物哀,sorrow for objects
1)sorrow for objects物哀
1.As the beautiful pearl in the artistic theories of each country,"the sense of objects"and"sorrow for objects"respectively has the historical development of itself.作为中日两国古典艺术理论的优秀结晶,"物感"与"物哀"本身各有其历史发展的过程。
2.This article discusses the formation and development of aesthetic standards in the "Sorrow and Sorrow for Objects"The theory and the practice from sorrow of"Sorrow Poem",sorrow for objects of "The Tale of Genji"to sorrow for objects essence Benjuxuanchang delineates the characteristics of Japanese classical literature and sorrow aethetic本文着重阐述“哀”与“物哀”审美观的形成与发展 ,从万叶歌的“哀”、《源氏物语》的“物哀”到本居宣长的“知物哀”等文学理论与实践中揭示日本古典文学感伤悲美的的独特
3.There are many similarities from form to content between“sorrow for objects”and“sympathetic spirit”.“物哀”是日本古代重要文学思潮,并影响着日本人的精神世界,成为其民族审美文化的象征;“物感”是中国六朝时期重要的文论。

1.Sorrow and Sorrow for Objects;“哀”与“物哀”——论日本古典文学的感伤悲美
2.Substance Sadness and Substance Feeling --The Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Aesthetic Judgment;“物哀”与“物感”——中日审美范畴之比较
3.On Styles of KawabataYasunari s Works:Beauty,Sadness and Emotionalness;美 悲苦 物哀——川端康成创作浅谈
4.A Discussion on the “mono-no-aware” aesthetic of Yasunari Kawabata s Works;试论川端康成作品中的“物哀”之美
5.An Aesthetic Interest that Regards the Sad as the Beautiful --A Tentative Analysis of Mononoawale in Japanese Literature;以悲为美的审美情趣——日本文学理念“物哀”试析
6.The Connotative Reverse:The Change of the Subject and Object Relationship in the Theory Development of "The Sense of Objects" and "Sorrow for Objects";隐含的对立——试析“物感”与“物哀”理论发展中主客体关系之流变
7.The sorrow & beauty shakings of traditional literature--The grief-touching beauty spread and inherited by the novel THE SNOW COUNTRY;传统文学悲与美的震撼——以《雪国》传承的“物哀”美为中心
8.Reading "The Fu of Grief" in "Wenxuan;所遇无敌物,焉得不速老——读《文选》“哀伤赋”
9.“Mononoaware” in Classical Literary Theory of Japan;日本古典文艺理论中的“物之哀”浅论
10.On the Relationship between"the Sadness"in the Seventh Paragraph of "Tsurezuregusa" and the Thoughts of Zhuang Zi《徒然草》中的“物之哀”与庄子思想
11.Mona Monroe mourned the moral morass of the monster.门罗夫人为这个陷入道德困境的怪物而哀伤。
12.On the damp land, I guide verse and the object of Ai Hao.在潮湿的土地上,我引领诗歌和哀嗥的物体。
13.Characters inform, argue, amuse, outrage, argue through the ebb and flow of dialogue.人物的喜怒哀乐都要通过对话的变化来展现。
14.A Study on the Fern Medicinal Resources from Ailaoshan Mountain National Nature Reserve,Yunnan,China;云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区蕨类植物资源
15."Who gives in the evening the meat he is searching for, when his young ones are crying to God; when the young lions with loud noise go wandering after their food?"乌鸦之雏因无食物飞来飞去,哀告神。那时,谁为它预备食物呢?
16.Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.乌鸦之雏因无食物飞来飞去,哀告神。那时,谁为它预备食物呢。
17.Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food?41乌鸦之雏因无食物飞来飞去,哀告神。那时,谁为它预备食物呢。
18.Mineral Typomorphic Characteristics and Prospecting Mineralogical Guides of Primary Au-deposits in the Ailaoshan Gold Ore Belt哀牢山金矿带原生金矿床矿物标型特征及找矿矿物学标志

1.Based on the analysis of mono-no-aware s aesthetic view and language expression,it reveals the far-reaching influence of Buddhist thought over the Japanese literature.通过对"物哀"美学观和语言表达的分析,揭示了佛教思想对日本文学的深远影响。
1.Xuanxue of Wei and Jin Dynasties and Japanese Literature Thoughts of Mononoaware;魏晋玄学与日本物哀文学思潮
1.This feeling of life and seasons made the Japanese form their particular aesthetic consciousness,which lies at the heart of sentimentality,vanity and silence,mysterious profundity.这种生命感和季节感感悟使日本人萌生出独具特色的审美意识,这种审美意识以"物哀"、"空寂"、"幽玄"等等范畴为中核,表现于文艺等方面。
5)Grief Touching Beauty物哀美
6)mourning truth物哀真实

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