1.Based on the analysis of the relationship between the concepts about "rite-ritualization" and "travel-ritualization",the paper further points out that this social and economic phenomenon is in essence a ritualized manifestation of Chinese traditional soul faith cultur.本文从文化人类学的角度,对"寻根祭祖"游的文化内核——中国传统魂魄观中的"魂魄"、"鬼神"、"根"、"祖"进行了内涵的梳理,在辨析了"寻根祭组"仪式化命题中关于"仪式—仪式化"、"游—仪式化"两对关系的基础上,进一步指出这一社会经济现象本质上是中国传统魂魄信仰文化的仪式化呈现,从而提出了一种来自于旅游者精神世界的"寻根祭祖"游的内驱力诠释。
2.This paper reports a case study on the diary keeping behavior by the Educated Youth in an effort to examine the ritualization of daily practices.本文关注日常仪式化行为的形成。
3)ceremony in sacrifice仪式文化

1.Chinese Women s Oral and Ritual Culture;中国妇女的口头文化与仪式文化——南汇的哭嫁
2.Panyao Ritual Music Compare of She Minority;畲族仪式音乐与盘瑶仪式音乐文化之比较
3.Life follows culture in ceremony --On the ceremony created in Yu Qiuyu s cultural proses;生命,在仪式中皈依文化——论余秋雨文化散文营造的仪式
4.The Ritual Narration and Its History Writing--Preface to the Book Cultural Memory and Ritual Narration of Liyi(Manner and Rite)仪式叙事与历史书写——代序《〈仪礼〉文化记忆与仪式叙事》
5.The awarding ceremony was solemnly held at The Philippines Cultural Center.颁奖仪式在菲律宾文化中心隆重举行。
6.Ceremonies and cultural expressions are highly encouraged.各种仪式和文化活动都受到欢迎。
7.A Cultural Analysis on the Evolution of the Rite “Fu Chu”“Xin Yu”古代“祓除”、“衅浴”仪式演变的文化解析
8.And cultures are closely related to daily activities, festivals and ceremonies.文化也与日常活动、节日、仪式紧密相关。
9.Ceremonial Performance and Cultural Connotation of Tigu Yangge in Datong and Shuozhou;同朔地区踢鼓秧歌的仪式与文化内涵
10.Memory, Rituals and Common Culture: Gorge Ryga s Plays;回忆、仪式与共同文化——乔治·里加戏剧论
11.Judicial Ceremony and Building of Culture of Legal Fideism;司法仪式与法律信仰主义文化的建构
12.The Study of Wanzai Deshenggu Music and Culture in the Ritual万载得胜鼓在仪式中的音乐文化研究
13."Ceremony" and "Cultural Evolution" from Anthropological Perspective人类学视野中的“仪式”与“文化展演”
14.Ritual in Education:Performance,Imitation,and Cross Culture教育中的仪式:演示、模仿、跨文化
15.Temple Fairs, Musical Bands, Clans: The Symbolic Culture Connecting Clan and Community Rituals(Second Part)庙会 乐班 家族——链接群体仪式与家族仪式的象征文化(下)
16.The Culture,Power and Order in the Beliefs and Rites--Thought on the Rite of Leru in June in Longwu River Valley;信仰与仪式中的文化、权力和秩序——隆务河流域“六月勒如”仪式发微
17.Temple Fair. Musical Bands. Family: The Conjunctive Symbolic Culture of the Ritual of Group and Family;庙会 乐班 家族——链接群体仪式与家族仪式的象征文化(上)
18.The Ritual Process and Functions of DUJIE Ceremony--DUJIE ceremony of Landian yao people in Mendong town with the views of Cultural anthropology度戒仪式过程与功能——文化人类学视野下的猛硐乡蓝靛瑶度戒仪式

3)ceremony in sacrifice仪式文化
4)Cultural ritual文化仪式
5)ritualized space仪式化空间
6)the characterization of rites仪式化表现

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理