1.Application of SVM in thunderstorm forecasting;支持向量机在雷雨天气预报中的应用
2.A Person With the Most Typical Thunderstorm Personality in"Lei Yu";繁漪:《雷雨》中最具雷雨性格的人
3.The Cultural Interpretation of the Thunderstorm Image;“雷雨”意象的文化阐释

1.Thunderstorm ahead (on my way), climbing to 10000m to avoid (overfly) the storm.前方有雷雨,上升到10000米避开(飞越)雷雨
2.On the Existent Tragedy in "Thunderstorm";浅谈《雷雨》中“雷雨"式的生存悲剧
3.A Person With the Most Typical Thunderstorm Personality in"Lei Yu";繁漪:《雷雨》中最具雷雨性格的人
4.A Summary of Symbolism in "thurderstorm";《雷雨》中“雷雨”的多重象征意义
5.The Thunder Image in The Thunder and Its Archetypal Analysis;《雷雨》中的“雷雨”意象及其原型分析
6.Thunderstorm and the Ceremony of Rain Praying--A Cultural Interpretation of Cao Yu s Thunderstorm;《雷雨》与祈雨仪式——曹禺剧作《雷雨》的文化学阐释
7.The clouds appeared inclined to thunder.阴云密布,好象要有雷雨
8.The thunderstorm terrified the child.雷雨把那个小孩吓坏了。
9.In the middle of the night, he was awakened by thunder and rain.半夜,他被雷雨惊醒过来。
10.Thunderstorms often stampede cattle.雷雨常使牛群惊逃。
11.We were caught in the thundershower.我们遇到了大雷雨
12.He was born during a thunderstorm.他是在大雷雨中出生的。
13.The rain stopped, the thunder ceased and the wind went eerily silent.雷雨停了,风也静了。
14.There is a thunderstorm hanging about雷雨马上就要来了。
15.In April, rain showers begin.四月份开始下雷雨
16.the thunderstorm of summer,有人喜欢夏天的雷雨
17.get a thorough souse in a thunderstorm在雷雨中浑身湿透了
18.Thunderstorms often occur in summer.雷雨常发生于夏天。

1.The Application of the Quality Maxim to an Analysis of the Translation of Lines in Thunderstorm;质量准则在分析《雷雨》台词原文与译文中的应用(英文)
2.The descent of Greek tragedies in Thunderstorm——As compared with Oedipus the King;《雷雨》的希腊悲剧血统——兼与《俄狄浦斯王》比较
3.The Esthetical Implication of "Sickness" in the Play Thunderstorm;论《雷雨》中“病”的戏剧审美蕴涵
3)the Thunderstorm《雷雨》
1.Threnody and Dirge: the World of Female——The Female Image in The Thunderstorm and The Golden Lock Story;悲歌·挽歌:她们的世界——《雷雨》、《金锁记》女性形象比较
2.The Activation of the Archetype of Killing Father and Marrying Mother in Modern China——An Interpretation of "The Thunderstorm";杀父娶母原型在现代中国的激活——对《雷雨》的一种阐释
3.On Cao Yu s Mentality in Creating The Thunderstorm;曹禺《雷雨》创作心理简论
5)radar rainfall measurement雷达测雨
1.Application of radar rainfall measurement to hydrology;雷达测雨在水文学中的应用——影响预报精度的因素分析
2.Then SPA and its advantages are presented and applied into the determination of the Z-I relationship of radar rainfall measurement.介绍雷达定量测量降雨的基本原理和运用最优化算法率定雷达测雨参数的方法,其中最优化目标函数选取三种表达式。
6)radar rainfall data雷达测雨
1.In the paper,the radar rainfall data adjusted meanly in space by means of rain-gauge data were as the input of distributed hydrological model to simulate flood process.本文针对长江三峡区间,利用雨量站点观测值来校准雷达测雨数据,并作为分布式水文模型的降雨输入,借助水文模拟结果综合评价雷达测雨数据的适用性。
