1.Consciousness of Editors and the Formation of style of a Comprehensive Journal of Liberal Arts;编辑思想的自觉与综合类社科学报风格的形成
2.Consciousness and Spontaneity of the Contemporary Civil Society;当代市民社会发展的自觉与自发

1.Fly Dreams in the Mire: Freedom; Consciousness; Inferiority; Self-destruction;梦想在泥泞中放飞:自由·自觉·自卑·自毁
2.The Cultural, Theoretical and Practical Self - consciousness: Development of Comparative Education in an Integration but Difference Maintenance Manner;文化自觉、理论自觉和实践自觉(论纲)——比较教育和而不同发展的途径
3.The Awakening of Men after the Consciousness of Literature in Jian’an Period;建安“文的自觉”化的“人的觉醒”
4.Those who are not conscientious should be helped by others.不能自觉的,别人来帮助。
5.We are what we think we are.自己是自我感觉的自己。
6.She felt her assurance crumble.她感觉到自己不能自持。
7.objective self awareness客观自我觉察 客观自我觉察
8.She felt very silly .她觉得自己够笨的。
9.an instinctive dislike of sb对某人出自直觉的讨厌
10.I trust my instincts.我相信自己的直觉。
11.I found myself not very well.我觉得自己身体不舒服。
12.He discovered that he was excited.他发觉自己很激动。
13.and was sure he was going to die.觉得自己会死掉的。
14.of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch.属于、关于或来自触觉。
15.She feels (she's been) rather hard done by.她觉得(自己)有点委屈.
16.He thought her smile affected.他觉得她笑得不自然。
17.He thought himself hardly dealt with.他觉得自己受到了冷遇。
18.And I awoke, and found me here我一觉醒来,看见自己

1.The long prevailing statement of "the self-consciousness of Wei-Jin Dynasties literature" is theoretically based on such notions as "pure literature," "the awakening of humans," and "aestheticism," which are all the products from the western modernity.文学史上流行已久的"魏晋文学自觉论",其理论支撑不外乎"纯文学"、"人的觉醒"以及"审美"等概念,而这些概念无一例外都是西方现代性的产物。
2.In the activity of history creation,there are two forms: spontaneity and self-consciousness.人们创造历史的活动有两种形式:自发和自觉
1.The paper points out that the final ending is the destiny chosen consciously by Macbeth himself.文章指出麦克白最终的结局是他自己自觉选择的命运。
2.It will make their skill studying and physical exercises conscious.个性要得到尊重,国家、民族的利益要放在首位,使他们练身和学习技能成为自觉
1.The Strategy of the Activating the Self-conscious an Independence of the Student s English Study;激活学生外语学习自觉性与自主感的策略
1.Awareness:the Role Consciousness of the Government by Law——Take the Government As the Object in the Freedom of Speech;自觉:法治政府的角色意识——以言论自由中的政府为对象
2.In China s ancient cultural tradition, shi shows awareness in spirit, ideology and action since the beginning of Qin.在中国古代文化传统中 ,士自先秦诞生之日起 ,就有了一种精神上、思想上乃至行为上的自觉与成熟 ,这导致了这一群人对世俗生活及个人情性的不甚关注 ,甚至是忽视。
1.On Yun Daiying and his educational thought of conscience;恽代英“自觉觉人”教育思想析评

自觉【自觉】 (术语)三觉之一。(参见:三觉)