1.Vulnerability research of ecological environment in Zhalong wetland;扎龙湿地生态环境脆弱性研究
2.Study on the Quantitative Traits of Rhizome in Leymus chinensis(Trin.) Tzvel.Population under Different Habitats in Zhalong Natural Reserve;扎龙自然保护区不同生境羊草种群根茎的数量性状
3.Feeding Habitat of Black-winged Stilt in Zhalong Nature Reserve in Spring;扎龙保护区春季黑翅长脚鹬觅食生境分析

1.Zhalong Wetland Function Assessment and Ecological Water Requirment Research;扎龙湿地功能评价及生态需水量研究
2.Research and Development of Zhalong Wetland Temporal Geographic Information System;扎龙湿地时态地理信息系统开发研究
3.Preliminary Studies on the Characteristics of Water Environment of Ice Sealed扎龙湿地冰封期水环境特征初步研究
4.Forage habitat selection of white-naped crane during its incubation period in Zhalong Wetland扎龙湿地白枕鹤孵化期觅食生境选择
5.CO_2 Flux across Water-air Interface in Zhalong Wetlands in Spring扎龙湿地5月份水—气界面CO_2通量
6.Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes.扎龙自然保护区是丹顶鹤重要的生活区。
7.Community Diversity about Breeding Birds in Reed Marsh of Zhalong Natural Reserve扎龙芦苇沼泽繁殖鸟类群落多样性研究
8.Cellular Automaton Model Study for Simulating Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Zhalong Wetland;扎龙湿地时空格局演变的细胞自动机模型研究
9.Research on Estimating Ecological Frangibility of Zhalong Wetlands;3S技术支持下的扎龙湿地生态脆弱性评价研究
10.Ecological Characteristic of Soil Animal in Zhalong National Nature Reserve;扎龙自然保护区土壤动物生态特征的研究
11.Nest Site Selection of Grey Herons during the Initial Stages of Wetland Recovery in Zhalong Natural Reserve;扎龙湿地恢复初期苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)的巢址选择
12.Research on the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Variation in Zhalong Wetland;气候变化对扎龙湿地水文特性影响的研究
13.Study on the Effects of Water Complementing for Zhalong Wetland on Crane Ecology and Its Habitats;扎龙湿地补水对鹤类生态及其生境影响研究
14.Research of Three Dimensional Flood Visualization in Zhalong Wetland Based on Internet Platform;基于网络平台的扎龙湿地洪水三维可视化研究
15.Advantages of Zhalong Ecological Resources in Biology Teaching and Research;扎龙生态资源在生物教学与科研中的优势
16.A Survey on the Characters of the Tourists in Zhalong National Nature Reserve;扎龙国家级自然保护区游客客源特征调查分析
17.Investigation and analysis of soil utilization in Zhalong National Natural Protection Area;扎龙国家级自然保护区土地利用调查与分析
18.Analysis of the Ultimate Problems Restricting Zhalong-Swamp to Survive and Development Continually;制约扎龙湿地生存发展的问题与对策分析

Zha Long扎龙
1.The Quality Analysis and Purification Rate Research of Water Environment in Zha Long Wetland;扎龙湿地水环境质量分析与净化率研究
2.The Analysis of Eco-tour Model Development of Zha Long Nature Reserve Wetland;扎龙自然保护区生态旅游发展模式探究
3)Zhalong wetland扎龙
1.The Relationship between microstructure of reed s leaves and Ecological environment of Zhalong Wetland;扎龙湿地芦苇叶片结构与生境关系的研究
2.There are many perturbation factors on Zhalong wetlands , they include climate、flood pulsing 、fire、 project construction、farming and grazing .扎龙湿地的扰动因子有气候、洪水、火、水利工程、农业活动等因子。
3.Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) images of Zhalong wetland were created by means of geometric correction and atmospheric correction for satellite data from four sets of Landsat images.以扎龙地区四期Landsat影像为基础数据,经过几何纠正、大气纠正等数据的处理工作,生成四期的扎龙地区的归一化差值指数图像。
4)Zhalong Wetland扎龙湿地
1.Comprehensive evaluation on water environment quality of Zhalong wetland based on grey clustering method;基于灰色聚类法的扎龙湿地水环境质量综合评价
2.Determination of endocrine disrupters nonylphenol in Zhalong wetland water;扎龙湿地水体中内分泌干扰物壬基酚的测定
3.Eco-environmental water requirement in the Zhalong Wetland;扎龙湿地生态系统需水量
5)Zhalong wetlands扎龙湿地
1.A Study of Environmental Degeneration and Protection Countermeasures of Zhalong Wetlands;扎龙湿地环境退化与保护对策
2.Taking Zhalong natural wetlands as an example, and selecting water demand for wetland vegetation, soil, biological habitat and purifying pollutants as main indexes, the author evaluates the eco-environmental water demand of Zhalong wetlands.湿地生态环境需水是指维持湿地生态系统生态平衡和正常发展、保障湿地系统生态水文功能和相关环境功能正常发挥所需的水量,以扎龙国家自然湿地为例,选取植被需水量、土壤需水量、生物栖息地环境需水量及污染物净化需水量为主要指标,估算了扎龙湿地生态环境需水量。
3.In this paper, the author analyses the status of water eutrophication in Zhalong wetlands, and points out that the majority of water quality indexes, such as TN, TP and BOD5, have gone beyond the water quality standards seriously.对扎龙湿地水体富营养化污染状况进行调查,指出沼泽湿地、湖泊湿地TN、TP、BOD5等多项水质指标都已严重超标;阐明了营养物年季变化特征;总结了扎龙湿地水体富营养化发展趋势;提出了保障湿地供水、生态工程恢复及控制流域地表水污染的多项管理策略。
6)Zhalong marsh扎龙湿地
1.An assessment of the Zhalong marsh water quality and hydrobios;扎龙湿地水质、水生生物评价
2.The analysis of water environment in the Zhalong marsh and its sustainable available research;扎龙湿地水环境分析与可持续利用研究

扎龙鹤之乡扎龙自然保护区位于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市东南26公里处,面积21万公顷。扎龙自然保护区芦苇沼泽广袤辽远,湖泊星罗棋布,苇草肥美,鱼虾丰盛,环境幽静,风光绮丽,是鸟类繁衍的"天堂",保护区栖居鸟类150多种,其中鹤的种类多,数量大,颇为世人瞩目,素有"鹤的故乡"之称。扎龙自然保护区主要是保护湿地及国家级保护动物丹顶鹤等野生动物。横跨二区四县,该湿地是乌裕尔河下游失去河道,河水漫溢而成的一大片永久性弱碱性淡水沼泽区,由许多小型浅水湖泊和广阔的草甸、草原组成。沼泽地最大水深0.75米,湖泊最大水深达5米。该区生息繁衍着鱼类有46种,昆虫类达277种,鸟类260种,兽类21种。其中丹顶鹤、白枕鹤、白头鹤、闺秀鹤、白鹤和灰鹤均为国家重点保护的一、二级动物。每年4月一5月份约200余只丹顶鹤及其他水禽来此处栖息繁衍,白鹤数量近1000只,来此栖息逗留后继续北迁至俄罗斯境内;为迁徒性停息鸟。芦苇沼泽和塔头苔草是丹顶鹤的主要栖息地。芦苇高达1米一3米,人类难以进入,为这些珍贵水禽的生存和繁衍创造了条件。野生经济鸟类每年繁殖数量达10万只以上。扎龙湖位于乌裕尔河下游齐齐哈尔市与大庆市林甸县和杜尔伯特县境内。有齐扎公路直通保护区管理局。管理局建在保护区的中部偏西,西与扎龙村为邻,南与吐木柯村隔湖相望,北与石家店村一湖之隔,东同狐狸芯一水之隔。几个小岛上有居民居住。年平均温度3.9℃,年平均降水量402.7毫米,主要任务是湿地保护,水禽、鹤类科研繁育。扎龙自然保护区原是齐齐哈尔市扎龙渔场所辖渔区。1976年由省林业厅开始筹建,1979年黑龙江省人民政府批准建立黑龙江省扎龙自然保护区,成立扎龙自然保护区管理局。1987年4月国务院批准扎龙自然保 护区为国家级自然保护区。1992年中国加入《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》,扎龙保护区被列入国际重要湿地名录。