰铁路和北京一承德一沈阳公路(101国道)通过境内。民航有通往:I匕京、沈阳、哈尔滨、大连等地的肮班。 朝阳地处连接东北与华北的纽带地区,历来为兵家必争之地。东汉末年,乌桓占据柳城,并以此为政治、军事中心进犯中原。建安十二年(207),曹操率军远征乌桓,收复柳城。鲜卑慕容就建前燕后建都龙城,为其南下基地。在唐、宋、明代的战争以及民国时期的直奉军阀战争中,朝阳一直成为军事斗争双方争夺和控制的战略重地。解放战争时期,东北人民解放军在东北1 947年秋季攻势中解放朝阳全境,随后这一地区成为辽沈决战的重要战役后方。 (蒋凤波)朝阳市区俯瞰傅荣斌撮C】161()jVOllg朝阳 (chaoyang) 中国辽宁省辖市,军事要地。位于辽宁省西部,大凌河中游盆地。辖双塔、龙城2区,凌源、北票2市,喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县和朝阳县、建平县。面积19 774平方千米,人口334万,其中市区面积573平方千米,人口46万(2000)。有汉、蒙古、满、回、朝鲜、瑶、苗、壮、锡伯等27个民族。 战国时期属燕国辽西郡和右北平郡。西汉置柳城县。西晋时属平州昌黎郡。十六国时改称龙城,为前燕、后燕、北燕建都之地。北魏、隋、唐时期曾设营州。唐置安东都护府,营州都督府及平卢节度使。辽、金为兴中府、州治所。元代设兴中府。明代设营州卫。清乾隆四十三年(1778)置朝阳县,光绪二十九年(1903)升为朝阳府。1949年6月划归热河省,后归辽宁省。1959年设朝阳市。1964’F撤市,其行政区域并入朝阳县,设立朝阳地区行政公署。1984~‘,}三升为地级市。 辖区位于辽西丘陵地带,境内多山,属低山丘陵区。西侧的努鲁儿虎山脉最高峰红石砬子山位于凌源市境内,海拔1 256.6米。位于市区东南部的凤凰山海拔648.6米,为瞰制市区的最高点。境内有大凌河、小凌河、六股河、青龙河和老哈河等5条主要河流。大凌河自西南向东北从市区东南缘经过。属北温带大陆性季风气候。全年平均气温5.5~8.8℃,从南到北递减。1月平