1.Then it proposes a quantitative-changing rule of information should be obeyed under the typification generalization constraints.本文讨论了地图综合在符号语言学上的层次结构,提出在"典型化"约束下,地图综合应遵循的信息量数量变化规律。
2.An algorithm for building typification based on data matching between multi-scale databases is proposed.分析了多尺度数据库和在线综合集成的途径与网格简化技术的矛盾及改进方法,提出了基于多尺度数据匹配的建筑物群典型化算法。
1.Furthermore, typifying is Generally used in the writing methodology of realism, and the ideal in romanticism, symbolizing in symbolism by reason of their own characteristics.典型化并非造形方式的全部,除它而外,理想化与象征化同样也是人们经常使用到的造形方式。
2.However,Judging by the existing historical materials,Zou Ji himself was a multi-faceted figure in the text by typifying.但从现存的历史史料来看,邹忌本人是一个多面人物,在论本中被典型化了。
3."The New Realism"novels promote the evolution of the concept of realistic literary,typifying the change of value from the holy to secular in order to conceal the writers\'subjective feelings,to subvert the long—term classic revolutionary realistic literary."新写实"小说促进了现实主义文学观念社会转型期的嬗变,表现出从典型化转向世俗化价值取向,以作家主观情感的隐匿,颠覆了被长期奉为经典的革命现实主义文学。
1.Under the background of War, the authoritative novel theory of the 1940s shows its non- traditional character of typicalness.20世纪40年代的权威小说理论在战争的特殊背景下,表现出了非传统意义上的“典型化”特征。
1.This kind of formal demarcation ignores the relevant them, which has nothing to do with the particularity of the artistic typicality.典型化———高度地概括化和个性化统一的这一界定,已约定俗成,成为人们的共识。
6)unrepresentative factor非典型化
1.The particular culture connotation,unique aesthetic features of local arts and special narrative mode of folklore affect directly image-building in some fiction,which manifest obvious unrepresentative factor tendency.民俗是中国现代小城镇题材小说重要的话语类型,民俗特定的文化内涵、文艺民俗独特的审美特征和叙述方式,直接影响部分小说中的人物形象塑造,人物塑造表现出明显的非典型化倾向。

1.Custom Narrative and the Unrepresentative Factor of Modern Novel about small Town民俗话语与现代小城镇小说人物的非典型化
2.Rational Disease Culture and SARS Spreading;从非典型肺炎的流行谈理性疾病文化
3.Non-typical Official Novel--Comment on Tiege s Non-typical Public Servant;非典型官场小说——评铁戈《非典型公仆》
4.The Atypical Lian-Clause as a Typical Construction;作为典型构式句的非典型“连”字句
5.atypical adenoma of thyroid gland甲状腺非典型性腺瘤
6.showed atypical agility.表现出非典型的敏捷。
7.Study on Morphological Features and Proliferation and Differentiation Characteristics of Atypical Immature Metaplasia of Cervix;宫颈非典型不成熟鳞状上皮化生的形态学与增殖分化特征
8.The NSDZs-Ied Urban Sprawl in Xi an:A Non-typical Suburbanization?;开发区发展带动下的西安城市扩张:一种“非典型性”郊区化进程?
9.Legal Protection of the Human Resources of West China Area --Represented by the Legal Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage;西部人文资源的法律保护——以非物质文化遗产法律保护为典型
10.A Perspective: The Variety of Love in the Information Times--On SARS Life by Yingchuan;透视:信息时代异化的爱情——读映川的《非典型性生活》
11.Non-fluidized Granular Lubrication Based on Typical Tribopair针对典型摩擦副的非流态化颗粒流润滑特性研究
12.The Research and Application of General Control Measures of Atypical CSF for Large Scale Pig Farms规模化猪场非典型猪瘟综合防制措施研究及应用
13.Research on Constraint Relational Model of Non-Classical Relational Database in Query Optimization非经典关系数据库中约束关系模型在查询优化中的应用
14.Purification of HSP70 Antigen Peptide Complex from Tissues of Chickens Infected with Atypical Newcastle Disease感染非典型新城疫蛋鸡组织中HSP70抗原肽复合物提取与纯化
15.Measural and Evolvemental Research on Atypical Dual Economy in Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) in 1991~20071991~2007年西藏非典型二元经济结构测度和演化研究
16.Some Typical and Non-typical Features of the Macroeconomic Performance during The 9th-five Period;“九五”国民经济宏观运行的典型与非典型特征
17.On Typical Phenomenon of the Non-typical Musical Forms in "Generality-composing" Period“共性写作”时期的非典型曲式中的典型现象
18.Chicago:A City Exemplifying Both the Traditional Urbanization and Neo-Urbanization芝加哥:从传统城市化典型到新型城市化典型

1.Furthermore, typifying is Generally used in the writing methodology of realism, and the ideal in romanticism, symbolizing in symbolism by reason of their own characteristics.典型化并非造形方式的全部,除它而外,理想化与象征化同样也是人们经常使用到的造形方式。
2.However,Judging by the existing historical materials,Zou Ji himself was a multi-faceted figure in the text by typifying.但从现存的历史史料来看,邹忌本人是一个多面人物,在论本中被典型化了。
3."The New Realism"novels promote the evolution of the concept of realistic literary,typifying the change of value from the holy to secular in order to conceal the writers\'subjective feelings,to subvert the long—term classic revolutionary realistic literary."新写实"小说促进了现实主义文学观念社会转型期的嬗变,表现出从典型化转向世俗化价值取向,以作家主观情感的隐匿,颠覆了被长期奉为经典的革命现实主义文学。
1.Under the background of War, the authoritative novel theory of the 1940s shows its non- traditional character of typicalness.20世纪40年代的权威小说理论在战争的特殊背景下,表现出了非传统意义上的“典型化”特征。
1.This kind of formal demarcation ignores the relevant them, which has nothing to do with the particularity of the artistic typicality.典型化———高度地概括化和个性化统一的这一界定,已约定俗成,成为人们的共识。
6)unrepresentative factor非典型化
1.The particular culture connotation,unique aesthetic features of local arts and special narrative mode of folklore affect directly image-building in some fiction,which manifest obvious unrepresentative factor tendency.民俗是中国现代小城镇题材小说重要的话语类型,民俗特定的文化内涵、文艺民俗独特的审美特征和叙述方式,直接影响部分小说中的人物形象塑造,人物塑造表现出明显的非典型化倾向。
