1.From Madame Butterfly to M.Butterfly: An Interpretation of Orientalism;从《蝴蝶夫人》到《蝴蝶君》的“东方主义”解读
2.Subversion and Containment:The Interpretation of M.Butterfly from the Perspective of New Historicism颠覆与抑制——《蝴蝶君》的新历史主义解读
3.In Huang Zhelun s M.黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中巧妙地将一个真实的故事与明显带有东方主义色彩的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》并置,颠覆了东西方权利关系,成为与东方主义对立的声音。

1.Disappearing butterfly: subversion of orientalism in Mr.Butterfly消逝的蝴蝶——《蝴蝶君》对东方主义的颠覆
2.From Madame Butterfly to M.Butterfly: An Interpretation of Orientalism;从《蝴蝶夫人》到《蝴蝶君》的“东方主义”解读
3.The Metamorphosis of "Butterflies"--An Analysis of M. Butterfly Written by David Henry Hwang“蝴蝶”的蜕变——试析黄哲伦笔下的《蝴蝶君》
4.The Death of the Butterfly:A Study of the Butterfly Image in Madam Butterfly and M. Butterfly蝴蝶之死:由《蝴蝶夫人》和《蝴蝶君》看蝴蝶意象的发展
5.The Inheritance and The Variance to the Image of Butterfly--A Contrast Between M.Butterfly and Madame Butterfly;“蝴蝶”意象的继承和变体发展——作比《蝴蝶君》和《蝴蝶夫人》二剧
6.Metatheatre in M. Butterfly: David Henry Hwang's Subversion of Madame Butterfly《蝴蝶君》中的元戏剧黄哲伦对《蝴蝶夫人》的颠覆
7.Summarize of Studying M.Butterfly in China in Three Years;近三年中国大陆研究《蝴蝶君》反思
8.A Loser,or A Winner;孰输?孰赢?——评黄哲伦《蝴蝶君》中的人物
9.Subversion and Containment:The Interpretation of M.Butterfly from the Perspective of New Historicism颠覆与抑制——《蝴蝶君》的新历史主义解读
10.An Example of Unfinished Deconstruction:Mr. Butterfly and Orientalism不完全的解构:《蝴蝶君》与东方主义
11.Construction and Deconstruction of the Image of the Orient:M.Butterfly as an Adaptation of Madame Butterfly;东方幻象的建构与解构——论《蝴蝶君》对《蝴蝶夫人》的改写
12.A Study on Inadequate Deconstruction of Orientalism in M. Butterfly;论黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中对东方主义的不完全解构
13.M.Butterfly:The Doublemindedness between Two Poles--Analysis on Mr.David Huang Cultural Strategy;《蝴蝶君》:两极间的摇摆——黄哲伦的文化策略分析
14.A cultural psychology analysis of the image of Song Liling in the play of Mrs.Butterfly;其周欤?其蝶欤?——《蝴蝶君》中宋丽玲形象之文化心理分析
15.Half Devil and Half Child--On the Eastern Impression of the Orientalist in Mr. Butterfly一半像邪魔 一半像小孩——论《蝴蝶君》中东方主义者的东方印象
16.The Other Voice Resisting the Hegemonic Discourse: Subversion to the Traditional East-West Relations in David Henry Hwang s M.Butterfly;反抗霸权话语的他者声音:论黄哲伦《蝴蝶君》对传统东西方关系的颠覆
17.On the Literary Strategy for Representing Chinese Males in Modan and M.Butterfly;安能辨我是雄雌——由《魔旦》与《蝴蝶君》的比较分析看华人(男性)的文学再现策略
18.From "Madame Butterfly" to "Mr. Butterfly":A Study of David Henry Huang′s Cultural Strategies;从蝴蝶夫人到蝴蝶君──黄哲伦的文化策略初探

1.Disappearing butterfly: subversion of orientalism in Mr.Butterfly;消逝的蝴蝶——《蝴蝶君》对东方主义的颠覆
2.Combining the typical affairs which happened in the history of the Orientalism,the text takes the movie Mr.本文以电影《蝴蝶君》为例,结合东方主义历史中发生的典型事件,分析被模式化了的东方形象。
3)M. Butterfly《蝴蝶君》
1.The Metamorphosis of "Butterflies"——An Analysis of M. Butterfly Written by David Henry Hwang“蝴蝶”的蜕变——试析黄哲伦笔下的《蝴蝶君》
2.David Henry Hwang\'s play M.1988年黄哲伦的戏剧《蝴蝶君》在百老汇赢得了商业上的巨大成功,同时荣获该年托尼奖,赢得了主流戏剧界的认可。
1.M.Butterfly:The Doublemindedness between Two Poles——Analysis on Mr.David Huang Cultural Strategy;《蝴蝶君》:两极间的摇摆——黄哲伦的文化策略分析
2.Chinese American playwright David Henry Hwang produced M.美籍华裔剧作家黄哲伦从其特殊的文化身份出发,创作了剧本《蝴蝶君》
5)Butterfly, Butterfly,蝴蝶,蝴蝶,
1.Effect of non-smooth scale on surface wettability of butterfly wings;蝴蝶翅膀表面非光滑鳞片对润湿性的影响
2.Biomimetic mechanics of micro-air vehicles——the aerodynamic force of butterfly in forward flight;微型飞行器的仿生力学——蝴蝶飞行的气动力特性
3.Community structure and diversity of butterfly in Guangzhou City of China;广州市蝴蝶群落结构与多样性
