1."Puzzlement" not only means confusion, but also means persistence in seeking the way out as well.丁香姑娘和“我”一样哀怨又彷徨,“彷徨”不仅仅意味着迷茫,更阐释了寻找出路的执着,还给处在彷徨之际的人们以走向光明的启示与勇气,让我们在深远的意义上去关切自身的生存的价值和意义。
2.The persistence of this kind of feeling and the transcendence of the reasons embodied the value of the times characterized by keeping going ahead actively and being optimistic .这种情感的执着与理性的超越,体现出积极进取、乐观宽容的时代价值。
3.This paper points out through an analysis of the image of Santiago in "Old Man and Sea", that the undaunted spirit is developed from the patriarchal values, the loneliness of the "strong man" is due to his failure to communicate, and his persistence to individualism causes his eventual nothingness.本文主要通过对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥形象的分析指出:硬汉精神的出发点是父权文化价值观,硬汉孤独的根源在于沟通的失败,而硬汉对个人奋斗的执着则导致他最终一无所获。

1.You will grasp them, and this grasping is hard to overcome.你会执着于它们且这执着很难祛除。
2.I was, however, loyal to something.我总是执着于某些事情。
3.I couldn't take any of this too hard.我不能对此过于执着
4.He is foolishly attached to old customs,他愚昧地执着于旧习俗。
5.he had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.他就对文学和哲学有着执着的兴趣。
6.Only think ah, he still have got to belong to his that persists kind and genial and good.想想看呀,他还有着属于他的那份执着和善良。
7.a disposition to interpret statements in their literal sense.特别执着句子的文字意义。
8.He is obdurate in his convictions.他执着于自己所坚信的事。
9.Nevertheless, I was shocked by the little worm's persistence.然而小虫子的执着却震撼了我。
10.killer instinctph.1. 顽强执着的天性;坚韧不拔的精神
11.making loud,persistent and forceful complaints,demands,etc大声、执着、强烈地提出申诉、要求等的
12.His talent and dedication will insure his success .他的才气和执着将确保他成功。
13.To regard ourself lightly is prajna(wisdom). To regard ourself highly is attachment.看淡自己的是般若,看重自己的是执着
14.You have to watch which is your basic obsession.你必须要观照什么是你最根源的执着
15.He followed the usher.他跟着执达吏走去。
16.The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.蒙着眼睛手执天平的形象象征着正义
17.Independence doesn't mean separateness from others or being blind to advice from other people.独立不意味着与人隔绝,不意味着固执己见.
18.Fate leads the willing but drives the stubborn.顺从者被命运领着走,执拗者被命运赶着走。

1.Sincerity in treating people and perseverance in pursuing his career are Mr.待人真诚、于业执着是吴宓先生的文化人格。
2.He was a poet full of passion, sensitivity, perseverance and distinguished talent, and lived a frustrated life.李商隐是一位多情、锐敏、执着且极富才情的诗人。
3)Desperate pursuit执着追求
4)spirit of Confucianism执着儒道
1.Viewed from the specific connotation of "hao",enlightment of dream,and the quality of being honest and upright as an official,"Yushan" implies simplicity and the spirit of Confucianism.从中国人名、号特有的文化意蕴的视角;梦的暗示性启示;为人执着清廉,不谙权术的官品方面述解,其号有抱朴含真、执着儒道等暗示性意义。
5)persistent spirit执着精神
1.Higher colleges ideology-politics education are the key points to decide the success of quality education, and it must be of thick humane spirit features, and combine itself closely with high sense of duty, deep ideological features, rich cultural features, loyal stubbornness so as to promote students quality in all aspects.高校思想政治教育是决定素质教育成败的关键,它必须具有浓厚的人文精神特征,并将高度的责任感,深刻的思想性,浓厚的文化性,坚贞的执着性紧密结合起来,才能全面提高学生素质。

执着【执着】  指片面而孤立地理解并固执事物的妄情和妄想。如《大般若经》卷七一:“能如实一切法相而不执着故,复名摩诃萨。”又如《菩提心论》:“凡夫执着名闻利养资生之具,务以安身。”众生虚妄的“执着”是很多的,主要是“我执”和“法执”。简单地说:“我执”就是固执常一不变的主宰之“我”,从而产生种种“我见”。“法执”就是固执外境实有,从而产生虚妄分别的“法见”。后亦以“执着”谓固执而不知变通。如《水浒传》第二二回:“我只怕雷横执着,不会周全人,倘或见了兄长,没个做圆活处。”今又以“执着”指坚定不移。如:他执着地追求艺术的创新。(李明权)