1.Starting from the discussion of Bazin s on-the-spot record theory, this paper mainly elaborates the aesthetic characteristics of on-the-spot record films and analyzes the new film form in the 1990s of the according to the aesthetic characteristics.文章将巴赞的纪实理论作为讨论的起点 ,旨在阐述其所确立的纪实性电影美学的美学特征 ,并以之为参照 ,分析九十年代中国纪实电影的新的电影形态。

1.André Bazin in China:Spoken and Evanished;安德烈·巴赞在中国:被言说与被消减
2.What is Film Theory: Commemorating the 90~(th) Anniversary of André Bazin s Birth and his 50th Death Anniversary;电影理论是什么?——纪念安德烈·巴赞诞辰90周年和逝世50周年
3.She pursed up her lips in disapproval.她不赞成地噘起了嘴巴。
4.or Wolf Tail were not complimentary.或狼尾巴不是赞美之词。
5.give a spirited rendition of a Bach chorale充满生气地演唱巴赫的众赞歌.
6.The Remolding of the English School by Barry Buzan试论巴瑞·布赞对英国学派理论的重塑
7.a waterfall in the Zambezi River on the Zimbabwe-Zambia border; diminishes seasonally.赞比西河位于津巴布韦和赞比亚边界上的一个瀑布;季节性的减少。
8.May Allah be praised. It is indeed our lost comrade, Sinbad!“赞美阿拉!这真的是我们失踪的同伴辛巴达!
9.Pompidou expressed his expression for Nixon's gesture in sending me to Paris.蓬皮杜对尼克松派我到巴黎的做法表示赞赏。
10.A member of a Bantu people inhabiting southeast Zaire.卢巴族居住在赞比亚东南部的一族班图人
11.Parisian lined the streets to admire the young couple.巴黎市民站在街道两旁赞赏这对年轻夫妇。
12.Buckley of favors the creation of a national database of abusive guests.巴克利赞成制作全国性的恶劣客人资料库。
13.Harmonic Techniques in Johann Sebastian Bach 371 Harmonized Chorales;巴赫《371首四声部众赞歌》的和声处理手法
14.Cow-Head City and Mkar-Tcen-ba-mgo;牛头城与“卡尔赞巴高”(mkar-tcen-ba-mgo)之相关问题探析
15.As they took turns handing treats to Holly, she wagged her tail and licked their hands, showing her approval.他们轮流喂它饼干,它晃动着尾巴,还舔他们的手,表示赞赏。
16.I prefer that you should keep the watch going discreetly in Paris, and not concern yourself with this end.我还是赞成在巴黎那边小心地侦察,这一头你不要管。
17.The schism was borne out in and around Paris, where wealthy neighborhoods seemed to vote yes, while poor neighborhoods voted no.分裂基本上发生在巴黎及其周边地区,富人们投票赞成,穷人反对。
18.The Lord then asked, "If you were mute, would you still praise My Name?"然后主问我:"如果你是一个哑巴,你是否仍愿意赞美我的名?

André Bazin (1918~1958)巴赞,A.
3)Barry Buzan巴里·布赞
1.Perspective of World History and Remaking the Study of International Relations: Challenge from Barry Buzan;世界历史的视野与国际关系研究的重建——来自巴里·布赞的挑战
4)Zhaba Jianzan扎巴坚赞
5)Barry Buzan巴里 布赞
6)Bazin's theory巴赞理论
