1.On Power of Widow Mother in Contemporary Love Story——Take I am a Piece of Cloud for an Example;论当代言情小说中强权的寡母形象——以《我是一片云》为中心
2.This paper analyses the nihility, others and power which are the essential strength and factor in the coustructing.通过对建筑的定义和本质分析 ,提出虚无、他者、强权是建构建筑的本质力量和因素 ,指出建筑的最高境界——虚无化 ,与建构建筑的本质因素——他者。
3.It is believed in Realism that power means peace or power is the guarantee needed for peace.强权与和平一直是国际政治理论的基本概念。

1.a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries.以强权支配外国的政策。
2.Gold and power, the chief causes of war .黄金和强权,战争之根源。
3.A powerful ruler or despot.强权的统治者,暴君
4."Where might is master, justice is servant"有强权,就没有正义
5.Hegemonism and power politics have new manifestations.霸权主义和强权政治有新的表现。
6.We oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics.反对各种形式的霸权主义和强权政治。
7.We oppose hegemonism and power politics of all forms.反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治。
8.Primary Study on Forcible and Un-forcible Influence of Soccer Coach;足球教练员强权性与非强权性影响力对球队发展影响的初步研究
9.Countries that play power politics are not qualified to talk about human rights.搞强权政治的国家根本就没有资格讲人权,
10.Now at their summit meeting the Group of Seven have been seeking hegemony and playing power politics too.现在西方七国首脑会议也是霸权主义、强权政治。
11."In a nutshell, the U.S. concern for human rights is a sham. What it really practices is power politics."说穿了,美国的行径关心人权是假,实行强权是真;
12.To work for peace one must oppose hegemony and power politics.要争取和平就必须反对霸权主义,反对强权政治。
13.The government intends to buttress up its power.政府打算加强其权力。
14.application to compel jurisdiction请求强制转移管辖权
15.Strengthen army building and the organs of political power加强军队和政权建设
16.Strengthen the Intellectual Property Rights Education Practice the Strategy to Build China into a Powerful Country;加强知识产权教育,践行知识产权强国战略
17.Strenghening Property Rights Awareness and Protecting Rights and Interest of State-owned Assets of University;强化产权意识 维护高校国有资产权益
18.On Legal Dimensions of Compulsory Transfer of Real Property Rights in the Real Rights Law;论《物权法》中强制转让物权的法律维度

defying the political power不畏强权
3)increase power of the county强县扩权
1.In order to speed up the development of the county economy and reduce the economic disparity between the rich and poor provinces, the experience of the policy "increase power of the county" was introduced from Zhejiang province to Hubei province.为了加快县域经济的发展,缩小与发达省区的经济差距,湖北省借鉴浙江“强县扩权”经验,将大部分经济社会管理权力直接下放给县,促进了县域经济的发展。
2.increase power of the county has gained remarkable effect in some provinces in our country,it is a effective way to develop the county economy in chinese central par强县扩权在我国一些地方取得了显著成效,它是中部地区县域经济发展的有效途径。
4)power politics强权政治
1.The ideal of rule of law also stimulates international lawyers to realize rule of law in international arena,but the obstacles always exist so that power politics is still the mainstream of international relations.法治的理想激发着国际法学家在国际社会实现法治,但是由于存在着重重障碍,强权政治在国际关系中仍然占据主导地位。
2.The “power politics” of U.本文试图从美国强权政治的发展模式入手 ,追寻其历史轨迹 ,并尝试从“使命观”、“天定命运论”以及“种族优越感”等方面阐释其产生、发展的思想根源。
5)city dominating county扩权强县
1.The constitution often supports reform of reinforcing county rights for its prosperity,however,china s administrative practice after the reform and opening up fix the pattern of "city dominating county" and also make it systemization and legalization in administrative law,local law,central department regulation and law of local people s government.宪法虽然一般支持扩权强县的改革,但我国改革开放以来的行政实践固化了"市管县"模式,并在行政法规、地方性法规、中央部门规章、地方人民政府规章中,把这种管理模式制度化、合法化。
6)enlarge power to make town be strong扩权强镇
