1.The Ontological Meanings of Taoism and Idea;本体论意义上的“道”与“理式
2.The Bed of "Idea"and the"form of Poetry;"理式"之床与诗的"形式"——柏拉图、亚里士多德诗学宇宙观论
3.Over a long period of time,Plato′s aesthetic ideas have been criticized because of his idealistic proposition——"Beauty is idea".长期以来,柏拉图的美学思想因为其提出的“美是理式”这个具有唯心主义色彩的命题而受到批判。

1.teleprocessing type computer远距离处理式计算机
2.theoretic diagram理论花图式,模式花式图
3.rational theoretical model推理理论模式推理理论模式
4.Some Brauer Versions of Dolfi Theorems;Dolfi定理的Brauer形式
5.rational proper fraction有理真分式, 有理真分数
6.Theorem g is called binomial theorem.定理g称为二项式定理。
7.On Composing a Model of the"Psychological Contract"in the Management of Student Affairs at Higher Educational Institutions;高校学生“心理契约”式管理模式的构建
8.From Group Management Mode to Individual Management Mode;从“群体管理”模式到“个体管理”模式
9.On reading comprehension model from schema theory to components integration mo del从图式理论到建构整合模式看阅读理解模式
10.Management Philosophy-The Foundation of the Managerial Theories & Management Model;管理理论与模式的根基——管理哲学
11.The Rationality Limit of the Theory Paradigm “Economy Determines Ethics”;“经济决定伦理”理论范式的合理性限度
12.Modern Management Theory and the “Resource-man”Management Mode;现代管理理论与“资源人”管理模式
13.Application of 5S management mode in nursing management5S管理模式在护理管理工作中的应用
14.Application of 6S enterprise management model in nursing management6S企业管理模式在护理管理中的应用
15." Operational management of centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps"GB/T11057-1989离心式、混流式、轴流式水泵运行管理
16.Deduction of pythagorean triple group formula and double angle formula by using binomial theorem;利用二项式定理推导勾股数组公式和倍角公式
17.The Historical Development of the Communication Model--from code model to inferential model;交际模式的演变——从语码模式走向推理模式
18.Find equation behind inequality depth understanding of the underlying mathematical formula寻找不等式背后的等式 深入理解数学公式

rational expression有理式;有理数式
3)Management Model管理模式
1.Discussion on Humanized Management Model of Mary Kay Cosmetics Company;玫琳凯公司人性化管理模式探讨
2.Analysis on the Present Situation of Mine Construction Management Model and Its Countermeasures;矿井建设管理模式现状分析与对策
3.Comparative study on disaster management models used in some big cities in China and foreign countries;国内外大城市防灾减灾管理模式的比较研究
4)control model治理模式
1.Study on comprehensive control model of small watershed eco environment in water and wind crisscrossed erosion zone;水蚀风蚀交错带小流域生态环境综合治理模式研究
2.Analyse actuality and central problem of the animal husbandry in Nanping , exploring pollution control model combining with practical situation , putting forward the best control model.分析南平市畜牧业污染现状及存在主要问题,结合当地实际情况对污染防治的模式进行探讨,并提出污染物的最佳治理模式。
5)treatment mode处理方式
6)theoretical formula理论公式
1.Deduction of the theoretical formula of the bending center and its application;弯曲中心理论公式的推导和应用
2.Experimental study and theoretical formula of the sprinkler range;喷头射程理论公式与试验研究
3.The theoretical formulas were proposed.介绍了通过板坯凸缘的镦粗和端面增压拉伸超深空心零件的方法 ,提出了理论公式 ,并介绍了装置和试验实

理身理土【理身理土】 (术语)三身中之法身,谓之理身,法身所住之土谓之理土。普贤观经名之为毗卢遮那(理身),常寂光(理土)。唯识论十名之为自性身(理身),法性土(理土)。立此身土之别,或以寂(理土)照(理身)或以理(理土)智(理身)或以性(理土)相(理身)要之为一法性上之义立也。见西方合论五、观经疏传通记一等。