1.The theme of family education: expecting children to grow up naturally;望子成人——家庭教育的主旋律
2.Teaching and fostering ——The theme of college education;教书育人——高校教育的主旋律
3.He showed his love of the motherland,stuck to the opinion of democracy and science, brought in some Western advanced thoughts,developed what was usefuss and discard what was not traditional culture,and praised the ideal human nature,which should be the theme that he remoulded nationalism.鲁迅挚爱祖国,高扬“民主”“科学”大旗,“窃取”西方圣火,扬弃传统文化,称赞“理想的人性”,这应该是害迅改造国民性思想的主旋律

1.a recurrent problem, theme经常出现的问题、 主旋律.
2.(music) the presentation of a musical theme.(音乐)主旋律的介绍。
3.The leading part or the air in a harmonic composition.主旋律,主声调和声乐曲中之主要声部
4.A eulogy of the main theme is the cultural theme of the Revolutionary Classical Restaurant.歌颂主旋律是红色经典的文化主题。
5.The “Theme” of the Business Era;商业时代的“主旋律”——“主旋律”创作领域影视剧与小说的互动关系
6.Advocating the Main Theme of the Society in Literature;文学应唱响主旋律——谈文学创作的主旋律与多样化
7.This theme recurs constantly throughout the opera.这一主旋律在该歌剧中不断出现.
8.A slow theme introduces the first movement.第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始.
9.It is called Le Tigre Tour Theme.歌名是《老虎之旅的主旋律》。
10.Campus culture is the main melody in modern college life.校园文化是当代大学生活的主旋律
11.Adjustment will be the Theme in Motorcycle Industry 1997调整将是1997年摩托车工业的主旋律
12.Harmonic Overtone Detection Based Main Melody Extraction;基于和谐泛音检测的主旋律提取技术
13.Industry and Type:the Strategy for Transformation of the Main Melody Movies;产业与类型:主旋律电影的转型策略
14.Personalized Marketing--The central theme of marketing innovation in the 21st century;个性营销——21世纪营销创新主旋律
15.The Main Melody of "Two Courses" about Cultivating Innovative Style Talent;培养创新型人才是“两课”教学的主旋律
16.“Main Melody” Movie Creation and Literature Tradition in Shanxi;山西的“主旋律”电影创作与文学传统
17.Innovation--Main Rhythm of Common-People Educational Thought of Yan Yangchu;创新——晏阳初平民教育思想的主旋律
18.Evolutionary Economics : The Theme of the 21st Century Economics;演化经济学:21世纪经济学的主旋律

main melody主旋律
1.The information consciousness of the editors of Journal of Higher Vocational Institutes shows in different aspects,that is,in political aspects,the consciousness is to develop main melody,in cultural aspects,it is to develop Chinese splendid culture and take the guided effect of advanced culture,in academical aspect,it is to develop innovation spirits and be of consciousne.高职院校学报编辑的信息意识,表现在政治层面上是弘扬主旋律,具有政治敏感性;表现在文化层面上是弘扬中华优秀文化,具有先进文化的导向作用;表现在学术层面上是弘扬创新精神,具有精品意识。
2.The main melody movie is a powerful chain of the ecological system of Chinese cinema.主旋律电影一直是中国电影生态中的强大一链 ,九十年代的主旋律电影依靠国家资源 ,又顺应时代潮流 ,主动进行意义的重新调度。
3.Main Melody Literature" is a kind of literary subject,which meets the needs of the development of socialist culture and ideology ,emphasizes the diversity of aesthetic forms of expression and advocates the unity of "recommending the main melody" and "advocating variety".“主旋律文学”是一种文学命题 ,它包含着符合社会主义精神文明需求的主题内涵 ,强调丰富多彩的审美表现形态 ,主张“弘扬主旋律”与“提倡多样化”的相辅相成。
3)central theme主旋律
1.The publicity of the central theme of era is the essential duty of socialism media,and,for the main stream media,the metropolis dailes,the innovation on the central theme report is even more required.宣传时代主旋律,是社会主义媒介的基本职责,积极创新主旋律题材报道。
4)main theme主旋律
1.The main theme of Shen Zhai Ci by Wangqianqiu, Ci poet of Song Dynasty, is about personal thoughts and the feeling of strangeness in another land , which reflects a common social worry about the country.宋人王千秋《审斋词》的主旋律是心中事、客中情,并由此折射出忧念家国社稷的普遍性社会心态,有些词作亦颇具词史价值。
2.Aiming at this problem, the author calls for writers to embed into the life, grasp the main theme of the society, and create noble characters in the transitional period of the society, so as to produce excellent works of the era.针对现状 ,文章呼唤作家应深入生活 ,把握时代主旋律 ,塑造社会转型期的崇高人格 ,创作出无愧于时代的优秀作
5)Main Melody School主旋律派
1.In the late 1990s,the creation of officialdom novel prospered and two schools,Main Melody School and Official Realism,came into being,which marks the coming of a boom of officialdom novel creation.晚清谴责小说的出现意味着真正意义的官场小说的诞生,20世纪30~40年代国统区的政治讽刺小说和讽刺喜剧有力地推动了官场小说创作的发展,20世纪90年代中后期官场小说的创作呈现出异常繁荣的局面,产生了"主旋律派"和"官场写实派"两大流派,标志着官场小说创作的又一高峰时期的来临。
6)the main melody主导旋律
1.This paper attempts to make a deep exploration of relation between novels of stream of counsciousness and music for the sake of enriching the study of novels of stream of consciousness from the following four perspectives: the main melody,counterpoint,sonata and fugue.本文从主导旋律、对位法、奏鸣曲和赋格四个维度对意识流小说与音乐手法关系进行了深入探讨,希望能丰富对意识流小说的研究。

主旋律1.指音乐演奏中一个声部的主要曲调。 2.引申为一般文艺作品的主要精神或基调。