1.The Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Late Yanshanian Granites in Renju-Huangshe Area,Pingyuan,Guangdong;广东平远仁居—黄畲地区燕山晚期花岗岩类的地质地球化学特征
2.ln this paper,the composition and basic characters of Pingyuan Flora in Guangdong are reported.本文报道了广东平远县植物区系的组成及其特点。

1.Deng Xiao-ping s Thoughts of Distance Education and the Development of RTVU Distance Education;邓小平远程教育思想与电大远程教育的发展
2.Their levels of a hormone called interferon-tau were far lower than normal.它们体内干扰素υ的水平远低于正常水平。
3.The demand for electricity may get well below the average level.电的需求量可能远远低于平均水平。
4.extreme ultraviolet glancing incidence telescope极远紫外水平入射望远镜
5.The readings we took were well above average.我们记录的读数远远高於平均数.
6.The performance fell far short of our expectations.演出远远没有达到我们预期的水平。
7.Let the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace.让孤独将寂静隔离在远远的地平线上。
8.remote supervision of level crossings平交道口的远程管理
9.The level of the two is quite different.两个人的水平相差很远。
10.remote plan position indicator远距离平面位置指示器
11.remote plane position indicator远距离平面位置显示器
12.Fuso Black Body平板式远红外线加热炉
13.He swept the horizon with a telescope.他用远镜扫视地平线。
14.He raked the horizon with a telescope.他用望远镜扫视地平线。
15.Pacific Far East Lines太平洋远东轮船公司
16.balanced beam type distance relay平衡杆式远距继电器
17."Oh, when will the Tartar troops be conquered, And my husband come Back from the long campai gn!"何日平胡虏? 良人罢远征。
18.Deng Xiaoping: It will, forever.邓小平:永远要保留下去。

Pingyuan county平远县
1.Study on modification method for cultivated Land of Pingyuan county,Guangdong province;广东省平远县耕地修正法定级研究
2.The Development and Distribution Characteristics of Geologic Hazards in Pingyuan County and Prevention Countermeasures;平远县地质灾害发育分布特征及防治对策
3.Based on investigations in 2003, analysis are given to the ancient and famous trees in the Pingyuan county.对平远县的古树进行了多次调查,结果表明,该县百年以上古树资源较为丰富,到2003年为止, 已知有1 646株,分布于全县12个镇,大多数植株生长较好,也有少部分植株濒临死亡或已经死亡。
3)the far balanced state远平衡态
4)Ningyuan Pinghua宁远平话
5)Level and Far Type Composition of Picture平远构图
6)plain style清远平淡

平远1.平夷远阔。 2.谓性情平和,胸襟远大。 3.山水画的一种取景方法,自近山望远山,意境绵邈旷远。