1.In the researches of The Stone Studies there are such schools as social and historical criticism,proper guess,textual research as well as Pan-culture and so on.通过对新中国六十年红学研究的回顾与反思,可以发现社会历史批评派、索隐派、考证派等诸种学派的学术特征以及"泛文化"倾向在红学中的表现,在指认上述批评范式不同程度遮蔽了《红楼梦》审美视线因而其诠释维度有限的同时,也应当肯定它们在红学发展史上曾起过的作用,由此可以对红学的突破契机、发展前景进行期待性的展望。

1.Pancultural Self-Esteem:Evidence from China;泛文化的自尊——基于中国大学生的研究证据
2.The Expansion of Western Culture and Cultural "Westernization";西方文化扩张与文化的“泛西方化”
3.- They will promote an exchange of rich Chinese culture with other cultures.---它将推动中国文化与世界其他文化的广泛交流。
4.The overflow of mass culture and its influence to the culture on campus;大众文化的泛滥及其对校园文化的影响
5.The Five_Virtues in Chinese Culture --A Cultural Examination of Pan_Moralism;中国文化中的五德——泛道德主义的文化透视
6.Pan-African Consultation on Cultural Policies for Development泛非文化政策促进发展协商
7.Pan-African Islamic Society for Agro Cultural Development泛非农业文化发展伊斯兰协会
8.Study on the generalization of military words used in the Great Cultural Revolution;“文革”语言中军事词语的泛化现象
9.Writing of the Young:the Multiple Landscape of Literature under the Numerous Force;低龄化写作:众力胁迫下的泛文学景观
10.The Influence of Extensive Familism Culture on Peasant Workers in Cities;泛家族主义文化对城市农民工的影响
11.The Cause and Countermeasure of Chinese Generalization in Chinese Teaching in the Middle School;中学语文课堂教学中泛语文化的原因及其对策
12.Flooded Desire Narration: Urgent Current Cultural Problem;欲望叙事泛滥:当前文学亟待破解的文化难题
13.Self-identifying of "the Cultural Hero" --The Over-interpretation beyond the film "Hero";“文化英雄”的自我指认——电影《英雄》的泛本文解读
14.The Cultural Character of the Chinese Modern Pan-impressionistic Literary Criticism;中国现代泛印象主义文学批评的文化品格
15.On Equilibrium in Cultural Setup-Re-reading and Annotating the Religious "Generalities" in Outlaws of the Marsh;文化格局上的守衡态势——对《水浒》宗教"泛泛论"的重新解读与诠释
16.On the Role of Confucius Extended Blood Relationship in the Formation of the Culture of the Five Kinds of Relationship;孔子泛血缘化理论在五缘文化形成中的作用
17.The Generalization of Forms of Address for Male Relatives in Changde Dialect and Its Cultural Implications;常德方言男性亲属称谓词的泛化及其文化内涵
18.pantothenic acidph.1. 【化】泛酸

3)literature generalization文学泛化
4)Suffused with Literatrer泛文学化
5)Chinese generalization泛语文化
6)Extensive culture phenomenon泛文化现象

泛唇泛舌1.亦作"泛唇泛舌"。 2.议论纷纷。