1.The law of propagation of vibration wave of blasting is mostly affected by property of rock material and parameters of explosive loadings,whereas the topography affects greatly propagation of vibration wave under condition of a variety of terrains.爆破振动波在岩土介质中的传播规律主要受岩体介质特性以及装药参数的影响,但在地形起伏较大的情况下,地形地貌对爆破振动波传播具有非常大的影响。
2.A conclusion is drawn that,topography,stratum lithology,geological structures and river erosion are the primary causes of landslides,but rainfall and human engineering activities are main factors to draw forth landslides.分析表明地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造以及河流侵蚀是滑坡形成的基础,而降雨和人类工程活动是其形成的诱发因素。
3.Based on the correlation of the radar altimeter′s echo and the topography of the measured field, this paper presents a method to get the radar altimeter′s echo by the simulated topography, and replaces the costly way to get it by trial flight.基于雷达高度表的回波波形与被测地形地貌的相关关系 ,提出了用仿真地形产生雷达高度表的回波波形的方法 ,以替代昂贵的飞行试验取得回波波形 。

1.At the same time, the natural topography and general configuration of the earth's surface should be retained.同时要保持天然的地形地貌
2.Recent Sedimentation and Sea Floor Topography Off the Coast of Sanya Cape三亚角外海海底地形地貌及现代沉积
3.The distribution was consistent with local yield and landform.分布情况与实地的产量和地形地貌基本一致。
4.Field Experimental and Theoretical Study on Blating Wave Propagation Charcteristics under Different Terrains;地形地貌对爆破振动波影响的实验和理论研究
5.A Research on the Geomorphologic Characterization of China Based on the 1:1,000,000 DEM;基于1:100万DEM的我国地形地貌特征研究
6.Leakage prevention for ash site in typical landform area特殊地形地貌区燃煤电厂灰场防渗对策
7.A Study of the Geomorphologic Forms Classification Based on Relief基于地形起伏度的地貌形态划分研究
8.The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms.地貌学对地形发展和结构进行的研究
9.Geomorphology deals with the origin of landscapes and changes in them.地貌学研究地形的成因及其变化。
10.Slope Spectrum of Positive and Negative Terrains of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province陕北黄土地貌正负地形坡度组合研究
11.The physical characteristics, especially the surface features, of an area.地形,地貌某一地区的自然特征,尤指地表特点
12.Multifractal arithmethic for watershed topographic feature流域地貌形态特征多重分形算法研究
13.Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Karst Physiognomy in China中国喀斯特地貌的形成机制及分布
14.All these characters form unique river-valley landforms of the three parallel rivers.形成了独具特色的“三江并流”河谷地貌。
15.Study On Tourist Destination Image of Danxia Landscape in Langshan,Hunan;湖南峎山丹霞地貌旅游形象建设研究
17.The Action of Landform on the Forming and Succession of Natural Complex;地貌在自然综合体形成过程中的作用
18.The Fractal,Entropy and Geomorphological Meaning of Karst Drainage Basins喀斯特流域水系分形、熵及其地貌意义

1.Based on the investigation of the landform, the geological structure, the bedrock, the distribution and the thickness of the Quaternary system, the dynamic features of underground water and the small earthquake activity in Gaozhou area, we evaluate the seismogeological environment synthetically.在考察了高州地区地形地貌、地质构造、基岩与第四系分布及其厚度、地下水静动态特征、当地及周围地震活动的基础上 ,对高州地区的地震地质环境作出了综合评价 ,认为位于丘陵平原地区的高州市地震活动水平低 ,从未发生过 5 0级地震 ,场区和近场区虽有多条断裂通过 ,但都是全新世非活动断裂 ,地下水位浅 ,第四系较薄 ,据此判定高州市地震地质环境稳
2.This paper analyzes on the geology of the area of waterline of Zhangfeng reservoir from angles of the landform,the lithologic character of the stratum,the hydrologic geology,the geological structure and earthquake and the physicogeological phenomena.从地形地貌、地层岩性、水文地质、地质构造与地震及物理地质现象的角度出发,对张峰水库输水线路的区域地质进行了分析。
3)topography and morphology地形地貌
1.In the recent years, the fast developing technologies in electronics and aeronautics give people the opportunity to re-understand our earth, especially terrain.地形地貌控制着地球表面上水分、热量的再分配,进而对气候、水文、土壤、生态乃至人类有着重要的影响,而它本身也是人类认识自然、改造自然的重要客体。
5)landform and physiognomy地形地貌
1.The studies of the effect of different forest,meadow,landform and physiognomy,and the using mode of ground on soil infiltration were summarized as well as the changing law of soil infiltration in different outside factors.概述了不同林地、草地、地形地貌、土地利用方式等外界条件对土壤入渗性能的影响,初步总结出不同外界条件下土壤入渗的变化规律,为保持水土、提高土壤水分生产力提供重要的科学依据。
2.Based on the data from engineering geological survey,this paper evaluates and analyzes the geological conditions of Yuanshenmiao Reservoir Area from landform and physiognomy,formation lithology,geological structure and geo-hydrologic conditions.在工程地质勘察资料的基础上,从地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件等方面对源神庙水库区域地质条件进行了评析。

关于改变地形地貌的活动 在城市建设发展过程中,一些建设工程需要大量的填土、弃土,建材生产需要大量控取砂石、土方,城市还有大量的基建碴土、工业废渣、生活垃圾等需要堆弃。在城市规划区内擅自进行改变地形、地貌的活动、有可能堵塞防洪河道、破坏园林绿化、文物古迹、市政工程设施、地下管线设施以及人防设施等,影响城市环境和安全以及城市居民的生产和生活,影响城市规划法的实施。因此,《城市规划法》第三十六条规定:“在城市规划区内进行控取砂石、土方等活动,须经有关主管部门批准,不得破坏城市环境,影响城市规划的实施。”这就要求,任何单位和个人在城市规划区内进行改变地形、地貌的活动必须征得城市规划行政主管部门的同意,按照城市规划管理的有关规定事先报告,提出申请,经过批准后,方可进行。