1.The present article reviews recent research on nonconscious goals, and the similarities between nonconscious goals and conscious goals.无意识目标追求与有意识目标追求在目标实现、目标投射和动机特征方面相似,但其行为产生机制有所不同。
2.In second language teaching methodology, "real-life" communicative use of language has long receivedmuch attention and conscious learning is thus more or less supposed to be irrelevant.二语学习是无意识过程好还是有意识过程效率更高?长期以来这是一个备受争议的问题。
3.Brain Area Energy State Theory of Conscious and Unconscious Activities;本文在脑的四个功能系统学说的基础上,提出脑区能态理论,研究有意识、无意识和潜意识。

1.Full consciousness or conscious dreaming and intent are synonymous.“全意识”、有意识地梦想”和“意想”是同义的。
2.(physiology) without volition or conscious control.(生理学)不是有意识有意识的控制。
3.He was unaware of the danger.他没有意识到有危险。
4.loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness.有意识或无意识时身体失去知觉。
5.Present in the unconscious mind but not consciously expressed.潜意识的存在于潜意识中,但没有有意识地表达出来的
6.We have no consciousness during sleeping .我们睡觉时没有意识
7.cause to become awake or conscious.引起变得清醒或有意识
8.the patient is now awake and alert.病人现在清醒、有意识了。
9.conscious of your own shortcomings.对自身缺点有意识的。
10.by conscious design or purpose.有意识的设计或打算的。
11.Man is a conscious being.人是有意识的生物。
12.I was not conscious of having offended him.我没有意识到得罪了他。
13.I never realized that.我从来没有意识到这点。
14.She was not aware of having done wrong.她没有意识到做错了事。
15.without conscious volition.不是有意识的或没有意愿的。
17.(followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of.(接‘to’或者‘of’)缺少对……的有意识的注意。
18.useful consciousness time有效意识时间 有效意识时间

conscious attention有意识注意
3)bounded awareness有限意识
1.Does the auditor s independence deserve to be oppugned, or are there other hidden reasons? By using the psychologically pertinent studies for reference, this paper analyzes a pretty pass of auditor s independence from the factors including bounded rationality, bounded willpower, bounded ethicality, bounded awareness and self-serving biases.是注册会计师的独立性真正有问题,还是另有隐情?本文借鉴心理学的相关研究结果,从有限理性、有限意志力、有限意识、有限道德和自我服务偏见等因素分析了注册会计师的独立性困境问题,指出这些问题往往不是注册会计师的道德问题,而是其审计信息处理过程中的认识局限性问题。
4)conscious memory有意识记
1.Subconscious memory can take place automatically all day long.无意识能全天候自动地进行识记 ,但其识记内容不易上浮到意识层 ;有意识记的内容也易沉入无意识层而造成回忆困难。
6)sense of "making conscious efforts"有为意识
