博爱,universal love
1)universal love博爱
1.Establishing the universal love,the equal thought view,and the benevolence ideology,winning popular support with kindness,and achieving a ideal boundary of the beauty gathers is of positive guiding significance to promote the harmonious development of library.传统的儒家文化:仁、义、礼、信、廉的论述,建立博爱、平等的思想观,树立仁德思想,以德服人,达到天人合一的理想境界,对促进图书馆的和谐发展有积极的指导意义。
2.Starting from the two concepts of Confucius thought of "ren" and Christian view of "universal love",this paper compares the two thoughts,and also points out their modern sense respectively.本文从孔子"仁"的思想内涵和基督教"博爱"思想内涵入手,对"仁"的思想与"博爱"思想进行比较,并提出两者的现代意义。

1.I voted for fraternity, concord, the dawn.我赞助了博爱、协和、曙光!
2.A loving heart is the true wisdom.博爱的心是真正的智慧
3.Charity is the daughter of civilization.博爱为文明的产物。
4.Of faith, hope, and charity, the greatest of all is charity.信仰,希望和博爱,三者之中最伟大的是博爱
5.Of, relating to, or marked by philanthropy; humanitarian.慈善的,博爱的慈善的,慈善事业的;博爱
6.I must say I think patriotism is like charity, and it begins at home.我认为爱国主义象博爱一样,是从家乡开始的。
7.A Comparative Study of Aristotelian Fraternal Love and Christian Universal Love;亚里士多德友爱与基督教博爱思想比较研究
8.An Irony to Fraternity: On Zhang Ai-Ling′s Fiction;博爱"思想的反讽——张爱玲小说创作情态论
9.On the Confucian "Benevolence" and the Christian "Universal Love;儒家"仁爱"伦理与基督教"博爱"伦理思想比较研究
10.The Alliance for the New Humanity say its purpose is to unite these people.博爱社的目的就在于联合起这种人。
11.Pok Oi Hospital Tai Kwan Care and Attention Home博爱医院戴均护理安老院
12.Chan Shi Sau Memorial Social Service Centre [Pok Oi Hospital]陈士修纪念社会服务中心〔博爱医院〕
13.Wong Muk Fung Memorial Social Centre for the Elderly [Pok Oi Hospital]王木丰纪念老人康乐中心〔博爱医院〕
14.Such a long-term perspective is not a philanthropic dream.这种长期的观点不是一种博爱论。
15.Yeung Chun Pui Care-and-Attention Home [Pok Oi Hospital]杨晋培护理安老院〔博爱医院〕
16.International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples国际种族和民族博爱团结运动
17.Chan Ping Memorial Social Centre for the Elderly [Pok Oi Hospital]陈平纪念老人康乐中心〔博爱医院〕
18.He can by the broad mind universal love each student.他能够以宽广的胸怀博爱每一位学生。

1.Cultivation of Medical Student s Fraternity through the Challenge to Care in School;在“学会关心”中促成医学生的博爱境界
2.Early Christianity fraternity thought is the first real fraternity thought comparatively in the world history.早期基督教"博爱"思想,是人类历史上第一个较为明确完整的博爱思想。
3.The idea of fraternity of Christian culture greatly inspired him.在中西文化的激烈碰撞中,徐志摩接近了以基督教为核心的西方文化,基督教文化的博爱思想对徐氏产生巨大的精神启迪。
1.Through understanding of the theme such as peace, justice and humanity in The Ninth Symphony of Beethoven, it can be learned how to pursue the complete love and sincerity in society.通过了解贝多芬《第九交响曲》和平、正义、博爱的主题,使我们现实社会中的人学会如何去坚持追求至爱、至善的人类至高点。
2.It is detached and sublimation of individuals in the realm of art,which full of sunshine and humanity.分析了残雪小说创作特征,残雪构造的“梦”文本,是对现实世界的还原本真和重新注解,是对人性、存在进行的再审视,充满了阳光、博爱,是个人在艺术境界里的超脱、升华。
1.In the Middle Ages,regarding the faith to God as their spiritual support and value foundation,the European Christians emulated Jesus Christ,and initiatively cultivated and formed such moral emotions as charity,sin,modesty and confession,etc.在中世纪的欧洲社会,基督徒们以其对上帝的信仰为精神支撑和价值根基,效法基督耶稣,自觉地培育和形成了博爱、罪感、谦卑和忏悔等道德情感,并推动了西方慈善事业和福利事业的发展。
2.In his fairy tales,he expresses,spreads,and illustrates the values of charity;he expounds his deep understandings of the love of God and has a firm faith in God and confidence in human nature;he also analyzes the uncontrollable shortcomings in human nature in the light of original sin in order that the soul can be saved from the consequence of sin.安徒生是深受基督教文化影响的作家,博爱、原罪、救赎是其作品中经常表现的主题。
1.On the one hand,he is a devout Christian,and spread the love,original sin,salvation and other Christian doctrine.哈代的宗教观是极其复杂矛盾的,一方面他是一个虔诚的基督教徒,宣扬了博爱、原罪、救赎等基督教义,另一方面他又是一个极端叛逆的异教徒,深受古希腊古罗马文化、进化向善论等异教思想的影响,猛烈地批判了基督宗教,塑造了一个个异教徒,通过他们的悲剧生活控诉了教会的陈腐和基督教思想对人性的压抑。
1.Archetypes in The Mill on the Floss could be found in the Bible in both approaches of characters and language,and the novel embodied Eliot s Christian idea of "caritas" and her strong sense of responsibility and mission of moral teaching as a writer.这部小说体现了爱略特"博爱"的基督教思想和作为一个作家的"以道德诲人的"强烈的责任感和使命感。

(新校)博爱心鉴发明全书(新校)博爱心鉴发明全书 痘疹专著。3卷。明魏直(延豹)撰,朱惠民发明。撰年不详。此书阐述治疗痘症原理,辨明其病因病机,强调治疗痘症有顺、逆、险3法,并主张治痘宜扶正抑邪。该书另有气血交会、荣卫相生、痘形等图说,阐明痘症根源及临床表现。末卷专论治疗方法,附主治方剂若干及加减法、服用法等,详述主药之药性、制法。现存明万历间(约1573~1619年)世魁堂刻本。