1.Advances of research on the Mantodea from China;中国螳螂目昆虫的研究进展
2.Natural condition is the most important factor,in which the distribution of Mantodea species is restricted mainly by temperatrue as well as food,natural enemies,cannibalism,and the action of human beings,affect the population growth of praying mantids greatly.在自然界中,螳螂种群数量的增长受到多种因素的制约。

1.The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。
2.The mantis seizes the locust But does not see the yellow Bird Behind him螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后
3.That's what the female praying mantis says before she bites the male's head off.这是母螳螂会说的 在她把公螳螂的头咬下来前
4.Just now I saw a mantis basking on the flower clump.刚才我看到一只螳螂在花丛上晒太阳。
5.Investigation on the Resource of Mantodea in Guizhou Province and Study on the Breeding and Nutrient Compositions of Hierodula Patellifera (Serville);贵州螳螂资源调查、广斧螳的人工饲养及其营养组成研究
6.mantises; in former classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera.螳螂;在某些分类中,被认为是直翅目的一个亚目。
7.Two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it.鹬蚌相争,渔人得利。(译:螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。
8.The mantis sometimes forgot who aided him in secretly walking the mortal plane.那螳螂总不管那帮助他暗中行走于人世的人。
9.The Functional Response of Hierodula Patellifera Serville to Monolepta occifuvis广腹螳螂对龙眼长跗萤叶甲功能反应的研究
10.The flightless Mediterranean desert mantis "runs like the wind across the sand," Yager says.不会飞的地中海沙漠螳螂在沙地上跑起来就像风一样快。
11."When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who profits", "The mantis stalks the cicada, but behind them lurks the oriole" -- there is truth in these two parables.“鹬蚌相持,渔人得利”,“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”,这两个故事,是有道理的。
12.small amphipod crustacean having a grotesque form suggestive of the praying mantis; found chiefly on seaweed.小型片足甲壳动物,其形状怪异让人联想起螳螂;主要见于海草上。
13.A Malaysian flower mantis, which crouches among flowers awaiting unsuspecting prey.一只马来西亚花螳螂,蜷缩在鲜花中等待不期而遇的猎物。
14.The6.3- meter-long and3.4- meter-high mantis attracted businessmen, passers-by and shoppers until30 July.这个6.3米长、.4米高的螳螂吸引了商人们、路人们和购物人潮,直至7月30日为止。
15.Chinese Mantis eyes have "pseudo pupils" that seem to follow you around, but the eyes do not really move.中国螳螂的眼睛有“假冒的瞳孔”,好像一直盯着你看,但其实它们的眼睛并没有动。
16.Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw-like forelimbs.睁开眼睛一看,他发现一直肥大的螳螂用他那锯一般的前肢紧紧地夹住一条嫩枝。
17.A woman looked at a huge robot of praying mantis exhibited at a shopping mall in Marunouchi business district in Tokyo on Saturday.周六一名女人,注视著展出在东京丸之内商业区一间购物商场里头的大极了的螳螂机器人。
18.He yearns to returns the greetings of the large and small insects he meets, such as a locust, a praying mantis, a spittlebug, a luna moth, and some mosquitoes.他不理蝗虫与螳螂哥哥,也不和飞蛾姊姊与甲虫阿姨打招呼,更别说那些蚊子了。

3)Tanglangchuan river螳螂川
1.Four New and Rare Species of Mantids from Yunnan China (Insecta : Mantodea);珍稀的云南螳螂四新种(昆虫纲 : 螳螂目)
2.A New Species of the Genus Sinomiopteryx Tinkham (Mantodea:Mantidae) from Yunnan;云南华小翅螳属一新种 (螳螂目:螳科)
3.A New Species of Statilia St?l (Mantodea: Mantidae) from Qinlin Mountains;秦岭山区静螳属一新种(螳螂目:螳科)
5)Cordyceps mantidaecola螳螂虫草
