1.Applicable stage of Code for Construction and Code for meteorology;《建筑法》与《气象法》调整对象的阶段性——评南昌市赣建工程质量检测中心诉南昌市气象局行政诉讼案
2.Research on the characteristics of stage and continuity in the moral education of postgraduates;硕士生德育工作的阶段性与连续性特点研究

1.arrange in phases or stages.阶段性的安排或者筹备。
2.Stages and Their Succession of Indian Buddha Images' Arrival in China印度佛像初传中国的阶段性与各阶段的传承性
3.To plan or carry out systematically by phases.使分阶段实行阶段性的系统计划或执行
5.Correct Understanding of the Phasic Characteristics of the Primary Stage of Socialism正确理解社会主义初级阶段的阶段性特征
6.Stage Division and Inspiration of Party s Construction of Advancedness;党的先进性建设的阶段性划分与启示
7.The Analysis of Non-Linear Phasic Characteristics of Development of Service Industry;服务业发展的非线性阶段性特征分析
8.On the Character of Phase and Continuity in University Physical Education;浅谈学校体育教学的阶段性和延续性
9.However, the phases and phase processes are still linear.然而,阶段和阶段过程仍然是线性的。
10.Characteristically, the strains in the plactic region are much greater than in the elastic region.很明显,塑性阶段的应变远大于弹性阶段的应变。
11.Both the previous and present stages are stages of transition towards nation wide armed resistance to Japan.前一阶段和这一阶段都是走上全国性对日武装抗战的过渡阶段。
12.Class Attribute of Present Urban Migrant Workers in China;论我国现阶段城市农民工的阶级属性
13.This is called the perceptual stage of cognition, namely, the stage of sense perceptions and impressions.这叫做认识的感性阶段,就是感觉和印象的阶段。
14.Studies on Epidemic Models with Acute and Chronic Stages for Which Diseases May Recrudesce at Chronic Stages;具有急慢性阶段且在慢性病阶段可再次发病的传染病模型
15.Research of Determining Taenatrjue of Compelling Sex Behavior in Marry at Present;现阶段“婚内强迫性行为”定性问题研究
16.Sexual Culture Revolution-The Nirvana Period of Woman Writing;性别文化革命——女性写作的涅槃阶段
17.Nonlinear Behavior of Steel Structures Considering the Cooling Phase of A Fire火灾后冷却阶段钢结构的非线性性能
18.The national bourgeoisie at the present stage is of great importance.民族资产阶级在现阶段上,有其很大的重要性。

1.Phases in Pyrite Bio-Oxidation Process;黄铁矿生物氧化过程的阶段性
2.On the Gradualness & Phase of Enterprises Independent Innovation;论企业自主创新的渐进性与阶段性
3.The characteristics of flexibility,phase and consistence of reforming Chinese rural land system;中国农村土地制度改革过程的变通性、阶段性和一贯性
1.Study on growing stages of electrical tree in XLPE;XLPE电缆绝缘中电树枝生长的阶段性特性实验研究
2.A Study on the Stages of Rural Tourism;基于可持续发展的乡村旅游阶段性研究
3.Different nations may have had different experiences in their processes but they all took the same direction and went through similar stages of evolution, which displayed a distinct characteristic of proceeding in order.从中世纪晚期开始,欧洲国家形态向近代演变,尽管在不同地区、国家演变的过程不同,但演变的方向和阶段却呈相同性,表现为依一定的顺序阶段性地发展,而这一应该引起高度重视的现象,似乎尚未被学术界注意到。
1.Realistic Basis, Phases and Levels of Constructing Well-off Society in Yunnan;云南小康社会建设的现实基础及阶段性、层次性
2.Exemplifying several typical faults demonstrating turbo-generator sets faults having different symptoms in different phases.以几个典型故障为例 ,阐述汽轮发电机组故障的阶段
3.Beginning from the phases during the conduction of financial policies,this paper focuses on the research about the efficiency of Chinese financial policies;furthermore,based on the frame of phases of conduction,we analyze the reasons of the weakness of the enforcement of Chinese financial policies;at finally,we provide our basic suggestions on how to increase the efficiency of financial policies.文章以财政政策传导的阶段性为切入点,集中探讨了中国财政政策的效力状况。
1.The Establishment of Phased and Multi-Layer Evaluating Pattern for Libraries;构建阶段性层次型图书馆评估模式
2.It is found that China s foreign exchange reserve features a phased growth and the growth process can be divided into three different stages.以中国1994~2004年的外汇储备实际数据为基础,对中国外汇储备的增长情况进行了分析和研究,发现中国的外汇储备增长过程具有显著的阶段性成长特征,可以分成三个不同的阶段。
6)perfeet stage有性阶段

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-