1.An excellent televised documentary is telling a real story,and story can open up the existence and development of televised documentary.故事性是电视纪录片的固有属性。
2.Although he carried out different forms of art, used variety of narrative methods, made innovative in narrative, but always keep the function of "story-telling".这些特点体现在他小说中就是较强的故事性和可读性。

1.he writes stories for the magazines.“他为杂志写故事性的小说”。
2.On the Isomorphism of Ba Jin s “Family Story” and “Group Story”;论巴金“家庭故事”与“团体故事”的同构性
3.Her story had a ring of truth about it!她的故事有真实性。
4.The story does not contain a fraction of truth.这故事没有一点真实性。
5.a readaBle story.一个可读性强的故事
6.The story bore the stamp of authenticity.这个故事具有真实性。
7.I doubt the truth of this story.我怀疑这故事的真实性。
8.field dependence in vehicle accident交通事故的场依存性
9.The story has been watered down.故事的生动性被冲淡了。
10.Bisexual Ethic in the Folktate;民间故事中的两性伦理—以耿村故事文本为对象
11.The Character of medical malpractice and expert conclusion of medical malpractice;论医疗事故及医疗事故技术鉴定结论的性质
12.The Narrative Discourse and Gender Consciousness in the Edifying Stories of the Holy Scrolls;圣卷“教化故事”的叙事话语与性别意识
13.The Study on the History-type and Female Narrative of Dongxiangs Folk-story东乡族民间故事类型与女性叙事研究
14.On the Emergence and Development of the Jingpo Legendaries;论景颇族传说故事的丰富性和再生性
15.On the Sameness of Aesthetic Standards Revealed in the Burmese and the Dai Folk Stories论缅甸民间故事与我国傣族民间故事审美倾向的一致性
16.Reflecting on the Folk Tale s Oral Characteristic Again;民间故事“口头性”引起的再思考——从民间故事的存在方式与特征谈起
17.method of story completion故事续成法 故事续成法
18.an amusing story, story-teller好笑的故事、 讲故事的人

1.Despite the fact that modern and contemporary Chinese fable has achieved a great deal in its creation, a considerable number of fable writings show the tendency in terms of conception and representation towards separation from fabulosity, loss of tale plot or neglect of originality.中国现当代寓言创作虽然取得了很大的成就,但相当一部分作品从立意到表现却存在着脱离讽喻性、失去故事性、忽视原创性的倾向。
2.It is one of important studying task about documentary s theory to study documentary s plot and its real idea.纪录片的故事性及其真实观念的研究是纪录片理论中重要的研究课题之一。
3)the tale characteristic narration故事性叙事
4)dangerous accidents险性事故
1.Being serious, the dangerous accidents must be prevnted.险性事故性质严重,必需严加防范。
1.Relationship between some family factors and accident-proneness among school-aged children;学龄儿童事故倾性与家庭相关因素分析
6)accident properties事故性质

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-