1.Internet Kuso:Carnival and Resistance in Ceremony;网络恶搞:仪式下的狂欢与抵抗——基于《一个馒头引发的血案》的分析
2.The Media Environment of the KUSO Culture;培育“恶搞”文化的媒介之境
3.The Aesthetic and Moral Thinking of Internet "Kuso";网络恶搞的美学审视与道德思考

1.Mischievous distortion has been themost popular words in china in2006.恶搞成了2006年中国最流行的词汇。
2.On the Civil Law Regulations against the Network Kuso Behavior;对“网络恶搞”行为民法规制的探讨
3.Study on Legal Issues of Internet Viciousness of Movie Works;网络“恶搞”电影作品的法律问题研究
4.Viewing the Audience Acceptance Mentality from the Spreading of "Making-laugh" Films;从“恶搞片”的传播看受众的接受心理
5.Kuso culture: displays recreational roles in online dissemination;“恶搞”文化:凸显网络传播的娱乐功能
6.The Analysis on Youth Subculture Characteristics of "Network KUSO"“网络恶搞”的青年亚文化特性分析
7.Interpretation of the Youth Sub-culture Character about the Internet KUSO Phenomenon网络恶搞现象的青年亚文化特征解读
8.Kuso,Preaching with "Evil Intention",BAD;恶搞·恶炒·恶俗——论作为媒体诗歌事件的“梨花体”与“裸体朗诵”
9.Mischievous distortionworksis different from the deductive one according to the Law of Copywrightconcerned, conversely, the former has no offense to the copywright of theoriginal, although it imitates the original works in ridiculous way.恶搞作品不是著作权法规定的演绎作品,而是滑稽模仿作品,它不侵犯被恶搞者的著作权。
10.Instant color TV sets in Sweden comes as the third.第三大恶搞新闻是1962年的瑞典“瞬变彩色电视机"。
11.It is inappropriate to simply regard this phenomenon as a practical joke on net.笔者认为将其简单地称为“网路恶搞”是不恰当的。
12.On "Kuso" from the Perspective of Esthetics--a case study of a murder caused by a steamed bread;美学视野下的“恶搞”——以《一个馒头引发的血案》为例
13.someone who plays practical jokes on others.搞别人的恶作剧的人。
14.Those boys are brewing mischief.那些孩子正在搞恶作剧.
15.What mischief is he up to?他在搞什么恶作剧?
16.the trait of indulging in disreputable pranks.纵容自己去搞恶意的恶作剧的行为。
17.He was not above a little harmless mischief他是一个不搞恶作剧的小淘气。
18.In the Year of the Monkey, a trick or two is allowed.在猴年,是可以搞一两个恶作剧的。

1.Spoof:Revelry voice in consumption-entertainment,network-image era;恶搞:娱乐消费、网络影像时代下的话语狂欢
2.That variety of spoof is popular makes net entertainment more diverse;the spring of entertainment of grass-root class,the interaction of communication right and the popularization of personal computer are reasons why internet spoof appears more and more.“恶搞”是2006年中国互联网文化的一大气候特征。
1.New juggled culture is a kind of joking culture supported by high technology and science.新型的恶搞行为是在高科技支持下盛行的一种玩笑文化。
2.The juggled culture is a kind of mass culture supported by the network popularly.恶搞是借助网络流行起来的一种大众文化。
4)imaging spoof影像恶搞
5)Juggled films and videos恶搞影视
1.Juggled films and videos are a popular mass culture phenomenon which brings much controversy and processes two major characteristics of the grass roots and amusement.它的出现与迅速传播,涉及到社会文化的方方面面,具体形式多种多样,消极的因素和积极的影响共同存在,很难做一个统一的定论,因此本文选取受到热议的影视文本即电影、电视剧、网络短片为对象,试从喜剧性入手,深入挖掘恶搞影视的合理成分,以客观的展现其美学价值与社会文化意义。
6)screen parody银屏恶搞
