1.Helpless Insistence in Predicament——Zhao Shu-li s Life in Beijing;无奈中的坚守——进京之后的赵树理
2.The dialogue between insistence and query of enlightenment reflects the popular spiritual anxiety of 20th century inte.李锐小说中存在的启蒙的坚守与质疑的双声对话,折射出20世纪知识分子一种普遍的精神焦虑,其原因与20世纪的启蒙文化情境以及启蒙者在启蒙立场与民间立场之间的矛盾密切相关。

1.be stubborn in resolution or resistance.坚守决议或坚持抵抗。
2.Hold your line, men! In position!坚守你们的岗位,兄弟们!
3.He always stands tohis post.他总是坚守工作岗位。
4.You should keep to your principle.你应该坚守你的原则。
5.Teachers must stick to this rule.教师必须坚守这条规定。
6.He has remained constant to his principles.他始终坚守他的原则。
7.The city held out for six months under siege.该城被围坚守了6个月。
8.We must keep to our post.我们必须坚守岗位。
9.He is steadfast in his faith.他坚守自己的信念。
10.adhere to one's opinions, a promise, a political party坚持自己的意见、 坚守诺言、 忠于一政党.
11.I don't want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We're not holding anything. Let the Hun do that.我不想收到电报,说什么“我们正在坚守阵地”。我们不坚守任何阵地,让德国鬼子们去坚守阵地。
12.Huxiang Culture is paid attention to adherence, closed and preservative, lacking of prime power of innovation.湖湘文化“重坚守”,封闭保守,缺乏创新活力。
13.The guard had orders to remain at his post whatever happened.守卫接到命令——无论发生什么情况都要坚守岗位。
14.Tradition and Transformation:Upholding Justice,Protecting Conscience and Safeguarding Honor传统与转型:坚守正义、守护良知和维护荣誉
15.The place is expected to hold out to the last man.这个地方须坚守到最后一人。
16.a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops).一个坚守的位置,特别指军队的最前方。
17.He preferred to sit tight with his present investment.他宁肯坚守自己目前的投资。
18.You have encouraged enterprise and flair. You have upheld clear values.你鼓励创新,重视人才,坚守明确的信念。

1.From then till 1949, the guiding principles for running the university embodied a transformation from adherence to the spirit of the university to the loss of it.至 194 9年的17年间 ,其办学方针体现出对大学精神从坚守到失落的转变。
2.He took his experience of "land" / "City" as his source of creation, dedicated to his writing of the aesthetic experience, through the "resistance and adherence " the existence of such a paradox throughout his novel , he took us into his spiritual world .阎连科是当代一位重要的有着自己独特的精神追求的小说家,他的小说呈现出强烈的个人化色彩:他以自我对于“土地”、“城市”等等的体验为创作的源泉,执着于书写自我的审美体验,通过贯穿始终的“反抗与坚守”这样一悖论性存在带我们走进他的精神世界。
1.On Philippine Chinese literature's persistence and inheritance of central China culture论菲律宾华文文学对中原文化的坚守与传承
1.Behind this,what we saw is the insist and appeal of him on moral.鬼子的小说一直以诉求苦难著称,他在这篇《瓦城上空的麦田》里,敏锐而清醒地看到了社会中正在丢失的某些美好人性,因此,他像一个道德审判者一样,对我们每个人发出了道德的审判,在这背后我们看到的是他对道德的坚守和呼唤。
5)persevering in the character坚守品格
6)stick to the mainstream精神坚守

坚守英雄连  中国人民解放军广西边防部队某步兵团第5连,中越边境自卫还击作战中顽强坚守阵地的英雄集体。1979年3月在中越边境自卫还击作战中, 该连奉命攻取并固守542高地。在友邻连队和强大炮火支援下,副连长夏柱玉率领一个排攻占高地,越军在重机枪掩护下进行反扑,夏柱玉带领两名战士匍匐前进,用手榴弹炸毁其火力点。连长黎有连沉着指挥。副指导员陈茂高多处受伤,二排长王水成左臂被炸断,仍继续指挥战士抗击,直至牺牲。机枪手高万林双腿被炸断,坚持战斗到生命最后一息。战斗最激烈时,二排阵地仅剩的3名战士自动组成战斗小组,机智变换位置,交替使用多种武器,沉着勇敢地打退越军3次大的反扑,5次小股偷袭。全连坚守十昼夜,共击退越军15次反扑,击毙231人,为夺取战斗胜利作出了重大贡献。全连立集体一等功。1979年9月17日,中国共产党中央军事委员会授予该连"坚守英雄连"称号,并授予副连长夏柱玉"战斗英雄"称号。