1.Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance increases with fitness costs of not fleeing and decreases with cost of escaping.逃避理论预测,不逃跑若增大适合度代价则导致逃跑启始距离加长,逃跑若增大代价则导致逃跑启始距离缩短。
2.The true theme Fromm wants to express in "Escape From Freedom" is to escape from solitude and abandon freedom.弗洛姆在《逃避自由》中真正要表达的主题是:逃避孤独,放弃自由。

1.To break loose from;get free of.逃避,逃过逃离,得到自由
2.The act or an instance of evading.逃避,躲避,逃脱逃避的行为或情况
3.avoidant personality disorder逃避型人格障碍 回避
4.Hemingway s Attitudes Towards Death The inevitability of death Death: a way of evasion;海明威的死亡观——逃避的和不可逃避
5.A flight to escape danger.逃亡,离开逃避危险的逃离
6.Running away or fleeing, as from the law.逃脱的逃走的或离开的,如逃避法律
7.To use cleverness or deceit in avoiding or escaping.逃避,逃脱用聪明的方法或欺骗避免或逃脱
8.impossible to avoid or evade:inescapable conclusion.不可能避免或者逃避:“不可避免的结论”。
9.It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.逃避责任很容易,但逃避责任的后果我们却无法逃避
10.He evaded capture for three days.他逃避追捕已叁日.
11.One who shirks work or responsibility.逃避工作或责任的人
12.He evaded his sister's probe.他逃避他姐姐的探查。
13.I couldn't get out of going to that wedding.我不能逃避出席婚礼。
14.Do you think you can get away with it?你认为你能逃避责罚吗?
15.evasion of liability by deception通过欺骗而逃避债务
16.He never shirked his duty.他从不逃避自己的责任。
17.Some people try to get around the tax law.有些人试图逃避税法。
18.A brave man will not retreat from the real world.勇敢的人不逃避现实。

1.The essence of her behavior is retreat and evasion.妙玉的出家是云空未必空 ,继而由空而色 ,实质是退却和逃避
3)An evasive excuse;a runaround.回避;逃避
6)immune escape免疫逃避
1.Molecules related with immune escape in echinococcosis;棘球蚴感染中的免疫逃避相关分子
2.Advances in the mechanisms of insect immune recognition and pathogen immune escape昆虫免疫识别与病原物免疫逃避机理研究进展
3.Objective To investigate the effect of Fas and FasL abnormal expression on immune escape mechanism of renal cell carcinoma(RCC).目的探讨肾癌系统表达异常对其免疫逃避机制的影响。
