1.This paper mainly analyzes O Neill s ingenious use of visual languages in his plays, such as the use of masks,the settings,the lights and colors.本文主要探讨奥尼尔剧作中视觉语言的运用。
2.In Bai Wei s and Yang Sao s plays, the authors conciousness of the gender can be found in the full-scale in the creation of the roles.在他们的剧作中,主体的性别意识流灌于人物形象塑造的全过程。
3.People read great ideas and original arts in his nearly 50 plays, which deal with a wide variety of subjects, concerning problems in religion, society, family and humanity.尤金·奥尼尔是二十世纪美国剧坛上具有争议的一位剧作家。

1.The Appreciation Dramatic Arts and plays戏剧艺术与剧作欣赏
2.Study of the Comparative Tragedy Thoughts of Cao Yu and Eugene O neill Theatre;曹禺剧作悲剧观与尤金·奥尼尔剧作悲剧观之比
3.A drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy.悲喜剧一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作
4.Russian dramatist (1860-1904).俄国剧作家(1860-1904)。
5."Wang Jian, who wrote the script, is a veteran playwright of the Theatrical Troupe of the Air Force Political Department."剧作者王俭来自空政话剧团,是一个戏剧创作经验丰富的剧作家。
6.The Dramatic Trend:The Children’s Musicals by Li Jinhui as Drama;走向戏剧性——作为戏剧作品的黎锦晖儿童歌舞剧
7.a writer (especially a playwright) who writes.写作(特别是剧作家)的人。
8.a dramatic composition involving elements of both tragedy and comedy usually with the tragic predominating.既有悲剧成分又有喜剧成分的戏剧作品,通常悲剧成分占主体。
9.Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.去年夏天,鼓手戏剧*变成了业余剧作家.
10.The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one-act play.剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。
11.The playwright scripted the movie.这个剧作家手写了这部戏剧。
12.A writer of tragedies.悲剧家写悲剧的作家
13.The author of a libretto.歌剧、音乐剧的歌词作者
14.practical jokerph.1. 恶作剧者
15.They are fond of playing pranks.他们喜欢恶作剧· .
16.A mischievous trick or practical joke.恶作剧恶作剧或令人难堪的玩笑
17.On the Functions of Play-programming in the Animation Creation;动画剧本创作中剧本规划的重要作用
18.a mischievous prank.一个作弄人的恶作剧

1.The article probes into manifestation of "nature" of Shakespearean play from aesthetic angle.着眼于剧作的主题构建、情节线索设置、语言运用及人性性格组合元素等几个方面 ,分层次论述了“自然诗人”莎士比亚的特色。
2.Human Love,the play by Mrs Kwok-wai,was organized with the story of Leung So Kee Umbrella Factory and knitted with the value of human perfection.杜国威的剧作《人间有情》以梁苏记遮厂的故事为经,以人类至善的价值观念为纬,以细致入微的情感描写为中心,写中国人与人之间独特的"人情味"。
1.She wrote nearly 10 dramas in 1930s,In which she expressed a strong female independent consciousness of striving to get out of the humiliating position and catching at the true love so as to realize the cultural breakthrough of male-centered ideology.她在二十世纪三十年代前后创作了近十部剧作,剧作中透着一股强烈地力争摆脱女性屈辱地位、渴望获得真爱的女性独立意识,在戏剧领域成功地实现了对男性中心意识形态的文化突围。
2.Fan Zidong (1879--1954) was a celebrity in contemporary Chinese cultural histroy, precursor of the Revolution of 1911, outstanding dramatist, and productive scholar.范紫东(1879-1954)是我国近现代文化名人,辛亥革命的先驱、杰出的戏剧作家,著述丰厚的学者。
4)drama works戏剧剧作
5)dramatic works剧作,剧本

电影剧作结构  电影剧作的组织方式和内部构造。影片创作者根据对生活的认识,按照塑造形像、表现主题和思想内涵的需要,运用电影思维和各种艺术手段,把一系列生活材料、人物、事件等,分别轻重主次,合理匀称地加以安排和组织,通过一定的体系和连贯性形成一个统一的整体,使其既符合生活规律,又适应特定的艺术要求。由于现实生活的丰富性、复杂性,创作者的思想观念和艺术才能的独特性,观众审美需要的多样性,具有创造性的影片的剧作结构不会彼此雷同,甚至同一题材在不同创作者手中也会创造出不同结构的作品。电影剧作结构按时间空间处理,可分为顺序式和时空交错式两种主要类型;按叙事角度,可分为主观叙述和客观叙述两种格局;按剧作和各文学门类的关系,可分为戏剧式、散文式、综合式等结构形式。