1.On Inevitability and Modertion of News-entertainment;论新闻娱乐化的必然和适度
2.The integrated management of sports entertainment in sports marketing;“体育娱乐化”在体育营销中的整合运用

1.Play Elements and the Representations of Sports News Entertainmentization;体育新闻娱乐化——娱乐因素及表现方式
2.On the Representation and Evolution of Recreation-economy-based Ads' Entertainification娱乐经济背景下的广告娱乐化表现和发展
3.From Comedy Popularity to Entertainment Hot--on the Change Tendency and its Reason of Ad-creation Pattern;从喜剧泛化到娱乐喧嚣——论广告创意范式娱乐化的流变与动因
4.Depth 105, a Column Walking on the Verge of Depth and Entertainment;《深度105》,行走在深度化和娱乐化的边缘
5.Research on the Dissemination of Chinese Traditional Oulture in Amusing Model;中国传统文化的传播娱乐化模式研究
6.Analyzing and Discussing the phenomenon of News Tending to Entertainment on the Condition of General Adoption of Market principle;解析市场化条件下的新闻娱乐化现象
7.The Extensive Amusement in News Program and the Decline of Entertainment News Program--On the post-entertainment phenomena of the TV news program in Taiwan新闻节目的泛娱乐化与娱乐新闻节目的式微——解读台湾电视新闻的后娱乐现象
8.Entertaining news contains entertainment one which is main content.娱乐新闻包含在新闻的娱乐化大潮中,并且是主力军。
9.The Amusement of Enter Tainment News and News Turns Can t Neglect the Regulation of News;娱乐新闻和新闻的娱乐化不能忽视新闻的基本规律
10.The Influence on BBS of University s Cyber by the Tendency Toward Entertainment and Relavent Solutions;“泛娱乐化”对校园BBS的影响及对策研究
11.News Entertainment Through the Vision of Political Economy of Communication;传播政治经济学视野中的新闻娱乐化
12.Rational Thinking on the Inclination of News Entertainment;关于新闻传播娱乐化倾向的深层思考
13.On the Policy of "Found on News" while Programs Inclining to Entertainment;浅议传媒娱乐化背景下的“新闻立台”
14.Thinking on Today s Entertainment Culture: Entertainment is Myths or Shell;娱乐 神话 空壳——对当今娱乐文化的思考
15.Civil Ententainment--Thinkings on the Pan-enfer tainment of TV Program全民娱乐——对电视节目娱乐泛化的思考
16.As a kind of Newly-Developing Recreational Culture,Discussion on Development of Recreational Sports in Chian论我国的新兴娱乐文化———娱乐体育的发展
17.Entertainmen、Politics and Decency-Shanghai Populace Entertainment under Censorship System(1927-1931);娱乐、政治、风化—审查制度下的上海大众娱乐(1927-1931)
18.Overseas Media Show Concern over the 13 Cultural Recreation Projects in Beijng文化娱乐最前沿(上篇)——海外媒体关注的北京13个文化娱乐项目

1.A Tentative Study on the Trend of Amusement of Readers Activities;读者活动娱乐化趋向初探
1.A road to making sports games on TV programs entertaining——A discussion about the TV program "Grand Show of National Ping Pong"aired by Hunan Satellite TV;体育赛事电视节目娱乐化之路——谈湖南卫视电视栏目“国球大典”
2.An Analysis on the Entertaining Trend of the Sports News Report;探析体育新闻报道的娱乐化趋向
3.To meet the needs of the public for entertaining aesthetic, women s writing has been stripped off ideal and faith, a.女性写作已经被有意无意地纳入了一个商业运作的轨道 ,文学作品的消费性特征日益明显 ,它们以满足公众的娱乐化审美需求为目的 ,丧失了理想信念的光芒和人们对生命终极价值的探索和渴
1.In this article, it was proposed that, to promote the sustainable development of sports in our country, it is necessary to bring in the modern leisure theory of western countries and to add the recreational factors in our sports in accordance with the recreational trend of international sports.本文倡导弥补我国体育长期缺失的娱乐环节,引进西方现代休闲理论,顺应体育活动的娱乐化趋势,促进我国体育的可持续发展。
2.Nowdays, with the technology of exchange and multimedia, recreation has been one of the important characteristics of news reports on gym computer-media ,which is more and more interest and various .当前,网络媒体在体育新闻报道上,运用网络互动技术和多媒体技术,越来越表现为内容的趣味性、接近性和表现手法的多样性,“娱乐化”已经成为网络体育新闻的主要特点之一。
3.The original takes the gym mass paper media as the research target and finishes a systematic study of the manifestation and quality of the gym news recreation tendency in China by adopting many kinds of research methods through the angel of multi-science .本文以平面体育媒体为主要研究对象,采用多种研究方法,从多学科的角度,系统研究了我国体育新闻娱乐化的表现形式、品位特征以及形成原因,在对照国外体育新闻娱乐化的基础上,根据我国体育新闻娱乐化发展的趋势和有关要求,对当前体育新闻娱乐化中所存在的问题进行了深入探讨,并得出相关结论。
1.A comparison of the effects between recreational teaching method and traditional methods in track and field;田径娱乐化教学方法与传统教学方法效果比较
2.The Analysis of the State of Recreational Chinese Sports Press;中国体育新闻报道娱乐化态势解析
6)cultural entertainment文化娱乐
1.With the poor condition problem of spare time life and cultural entertainment for peasant workers,the design research a kind of mobile space of cultural entertainment to create a good living,entertainment,study and hygienic condition.设计针对现有农民工业余生活及文化娱乐状况差的问题,探索一种可移动的文化娱乐空间,从而为他们创造良好的生活、娱乐、学习及卫生条件。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理