1.The Disappearance and Re-appearance of “Aura”: The Way We See the Old Films;“光韵”的消失和再生——我们今天怎么看老电影
2.This article attempts to explore Benjamin s emotion toward art in the mechanical reproduction period surrounding three aspects: the admiration of the art in the mechanical reproduction period , the cherishing memory of aura art, and the hesitant attitude toward modern art.本文从“对机械复制时代艺术的礼赞”、“对光韵艺术的怀念”、“对现代艺术的矛盾态度”三方面来探讨本雅明对机械复制时代艺术的情感。

1.The Disappearance and Re-appearance of “Aura”: The Way We See the Old Films;“光韵”的消失和再生——我们今天怎么看老电影
2.Come to where the flavor is . Marlboro Country .光临风韵之境 ─万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)
3.Marlboro:come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.万宝路香烟:光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。
4.Welcome to this scenic place, where you will find an endless enjoyment for your holiday.欢迎光临风韵之境,给您的假日增添无穷乐趣。
5.Poetic Mode and Rhyme and Light--the Evolution of the Discourse of the Artistic Theory of Poetry in China and India;《诗式》和《韵光》——中、印诗歌艺术理论话语的嬗变
6.On Phonology Transformation in"Guang Yun"and Phonology at Second and Third Grade in"Yun Jin;论《广韵》变韵与《韵镜》二、三等韵之关系
7.White paint doors reflect saintly and noble sublimity, reveal mild, calm and fancy verve.白色烤漆泛着圣洁而高贵的光芒,展现平和、恬静、奇幻的神韵。
8.The Chinese and Japanese research distinctions in phonology--in academic contradistinctive view;中日汉语音韵学研究的差异——以比较学术史的眼光观察
9.On the implications of the separation and combination of 益 and 石, and Chong-niu(重纽) in Qie-yun(切韵);关于“益”、“石”分合的涵义和《切韵》的重纽──与张光宇先生商榷
10.of or relating to measure.韵律的或与韵律有关的。
11."Long" rhymes with "song"."long"与"song"押韵。
12." Long" and" song" rhyme.long和song押韵。
13." House" rhymes with" mouse" .“House”与“mouse”同韵。
14." Bold" and" cold" are rhymes.“Bold”和“cold”同韵。
15.The Character of Ji Yun's Phonological System-from the Contrast of Ji Yun and Guang Yun从《集韵》与《广韵》小韵的比较看《集韵》音系的特点
16.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考
17.A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty;梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析
18.On the Disparment and Combinableness of The Ge in the Series Books of Qieyun --The Comparison of the Fanqie about The Ge;《切韵》系韵书歌戈韵分合性质研究——歌戈韵在韵书中的反切比较

3)light charming art光韵艺术
1.QIN Guan Ci embodies "rhyme" from the perspective of feeling for the external things and way of expressing it: rhyme caught inside the heart of the poet and it is elusive and enthralling; agile rhyme which is, expressive and connotative."韵"是一种外在形态,更是内在的精神。
2.The rhyme is the main idea in books com- mented by Huang Tingjian.韵是黄庭坚书论的核心思想。
3.On the basis of an analysis and summarization of Chinese poems,this paper elaborates the ten functions of rhyme.韵是一种极为复杂的现象,在诗歌中具有多方面的功能。
1."Dynamic","rhythm"and"artistic fun"are much valued,which is borrowed into poetic theory.其书法之美趣为"力"、"韵"、"意",这既是他们书法创作的追求,也是他们用来衡量书法优劣的标准。
2.The "vivid rhythm" and the "Bone-liked Style of Drawing" of the six principles have been the fundamental pursuance in Chinese painting.南齐谢赫在《画品》所创发的"六法精论",实乃我国古代绘画经验的系统总结,奠定了我国美术思想发展史上极其重要的理论基石;尤其是六法中的"气韵生动"与"骨法用笔",一直是中国绘画的根本追求,它概括了绘画的普遍规律,具有"俯遗则于来叶"、"历千载而不移"的理论价值。
3.Wang Zhuo put forward the following esthetical criteria of Ci - poetry:human disposition, nature, a mean rule or justice, elegance and rhythm, and made some practical searches on these criteria for the purpose of creation and appreciation of Ci - poetry.王灼提出词的审美标准——性情、自然、中正、雅、韵等,并作了深入具体的探讨,从历史和逻辑的结合上为词的创作与鉴赏确立了自我的美学观念。
1.This paper discusses how to melt the charm of traditional graphs into designing modern,independent,up-to-date international symbols.将传统图形艺术结合到现代标志的设计中是设计出具有主张性、时代性和国际性的现代标志的重要手段之一,把握与承传传统图形的“韵,”并最终将其融合到现代标志的设计之中,是传统图形艺术与现代标志设计结合的一个难点。
2.Some similarities and dissimilarities can be found from the comparison between Chinese classical theory of "charm" and that of India,which have no conspicuous external factual connection.将没有外在“事实联系”的中印古典“韵”论并置在一起进行比较,其相同之处有四:一是对“韵”这个审美范畴“推尊之以为极致”;二是认为韵与味在本质上有相通之处;三是对韵的内涵的理解基本相同;四是都运用比喻来言说。
3.In Southern Dynasties,it became the significant aesthetic category of Chinese ancient painting since the theory of "vigor and charm" had been put forward by Xie He.自南朝齐谢赫提出“气韵生动”以来,它就成为中国古代绘画的重要美学范畴了。
