1.A Play Within the Play-Textual Unstability in Atonement;戏中戏—《赎罪》文本的不稳定性
2.Ian McEwan' s Free Realm——On Defamiliarization of the Narrative Structure of Atonement麦克尤恩的自由国度——论《赎罪》的陌生化叙事结构
3.Fountain Scene under Kaleidoscope Perspective:A Comparative Analysis of Focalization in Extracts from Atonement视角万花筒下的喷水池,孰是孰非?——《赎罪》两片段聚焦模式对比解析

1.Confession and Atonement: A Comparative Study on the Theme of Ian McEwan's Atonement and Tie Ning's Da Yu Nv忏悔一赎罪:《赎罪》与《大浴女》主题比较研究
2.expiate oneself赎罪, 偿罪expiatesin[acrime]赎罪
3.and one he-goat for a sin-offering to take away your sin.并献一只公山羊作赎罪祭,为你们赎罪。
4.Atoning for the Crime and Redeem Punishment in the Laws of Qin-Han on Bamboo Slips;竹简秦汉律中的“赎罪”与“赎刑”
5.Now I must make amends.现在我可得将功赎罪啦。
6.I could never properly atone.我永远也不能彻底赎罪。
7.do penance for one's sins为赎罪进行自我惩罚
8.One male of the goats for a sin-offering;一只公山羊作赎罪祭。
9.He tried to expiate his crimes by giving money to the church.他以捐款给教会来赎罪。
10.We must do penance for our sins.我们必须苦修赎罪。
11.Aaron is to offer the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household.亚伦要把赎罪祭的公牛奉上,为自己和本家赎罪。
12.Something that propitiates, especially a conciliatory offering to a god.赎罪物用来赎罪的某物,尤指取悦上帝的供品
13.And one goat for a sin offering, to make an atonement for you.22并献一只公山羊作赎罪祭,为你们赎罪。
14.Include one male goat as a sin offering to make atonement for you.5又献一只公山羊作赎罪祭,为你们赎罪。
15.atone for a crime, a sin, one's mistakes, one's bad behaviour, etc抵罪、 赎罪、 弥补过错、 补救不良行为等
16.A redemption from sin and its consequences.赎罪从罪恶及其后果中解脱出来
17.The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts.那罪犯改过自新,保证赎自己的罪过。
18.3c. His death was a sacrifice to God and a propitiation for the remission of sins.?为众人之罪而死,成为众人的赎罪祭。

1.The Lady of the Camellias created by a French writer Alexandre Dumas,is understood as a love tragedy of woman,as well as the hidden religious theme represented in the redemption of others and self-atonement.《茶花女》的宗教主题表现在他人的拯救与自我的赎罪两方面。
3)make reparation for one's sins赎罪.
4)archetypr of atoning for a crime"赎罪"说
5)expiation doctrine赎罪论
1.Thereinto, the original sin doctrine in the Christianity and the free-will doctrine and the expiation doctrine derived from it provided remarkable theoretic support to rationally understanding the crime, establishing the criminal responsibility basis and scientifically leading the penalty system.其中,基督教教义中的原罪论以及由其衍生出的自由意志论、赎罪论等,对理性地认识犯罪、确立刑事责任根据及科学引导刑罚制度提供了不可忽视的理论支持,从而对现代刑法制度有着重要的启蒙作用。
6)the consciousness of atonem ent赎罪意识

圣家赎罪堂(temple expiatori de la sagrada familia)是由西班牙最伟大的建筑设计师高迪未能完成的作品,1891年接手在哥特式大教堂基础上改建。这是一座象征主义建筑,分为三组,描绘出东方的基督诞生、基督受难及西方的死亡,南方则象征上帝的荣耀;它的四座尖塔代表了十二位基督圣徒;圆顶覆盖的后半部则象征圣母玛利亚。它的墙面主要以当地的动植物形象作为装饰,正面的三道门以彩色的陶瓷装点而成。整个建筑华美异常,令人叹为观止,是建筑史上的奇迹。现在这里已经成为一间小型的博物馆,里面陈列着高迪的相片及生平介绍。