临安,Lin an
1)Lin an临安
1.Research on the development of tea culture in eco-tourism of Lin an;临安生态旅游的茶文化开发研究
2.Characteristic of Surface Ozone Concentrations at Lin an;临安近地面臭氧变化特征分析
1.A Textual Research of the Daoist Palaces and Temples in Linan in the Southern Song Dynasty and Hangzhou in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;南宋临安及明清杭州道教宫观考
2.禗ongjing Meng Hua Lu》and 《Meng Liang Lu》have given a more detailed description about the diet customs in the capital Bianliang of the Northern Song Dynasty and the capital Linan of the Southern Song Dynasty.《东京梦华录》和《梦粱录》较详尽地记载了北宋都城汴梁和南宋都城临安的饮食风俗 ,从中可以看到宋代都城中饮食行业已打破坊市分隔 ,空前繁盛 ,经营特色更加显著。
3.Analysis on natural geographical advantages in urban green system planning of Linan, Zhejiang province demonstrated its important role and effect.通过对临安市城市绿地系统规划中自然地理条件的利用分析,阐述了利用自然地理条件在城市绿地系统构筑中有着重要的地位和作用,从而掌握城市绿地系统构筑的关键所在,以确保城市生态环境建设的成功。
1.Study of air-anion concentration in the nearby scenic area of Lin'an city;临安周边旅游景区空气负离子浓度研究
1.The Research of Song Dynasty Kaifeng and Lin-an's Palace;两宋开封临安皇城宫苑研究
5)criticality safety临界安全
6)Lin'an City临安市
1.Cleaner Production and Green Industry --The Inevitable Choice of the Industrid Economic Development of Lin'an City;清洁生产与绿色产业——临安市工业经济发展的必然选择

与临安令宗人同年剧饮【诗文】:我虽不解饮,把盏欢意足。试呼白发感秋人,令唱黄鸡催晓曲。与君登科如隔晨,敝袍霜叶空残绿。如今莫问老与少,儿子森森如立竹。黄鸡催晓不须愁,老尽世人非我独。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷四