1.Returning to Wuji again——harmonious Wushu and Toism;复归于无极——志同道合的武术与道家
2.From a view-point of scientific theory,the different connotation of the relation between human and nature at the levels of Wusheng,Wuji,Taiji and Huangji is presented respectively and human-being can learn the essence and law of the heaven,the earth and everything in the world at different levels.从科学理解角度揭示了在无生、无极、太极、皇极层面,人天关系有不同内涵,人可认识天地万物不同层面的本质、规律。
3.0 means a state of Wuji which can be so big that it has no boundary and at the same time it can be so small that it has no inner.0就是其大无外、其小无内的无极之境,归0是天地万物有序运化的自然表现,是人类认识自然、改造自然必须遵循的法则,是促成身心健康、人物亲和、人天合一的正确途径。

1.it would not be infinite;它也不成其为无极了;
2.two-position neutral code contact二位式无极发码接点
3.neutral relay with heavy duty contact无极加强接点继电器
4.neutral contact中性接点, 无极接点
5.monumental ignorance [stupidity]极度的无知 [愚蠢]
6.a great piece of presumption极为冒昧 [无礼,放肆] 的事
7.His redness got my back up.他的无礼使我极为生气。
8.execrable manners,weather极度的无礼、 恶劣的天气.
9.He's a crashing bore.他是个极其无聊的人。
10.SUMT (Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique)顺序无约束极小化技术
11.electrodeless plasma accelerator无电极等离子体加速器
12.MVUM (Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator)极小方差无偏估计器
13.horizonally-polarized non-directional antenna水平极化无方向性天线
14.non-life threatening exposure limit无生命威胁暴露极限
15.sequential unconstrained minimization technique序贯无约束极小化方法
16.arctic black out北极无线电衰失现象
17.I was so furious I couldn't contain myself, ie had to express my feelings.我气极了, 无法克制自己.
18.In making tactical dispositions, the highest pitch you can attain is to conceal them;故形兵之极,至于无形。

The Promise无极
1.An Outsmarted Failure——A Simple Remark of Obvious Faults in the Film The Promise;弄巧成拙的失败尝试——简评电影《无极》的明显缺失
2.Taste of life and the reconstruction of homeland——About the spiritual word of The Promise生命的体验及家园的重建——《无极》精神世界探析
3.Covering every aspects of life,such as love,desting power,freelom,etc, Chen Kai-ge s The Promise introduces a surrealistic and non-realistic approach to refracting the reality.陈凯歌的《无极》涵盖了爱情、命运、权力、自由等生活中的一切,它采用一种超现实和非现实的方式来折射现实。
3)the Promise《无极》
1.From Globalization to Localization: Reflections on the Promise and the Steamed Bread;从全球到本土:评电影《无极》与博客搞笑剧《馒头》
2.The Promise, Torn between Splendor and Gloom;《无极》:华丽与阴冷之间的分裂
3.The Thoughts Unable To Be Consumed——On The Enlightenment Predicament of The Promise;无法消费的思想——论《无极》的启蒙困境
4)Ultimate care endless终极无极
5)the "Infinity" and the "Supreme Ultimate"无极-太极
6)rangeless electrode无极差电极
1.For reliable electric parameters and least measurement errors,the primary potential difference must not be less than 300 mV,to use rangeless electrodes as potential electrodes for amplification of I p measuring signals.为得到可靠的电性参数,减小测量误差,应保证一次电位差不于小300mV,并采用无极差电极作测量电极,以增大Ip测量信号。

无极  中国古代哲学概念。原指无穷、无限之意。《老子》说:"复归于无极"。魏王弼注说,"不可穷也"。北宋周敦颐得道士陈抟《无极图》而颠倒其次序,作《太极图说》,提出"无极而太极",以无极为最原始的本原。南宋陆九渊说,"无极二字,出于《老子知其雄》章,吾圣人之书所无有也"。并认为以"无极"加于"太极"之上,乃是"叠床"、"架屋"。朱熹对此辩解说,"无极二字,乃是周子灼见道体",是指"无方所、无形状"、"无声臭影响之可言"。并说"无极而太极,是就无中说有",而不是在"太极"之上"别有一物"。周敦颐对于所谓"无极"的意义以及"无极"与"太极"的关系,没有明确的解释,因而后人对之有不同的理解。