1.Although Hume s "over-utilitarian" emotionalism lacked moral standards,his discussion on justice and "a sense of common interest".休谟在批判理性主义伦理学的基础上建立了情感主义伦理学。
2.There are three orientations in romantic poetics which are the emotionalism poetics inherited from the 18th century criticism, the Platonism poetics rebuilt from the Plato s aesthetics and the organic view developed from the Aristotle s literature theory.浪漫主义诗学存在着三种不同的倾向:一是从18世纪批评传承而来的情感主义诗论;二是由柏拉图的美学思想改造而来的柏拉图主义诗论;三是从亚理斯多德那里演化而来的有机整体论诗学。
3.Poincare s ethical thoughts belong to the school of emotionalism.彭加勒的伦理观属于情感主义流派,认为价值判断在于主体情感的表达,所以直接以科学方式改造伦理学或制定道德规范是不可能的。

1.The Emotionalism of the 19~(th) British Romantic Poems;论19世纪英国浪漫主义诗歌的情感主义
2.Sentimentalism in David Hume s Theory of Morality Origin;略析休谟道德起源论的情感主义特征
3.Elaboration on Smith s emotionalism moral evalution theory and its modern enlightenment;论斯密情感主义道德评价理论及其当代启示
4.The Human Nature Thought and Natural Law Thought Understanding of Rousseau s Emotion Principle;卢梭的人性论与情感主义自然法思想解读
5.The Development and Value of the Modern Emotional Ethics Theory近代情感主义伦理学思想的理论沿革与价值
6.An inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion.感情主义依赖或太重感情的倾向
7.emotionalism:an inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion.感情主义:依赖或太重感情的倾向.
8.Romanticism--Emotion of the binary opposition mode;浪漫主义——二元对立模式的情感延伸
9.Emotional Problems in Teaching Marxist Theory;马克思主义理论课教学中的情感问题
10.‘Emotional Criticism’ --On Li Changzhi s Literary or Art Criticism;“感情的批评主义”——论李长之的文艺批评
11.The Inspiration of the Theory of Humanism to Affective Teaching人本主义教育理论对情感教学的启示
12.The individual empiricist prides himself on being hard-headed.经验主义者是一个不动感情而感到自豪的人。
13.Sentimentism:On Kant s Complex of Rousseauism from the Teleology in His Philosophy of History;感伤主义:由康德历史哲学中的目的论返观康德的卢梭主义情结
14.Constructivism and Foreign Language Teaching -- On the basis of Piaget’s Theory of Constructivism about Affective Development;建构主义与外语教学——基于皮亚杰关于情感发展的建构主义理论
15.With nationalism comes repression.与民族主义情绪一道出现的还有压抑感。
16.A Social Constructivist Model for the Construction of Affect in FLL;外语学习中基于社会建构主义模式的情感构建
17.Exploration of the Role of Affect in FLT from a Constructivist Perspective;从建构主义角度探索情感在外语教学中的作用
18.On Affect in College English Teaching and Learning From the Aspect of Social Constructivist Model;从社会建构主义看大学英语教学中的情感因素

1.The Research of C. L. Stevenson s Emotivism Ethics;斯蒂文森情感主义伦理思想研究
1.Hoverver,this is because of basing on standpoint of emotionism, he misunderstands ethical problem, and regards ethical problem as how to remove disagreement in attitudes.而这是由于他基于情感主义立场,错误地理解了对伦理学问题,将伦理学问题当作如何消除态度分歧的问题。
1.Both postemotion and postemotionalism have been first suggested by Professor Wang Yichuan, which means a new emotion-tide has been growing in the sphere of the literature and art around the country.关于“后情感”和“后情感主义”这两个概念是王一川先生在国内首次提出,以表明一种新的情感浪潮正在国内文艺界悄然兴起。
1.Affection is Zhang Yimou\'s aesthetic pursuit in his movies from the course of Zhang Yimou\'s art ideas development,the individual passion demonstration goes along the route:emotionalism→sub-emotionalism→post-emotionalism→sub-emotionalis情感性是张艺谋电影的审美追求,从张艺谋艺术思想的发展历程看,他执导的电影对个体情感的表现经历了一个从"情感主义"到"隐情感主义"到"后情感主义"再到"隐情感主义"的回归的发展过程。
