
1.From the "Other" to the "Warrior" -Interpretation of Maxine Hong Kingston s The Woman Warrior;从“他者”到“勇士”—汤亭亭《女勇士》之解读
2.Autobiography of "the Woman Warrior"--On the Genre of The Woman Warrior;“女勇士”的自传——论《女勇士》的文类
3.Characteristic of or befitting a warrior.勇敢的,好战的具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士
4.A person of courageous determination or energy.勇士坚毅的人,有勇气或活力的人
5.We are no carpet soldiers, but courageous troops.我们不是少爷兵, 而是英勇善战的勇士
6.Raise your standards, my brave men, and set neither measure nor limit to your merited rage.勇士们,高举战旗,奋勇前进吧!
7.(of persons) befitting a warrior.(关于人)适合于勇士的。
8.22 Warriors Who Dashed Through the Luding Bridge飞夺泸定桥二十二勇士
9.They were the brave and strong men in the defense of the motherland.他们是保卫祖国的勇士
10.his entire lineage has been warriors.他的整个血统都是勇士
11.He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty.不轻易发怒的,胜过勇士
12.Awareness and Perplexity of“ the Woman Warrio r”-- On The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston;“女勇士”的觉醒与困惑——汤亭亭小说《女勇士》评析
13.From Ghosts to Warriors:The Construction of Self-identity in The Woman Warrior;从鬼魂到勇士:《女勇士》中自我属性的建构
14.The King conferred a knighthood on the brave man.国王将爵士封号授予了这位勇士
15.How say ye, We are mighty and strong men for the war?14你们怎吗说,我们是勇士,是有勇力打仗的呢。
16.How can you say, We are mighty men And valiant men for war?14你们怎么说,我们是勇士,是有勇力打仗的人呢?
17.a gallant or courtly gentleman.英勇而又有礼貌的绅士。
18.The brave soldier courted danger.勇敢的士兵寻求危险。

A soldier;a warrior.战士;勇士
3)The Woman Warrior女勇士
1.Voices from the Margin——An Analysis of the "Ghost" Images in The Woman Warrior;边缘的呐喊——剖析《女勇士》中“鬼”的意象
2.A Cultural Analysis of the Ghost Imagery in The Woman Warrior;鬼魂言说:《女勇士》中"鬼"的意象之文化解读
3.Her work, The Woman Warrior, established her place in the history of American literature.汤亭亭是20世纪末美国华裔文学繁荣发展时期最具有代表性的女作家,她的处女作《女勇士》自1976年问世以来,一直备受关注,获得了多项重要文学奖项,奠定了汤亭亭在美国文学史上的地位,标志着华裔美国文学的崛起。
4)The Woman Warrior《女勇士》
1.An Autobiography out of Illusion——Comment on the Literature Type,Writing Wtyle and Authenticity of The Woman Warrior;一部出自幻想的传记——评《女勇士》的体裁、写作手法和真实性
2.Returning Language Itself and Reconstructing Home of Being:Language Strategies in Maxine Hong Kingston s The Woman Warrior;回归话语本身,重建语言家园——汤亭亭《女勇士》中的语言策略
3.On the Conflict and Harmony between Chinese Culture and American Culture in Multicultural Context:Significance of the Parenthesis in the Text of The Woman Warrior;多元文化语境下中美文化的冲突与和谐——《女勇士》文本中括号的意义
5)Woman Warrior《女勇士》
1.To Dialogue Analyse to American Chinese writer Maxine Hong Kingston s Woman Warrior;走向对话——试析美国华裔作家汤亭亭的《女勇士
2.An Interpretation Feminism in Woman Warrior;《女勇士》的女性主义解读
3.This paper analyzes the three voices uttered by the Chinese American girl in The Woman Warrior written by Maxine Hong Kingston from three aspects:the rewriting of archetype of woman warrior,the girls disapproval and challenge against patriarchal tradition,and her global voice of anti-racism and Chinese American identity.从三个方面分析汤亭亭的小说《女勇士》中发自华裔女孩的三个声音,它们共同汇合成20世纪第二代美国华裔女性的成长历程、人生愿望的倾诉。
6)warrior spirit勇士精神
